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wait wtf anaal nathrakh is from the uk???????

Is it that hard to believe a decent metal band comes from this country? How else would Shane Embury be their live bassist?

Not a fan of the most recent record, and I don't know if I'd ever really call them Black Metal but everything up to and including Eschaton is pretty good in its own way.

Worth checking out their (now-defunct) other projects - Mistress is pretty awesome if you like kinda Black/Doom(ish) Crust. Good dudes too.

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... i still sometimes, when im not in a totally metal mood, throw on cradle of filth. pre-midian. i think they write great pop tunes.

i have to admit i do like the midian album. i love the clive barker references and the fact that doug bradley is on it. but then again i like the stormblast album by dimmu borgir.

i think that both of those bands had one good album. to me all of daemon burgers new stuff sounds like the soundtrack to the mummy.

this just makes me giggle

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true enough but the UK hasn't really done much for black metal besides CoF (note: i am not saying that CoF is black metal, and i hate them too) but death and thrash owe a lot to the UK. as well as the entire NWOBHM, i mean its in the name. come on.

Ey? Ever heard of a band called Venom, they frickin invented the genre!!

It has to be said though that the UK is not well known for its Black metal offerings, the only bands/projects I can think of that havent already been mentioned are benighted leams and Akercocke, and I cant say that I like either of them, were much better at doom.

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There are fucking loads of decent Black Metal projects in the UK.

For those of you that think the French scene is the best then check out and find (if you can) Oubliette, both demo's are pure brilliance, gloomy as fuck with the melody of bands like Celestia and Mutiilation. You most likely won’t get the Cassettes on Todestrieb anymore but you'll find both demos on DC++. If you don't think it's gonna be worth the effort to find them you are gravely mistaken!!!!

In a similar depressing vein is a band called Lyrinx - Their last release Nihilistic Purity is immense and can be obtained from the underground label Monolithic Records amongst other places.

Moving into even more atmospheric pastures brings us to a band called Fen - Atmospheric BM inspire post-rock, best track they've done is The Gales Scream of Loss, awesome track.

Now aside from all this slow paced stuff, some people prefer more bombastic, fist pumping BM. This brings us to Necro Ritual - You could call these guys A-typical satanic black metal but it you see them live then you'll know why they are worth praise. Their new CD is due for release and will definitely slay!

Close to where I live are Iceni who recently played a 3 day mini tour and have improved their live performance 10 fold since they played their debut show in may last year. Their CD-R demo is also available from Monolithic Records and the new track they've put up on myspace "Sacred Realms Beneath a Blackened Firmament" is a fucking epic tune, it doesn't even have vocals on it yet and it's immense!

Lastly (as I’m not gonna namedrop every band in the uk) Wodensthrone are another Heathen BM band that have been given great praise, their split with Niroth (another great UKBM act I might add) and their latest split with Folkvang are great releases and should be checked out without doubt.

There are loads more decent bands but I'd rather people put the effort in to find them on their own. Bands in the UK don't promote themselves much and that in my opinion is why the UK scene is overlooked, not because of Cradle of Filth!

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Really liking Iceni, wonder how many people know what the name means (without reading the myspace blurb that is). Its interesting that Uk bands dont seem to promote themselves as much, I cant say Ive heard of any of the bands you mentioned, but then again I suppose Im not really into black metal as much as I used to be so I dont really have the motivation to delve into any of the underground stuff. As for the Cradle of filth comment, well that was somewhat tongue in cheek, but Im sure you got that.

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