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Rep (negative or positive) you'd like to appeal or share


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this is were you do as the thread title states.



If you think you don't deserve that neg, then by all means ask about it here.  


don't understand somebody's rep comment (there are those who possess the ability to leave rep comments, but who often do not possess the ability to communicate very well) ?   inquire here.


think some rep was given to you or somebody else was biased or just utterly fuckin stupid?  call that shit out here.

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assecretmaker 10xnegged me for agreeing to a post  that vampy's girl is cute.    


that is just fucked.


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  On 11/22/2013 at 9:59 AM, assecretmaker said:

 dick is better than be a pussy.

wrong thread.  please cease  the irrelevant


Edited by SSchadenfreude
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littlemike Rep (negative or positive) you'd like to appeal or share -1 ----- Today, 05:11 AM

oh hi littlemike!  i noticed you negged the very first post in this thread.  just wondering why

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  On 11/23/2013 at 1:35 AM, Kuya Swagpoo said:

^sounds like internet persona; no h8

i don't think asecretmaker should be negging you (sschadenfreude) the amount he does. unnecessary skewing of rep system.

being butthurt on the internet also unnecessary.

did you specify you were talking to sschadenfreude so i wouldn't think you were talking to me, and so you're saying i deserve to be neg repped?????

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  On 11/23/2013 at 1:35 AM, ver said:

any1 who has ever neg repd me neg rep me to my face. bitchs. fuckn little pussy ass 5'4 twinks in ur little number (n)ine aprons and shit. get at me. i have never neg repped any1. but u fags neg me n e ways. prob cause ur jealous of me w/ my 10/10 face while ur censoring ur face (because u "dont want to be identified irl" lol ya rite as if ugly motherfuckers) and buying size xxxs junya so u can fit into ur little internet clique. if u pussies have something to say to me come to my house. ill fuckin burst u. if u have neg repped me and see me in the hood it will b the last thing u see. if my account isnt postive by next week im grabbing a shank and stabbing the first mother fucker i see in wtaps. this is ur last warning. im not joking. thanks for reading.

i done it whatch u gonna do

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  On 11/22/2013 at 9:25 PM, jonny said:

i love what the internet does to people.


reputation systems tend to degrade conversations

actually, they tend to discourage people from having conversations to begin with

at least they're good for revealing the petty, lazy, and cowardly sides of people

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  On 11/23/2013 at 8:03 AM, jamokes said:

reputation systems tend to degrade conversations

actually, they tend to discourage people from having conversations to begin with

as if texting/chatting and social media hasn't already degraded human conversations

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  On 11/23/2013 at 7:50 PM, fobsquad said:

as if texting/chatting and social media hasn't already degraded human conversations

that's true

texting and chatting have expedited and simplified conversations on top of making them less personal, but i've yet to see a pattern of them preventing the conversations from happening in the first place

reputation systems have become integral to most social media, so i won't touch on that specifically

it's not as though i don't think there are contexts where reputation systems are useful and don't degrade interactions (mainly because those interactions rely on images or remote information more than conversing)

however, i don't think those contexts include using reputation as a way to badger persistently or to criticize minus any kind of critique

allowing people to routinely interact through the digital equivalents of snerks and snorts without forcing them to contribute something as lame as *snerk* and *snort* every single time has surpisingly broad consequences

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