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Guest Hopfer
You just failed the first test she gave you.

Don't say that it was a test! That gives me hope that she's even slightly interested in my shit. I don't think that she is :(

I've been talking to this chick for about 3 months as well. She says she likes me and wants to take things slow. but I think i might be getting played. I have not done shit with this girl yet. Mostly because she isnt giving off a welcoming vibe. At the same time she'll act disappointed if I havn't hung out with her in a while or am not talking to her or what not. Fuck, and convo doesnt even flow that easy with her. fucking bitch needs to stop playing.

Move on. She's toying with you to make herself feel better.

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it's just starting to seem that lame basics don't get me excited and my craziest shit i can't wear everyday, so i'm going into a save mentality. i'll probably get 1 or 2 big ticket things a year and start saving for a rainy day.

while i was away, i kind of said fuck it as when the kids wanted something, i couldn't really say no when i'll spend (ashamedly sometimes) 4 bills on sneakers.

now i'm thinking like these shoes are x% of a mortgage payment or x% of a week of vacation or that i could buy a bike for myself instead of a 12th pair of high tops.

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I've been talking to this chick for about 3 months as well. She says she likes me and wants to take things slow. but I think i might be getting played. I have not done shit with this girl yet. Mostly because she isnt giving off a welcoming vibe. At the same time she'll act disappointed if I havn't hung out with her in a while or am not talking to her or what not. Fuck, and convo doesnt even flow that easy with her. fucking bitch needs to stop playing.

Since the advent of feminism women have incorporated the concept that they are more equal than men in life. As such, men have grown up in an environment where women are worshipped and honored because men are so afraid of making a mistake in their opposite sex relationships. Think of it like a dog/owner relationship. All women, at their core, are filthy whores. This isn't an insult, because it's true. It's science. If someone is a male and finds themselves pining over a girl because she is willing to honor their failure of an existence on this earth with an AIM message once a week asking for computer help or to borrow a few hundred bucks so that she and her boyfriend could rent a cherry picker and fuck outside your bedroom window, that person would be only too happy to provide her with said provisions because in their delusional state of neckbearded virginity they think that somehow it will lead to her loving them. In truth, that virgin is her property.

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Guest Hopfer
I bought a Yoohoo. It's almost one in the morning and I'm alone and I'm tempted to go buy another.

For a while I would go out late at night to the 7/11 to get Jamaican Beef Patties. If one 7/11 didn't have them, I'd trek to another.

my gf is hurting my feelings

shit has been on the rocks for a little while now.

See quote below:

Since the advent of feminism women have incorporated the concept that they are more equal than men in life. As such, men have grown up in an environment where women are worshipped and honored because men are so afraid of making a mistake in their opposite sex relationships. Think of it like a dog/owner relationship. All women, at their core, are filthy whores. This isn't an insult, because it's true. It's science. If someone is a male and finds themselves pining over a girl because she is willing to honor their failure of an existence on this earth with an AIM message once a week asking for computer help or to borrow a few hundred bucks so that she and her boyfriend could rent a cherry picker and fuck outside your bedroom window, that person would be only too happy to provide her with said provisions because in their delusional state of neckbearded virginity they think that somehow it will lead to her loving them. In truth, that virgin is her property.

will +rap

Now we're cookin' with gas!

A lot of "enlightened" men of our generation seem to me to be nothing but a bunch of crybaby wimps with nobody to blame but themselves. Playing to the propaganda to get pussy isn't clever and it hurts more than just you.

Men have been brainwashed, by propaganda within the media and our systems of "higher" learning, into castrating themselves and into denying their biological imperatives. It all feels so very Machiavellian. It's easy to control a docile population of wimps. As we soften, our women betray us and lose interest and why shouldn't they? At the same time, their own spiritual decay leads to compensation in the form of emotional sadism. If women were ever physically dominant within our species it has been a long time since we made the switch. Because they're physically weaker, women have their own biological imperatives as far as dominance in a relationship goes. They need to have emotional and psychological control of their partners in order to keep them from straying. Pair that with the castrated male and you have a bad situation. A submissive male cannot maintain the interest of the female, who uses sadism as a weapon which only leads to spiritual and psychological conflict leaving the poor little girl insecure and angry. She compensates by blaming men, or by justifying her promiscuity and personal conflict with flimsy, flash-in-the-pan obsolete notions like feminism - quelling her guilt by labeling herself as a "liberated female." Either way, both men and women are spiritually dead at this point. Men, listen to Laibach and feel better about yourselves. Women, cut the crap. You're all very transparent and confused. This isn't liberation. Stop lying to yourselves. You want us to pin your head to the pillow, pull your arms back and fuck the shit out of your nastaaay whore-holes. And that's fine, because we want to help you out with that.

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the ver-bal discourse that took place between Hal and OMC in the WAYWT gave me a reluctant, yet pleasant and powerful hardon. it fee ls like a crime not to use this

thing :mad:

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legitimately curious:

who loves weed more, white people or black people?

we like it just as much, but on avg. we cant afford the good shit like our caucasian smoke buddies.

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a friend of mine has this terrible habit of putting his arm on my shoulder and say, "hmmmmmm!" whenever we see a cute girl in public. He happens to not have "the force," so to him I dont know if he thinks hes doing some sort of "hey look at her" pimp move but to everyone else it just looks really fruity and it almost always ends up having a negative affect on the pursuit especially if the prey sees him do it. He happens to be korean so I don't know if koreans commonly do that sort of thing when trying to make a scoop, but that shit is mad annoying but no matter how many times i push this motherfuckings arm off my shoulder he does it with out fail everytime.

By the way did anyone go to GLOW at the santa monica pier last night? That shit was crazy packed but it seemed like everyone was on a track to no where. I mean I got a couple looks, but it was kind of lame.. lotta old people hanging about too

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