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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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Richardson himself strikes me as full of shit / full of himself and pretty unlikeable. His work generally doesn't appeal and his whole 'celebrity photographer blurring the line between art and porn' thing is boring and not nearly as transgressive as it wants to be. That said, every now and then I'll see a picture of his that really blows me away and I'll have to admit that the guy has some talent.

Also, he looks like that trannyboy out of Le Tigra.

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Maybe it's just me but I always have trouble questioning the validity of applying the term "art" to any given work or creation. For every point there is going to be a counterpoint, depending on the 'eye of the beholder.' Having said that, I think richardson produces art, that is also smut... and yes, it can be both.

u n i v e r s a l m a t e r i a l i s t

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did you see he just did a "fashon" spread in roling stone. It's OK, better than their normal stuff. I think they are trying to be a little edgy as of this issue. I am a big fan of Vice Magazine, where Terry is a regular contributor and I think his photoography is pretty good. But, hey I don't mind looking at tits, and the occaciasional gross shit.

Live is too short for bad denim!

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you're an idiot. plain & simple. got anything better to do than dropping subjects every 2 seconds?

talking like i know everything about everything, making new subjects every 5 minutes, don't care too much for don't care too much for crap's crap.

Edited by dontcaretoomuch4dontcare on Mar 3, 2005 at 10:23 PM

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the new vice issue with the work that he did with his ex, that cute japanese photographer girl is cool cos the photos were them on a trip - there's one particular photo of them (self portrait) were Terry Richardson's face has got love all over it.. they must've just did it or something.

his work is alright - don't know how to really articulate the artistic aspects of it. seems like he has the knack for capturing everything that goes through all our dirty little minds from time to time.. and he has no shame doing it.

i don't think he's doing it to shock, but more so to communicate that everyone has a familiarity with the explicit acts depicted .. it's not like it's just a couple fucking.. it's him shoving his face in some girls ass, or a girl milk a cow on her tits...

whether you'd ever admit it or not, chances are, you looked at those pics and were like, "oh, wow... other people think that shit too!"

am I fuckin with you? maybe.


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the fact that people get upset about terry richardson is exactly what he's going after. it's provocative work, and it's meant to fuck with your social/moral boundaries. the more upset and shocked you get, the more he succeeds as an artist. i think his stuff is great for what it is. he's not trying to reinvent the wheel, so i wouldn't try reading to much into the subject matter. without juergen teller there would be no terry richardson. juergen was shooting the same subject matter 15 years ago.

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the fact that people get upset about terry richardson is exactly what he's going after. it's provocative work, and it's meant to fuck with your social/moral boundaries.

If that actually is Richardson's intention, than it's totally lazy and tired. Shit's been done a million times before and a million times better. Anyone who has grown up with an internet connection is hardly going to have their social/moral boundries fucked with by hamburger shots of a 19 year old junkie who needs a wash and a sandwich.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Mar 7, 2005 at 01:53 PM

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I havent read his interviews so I guess have to find out more.

But I think in which art form or anything, he has become known for this sort of style of smut and art. Hence, i guess hes known for something and has a unique style.

And I guess from a technical photographic perspective he can do anything, portraits, landscapes, porn and high fashion gucci. He def has the ability to capture lighting and frame things in.

post. http://www.post.fm


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I think all y'all should stick to discussing the rise and fall of the Nike Dunk and fretting over whether you got the "right" pair of Nudies on eBay. Any deviation from the above is pretty embarassing, by the looks of it.

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