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ahh... blood soaked jeans.. i mean SOAKED. someone has to try that. anyone close to a butcher? "hi i'd like pig blood. lots." "- what for?" "- gonna soak my jea---i mean i'm in a death metal band and we're gonna have this concert..." "ahh k cool, here you go"

--- when you ponder where in your area there might be a butcher so that you can get some blood to soak your jeans in.

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ahh... blood soaked jeans.. i mean SOAKED. someone has to try that. anyone close to a butcher? "hi i'd like pig blood. lots." "- what for?" "- gonna soak my jea---i mean i'm in a death metal band and we're gonna have this concert..." "ahh k cool, here you go"

--- when you ponder where in your area there might be a butcher so that you can get some blood to soak your jeans in.

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I dont get tickets, I go the speed limit, so as not to get in a bloody accident in which I might ruin my denim.

I used to ride my bike really carefully and slower than usual when I wore jeans because if I got into an accident it would royaly fuck them up. I imagined myself crashing, getting physically injured, but only caring that I ripped and bloodied my precious jeans.



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I dont get tickets, I go the speed limit, so as not to get in a bloody accident in which I might ruin my denim.

I used to ride my bike really carefully and slower than usual when I wore jeans because if I got into an accident it would royaly fuck them up. I imagined myself crashing, getting physically injured, but only caring that I ripped and bloodied my precious jeans.



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when your buisy at work into doing your shit or vegging out cuz a hangover and you hear 2 co-workers taking about jeans they bought or are wearing and your ears perk up and you try to listen in on what they are saying.

when your in the club and u dont talk to girls not wearing denim cuz your look for that dream girl who knows her denim and is sporting some really nice selvage.

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when your in the club and u dont talk to girls not wearing denim cuz your look for that dream girl who knows her denim and is sporting some really nice selvage.

:-)) ahah so the simple fact that she wear those nice selvage is a proof that you can really have a nice realationship with her right ?

because the simple fact that she wear those jeans is a proof that her world its the same as your world.

-- when someone asks for your photo and all you can find are photos of your jeans on your computer.

lol this one was great

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