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Natse, the artwork is dope as always, but the muted colors def don't work for this. nor does the text imo.

OF's always associated with neon ass colors.

Mike, in my opinion atleast as a web designer I'd say the smallest resolution you really wanna be worried about is 1280x800. poly's right. at that resolution you can't see the full picture.

not the easiest solution, but an idea is to base your layouts on %'s

on my site the grid columns are all based on %'s of the window and all the content (except for text actually) scales accordingly. I'm sure no one ever notices this feature, but that's kinda the point.


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i don't know if i's because your photos are all portrait but it kind of makes it look not so pretty because when you scroll vertically, you don't see the entire shot. just my 2 cents.

Fits on my screen fine, I have an issue with the menu though, (IMO) I think it would be better if the menu stayed where it was when you scrolled.

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you mean the whole photo doesn't fit in the window..? I suppose it depends on resolution and browser, seemed to fit on my 15" laptop though.
Natse, the artwork is dope as always, but the muted colors def don't work for this. nor does the text imo.

OF's always associated with neon ass colors.

Mike, in my opinion atleast as a web designer I'd say the smallest resolution you really wanna be worried about is 1280x800. poly's right. at that resolution you can't see the full picture.

not the easiest solution, but an idea is to base your layouts on %'s

on my site the grid columns are all based on %'s of the window and all the content (except for text actually) scales accordingly. I'm sure no one ever notices this feature, but that's kinda the point.


yeah, what DUM said, I'm on a 13", and it's funny I brought this up to a friend on his site the other day and he said who uses 13"? But yeah, I think if it were % vs pixels, it would display cleaner, especially since it's a photo site.

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Guest nowbaking

if it wasnt so obvious, i think it might be a better representation. things as literal as that dont always translate well into art, but sometimes they do.

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