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  On 7/29/2013 at 12:10 AM, the hall of vame said:

i go to the best avant garde art school in the nation, shit aint wack, b.

i participate in solo and group shows n could care less if a few kids on a forum that isnt related to object making/painting think its wack

keep on trollin bros, ill keep laughin cause you dont understand it


Care enough to post stuff on a forum not related to object making / painting~ B)

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posting on a fashion forum because i enjoy fashion... posting in a thread titled post your creations for the same reason someone would post in a WAYWT thread.

youre trolling the same way cheapmf is now

n please tell me how its lame, cheapmf, id love to hear it, same goes for you cassava, you say you dont know shit about art yet say i could be commissioned by the sistine chapel n itd still be awful.

bunch of kids standing for something they know nothing about, trolling n sayin stuff theyd never say to a persons face, hilarious.

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misguided and derivative how? that doesnt even make sense. its one thing to say something, another to know why you said it.

i love how everyone must put a punchline in after a statement because a little humor will gain a +rep

ive never been shit on in a crit, nor would that justify your statement. every artist should be shit in at one point, whether its real or not, its a building point in your career and you can learn a lot from it.

my teachers are the smartest people ive ever met, have their masters in painting and studio practices and are paid to give their honest opinion and help their students grow and ive never heard anything sugarcoated from them. i am accepted into the #2 masters in painting program (of which has one of the most rigorous interview processes and smallest acceptance rates) in the country and am attempting to get into the #1 school and you think i should validate the opinion of ppl who dont know anything about art, let alone the theory and progression behind it?

edit: and this isnt a crit, this is the internet and ppl throwing out unjustified opinions on something they dont understand

Edited by the hall of vame
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  On 7/29/2013 at 5:46 AM, the hall of vame said:

misguided and derivative how? that doesnt even make sense. its one thing to say something, another to know why you said it.

i love how everyone must put a punchline in after a statement because a little humor will gain a +rep

ive never been shit on in a crit, nor would that justify your statement. every artist should be shit in at one point, whether its real or not, its a building point in your career and you can learn a lot from it.

my teachers are the smartest people ive ever met, have their masters in painting and studio practices and are paid to give their honest opinion and help their students grow and ive never heard anything sugarcoated from them. i am accepted into the #2 masters in painting program (of which has one of the most rigorous interview processes and smallest acceptance rates) in the country and am attempting to get into the #1 school and you think i should validate the opinion of ppl who dont know anything about art, let alone the theory and progression behind it?

edit: and this isnt a crit, this is the internet and ppl throwing out unjustified opinions on something they dont understand

my dude, i think this might be like my second or third post but ive lurked for like 5 years now and had to respond to your vacuous statements.

misguided and derivative make COMPLETE sense in regards to your work. Its derivative of the thousands of other artists before you who've done the same minimalist block concept you are working with, except 1000x better. I understand you are a student and are in the process of learning your craft, but cmon dude your shit isn't avant-garde (i know you haven't stated that your work is but youve been doing a lot of really vague name dropping, of which avant garde was one) its barely minimal, and has an extreme lack of focus or point. Literally you spray painted some fucking taped off boards and are getting butt hurt about people not liking them acting like you are free from criticism because you SAY you go to a good school and are therefore entitled to compliments or admiration. Thats not to say that a piece of wood with a square in it is not to be considered art, but that shit is only relevant or powerful in a certain time and place, i.e. the post war era when artists were redefining what it meant to create, what it meant to be a colored block in a white background, what it meant to be a little squiggly red line in a neon green world etc etc. 

You are recycling already done concepts. The only piece of yours that i would say has potential is in post #4158 but even then the concept needs a bit of work.

Youve got a bad case of cognitive dissonance. You are painting to audience that isn't there and your shit shows up every damn page with no improvement and you defend yourself like noone else. Just because you go to an art school does not mean your shit is automatically untouchable, i mean its good to be proud of your work but damn dude...

what school do you go to and who teaches you cause you are making some god damn ikea art

just post and move on like everyone else, no need to call out everyone who negs you 

Edited by grahamcracka
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my wife graduated from tyler... she thinks your work sucks too.


i just think its boring.



\quote: this is the internet and ppl throwing out unjustified opinions on something they dont understand



exactly. this is the internet, not your circlejerk art school. 

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far from conceited and im not defending anything, im writing sentences asking people to back up their statements and all you do is throw out punchlines and things like "its boring" which has no justification at all. its an opinion not a reason.

to say i taped off some wooden boards is just another diss, along with calling it ikea art. this whole thing goes nowhere because its a bunch of ppl being internet bullies just to be one. as is saying im recycling old ideas that were done 1000x better. you obviously also dont know what avant garde means.

i dont care that you dont enjoy my work or diss me and it, i know plenty of people who are well respected in the art community that do and for good reasons and ill stick to their criticism and input as to what works and what doesnt, not someones wife who went to tyler.

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nope, dont care and to call something derivative is non sense, that means anyone doing a life drawing on here is being derivative of anyone who has done one in the past. anyone doing anything someone has done in the past is too. and to say "still learning your craft" is bullshit as well, its not something that oh, im out of my grad program, i know everything, its a field of constant learning. because someone finishes nursing school, theyre done learning then, right?

im not defending, im asking questions and getting troll jokes because you cant formulate anything other than them.

at least they are laugh worthy.

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  On 9/16/2012 at 5:11 AM, the hall of vame said:

a large part of my paintings are about balance n what makes a painting. much more to it but ill save it unless youd really like to know more...

so indulge us, but it sound to me like you hiding behind thinking you able to justify your shit because you go to a good school or your work is liked by people who are apparently well known respected and liked in the "art community." chat bout, your work is a big inside joke?

simply put your paintings are 1 dimensional, uninteresting and lack depth. you don't even have a visual foundation to fall back on cuz shit's ugly. you can look at output from many painters ie twombly marden rauschenberg johns etc and how varied their work is. you can look back at an early work and appreciate/understand something you didn't before, and then maybe the canon as a whole. but at the same time this don't mean i like all of them or think they're good, cuz you actin like even they never been panned by people who are apparently well known respect and liked in the "art community."

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  On 7/29/2013 at 5:00 PM, CASSAVA PIECE said:

so indulge us, but it sound to me like you hiding behind thinking you able to justify your shit because you go to a good school or your work is liked by people who are apparently well known respected and liked in the "art community." chat bout, your work is a big inside joke?

a lot of reference to what the border of a painting does. how does the frame reference where it is on the wall, how a certain mark can open or shut down a canvas to a viewers eye... how reading a painting can be similar to reading a book (ie. left to right)


how can a painting live on its own in its own entity. what changes about the painting if you attempt to have it live amongst other paintings and how it interacts amongst them. how a small painting is an object but a large painting is an experience. positive vs negative shapes. why the eye attempts to picture the left over shape off the canvas. many things mathematically related in approach to balance and talking about paintings in terms of weight and what depth can be seen thru it. how does a canvas shape chance the process or approach to the painting. is the space its in where it came from, or where it will end up? layering/additive vs subtractive moves. these things are non additive. people always want more, but, what if you give them less and it does the same thing just as well? how little can you give them? do they get upset? why do they want more? the paintings are all answers to questions, but, you dont need to know the question in order to understand them.

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  On 7/29/2013 at 5:00 PM, CASSAVA PIECE said:

so indulge us, but it sound to me like you hiding behind thinking you able to justify your shit because you go to a good school or your work is liked by people who are apparently well known respected and liked in the "art community." chat bout, your work is a big inside joke?

simply put your paintings are 1 dimensional, uninteresting and lack depth. you don't even have a visual foundation to fall back on cuz shit's ugly. you can look at output from many painters ie twombly marden rauschenberg johns etc and how varied their work is. you can look back at an early work and appreciate/understand something you didn't before, and then maybe the canon as a whole. but at the same time this don't mean i like all of them or think they're good, cuz you actin like even they never been panned by people who are apparently well known respect and liked in the "art community."


Going to SAIC myself I strongly agree with this. Many people in the painting department correlate with artist such as Twombly but only adorn one aspect/aesthetic of his work. The thing is that painters such as Twombly show high volumes of dimensionality where as most of the students who try to follow these footsteps fail in doing so. 

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Not tryna bite at anybody but I never really got how anybody can frame their own work/put up their own work in their own house etc.

I feel like with personal artwork I grow tired of it faster than I grow tired of any other person's work.  I put up one of my paintings on society6 so I could get an iPhone cover with it on there and about a week after I got it I got bored of it.

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  On 8/14/2013 at 3:09 AM, EG562 said:

my spot is full of my paintings, if they dont make you happy when you look at them, then ur doin it wrong. 

I guess they just don't make me as excited as when I first finish them

Personally I've come to the conclusion that resting on your laurels/having an overly appreciative attitude towards your own work keeps you from improving as quickly.


Some recent stuff:



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