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My day would have started off very unproductive if I had rolled out of bed straight onto superfuture...

Been up since 7, shipped back Thorns his Samurai jeans, shipped some other things back to San Francisco, took care of some show business, made a phone call or three, took my waywt, ate breakfast, cleaned my room, picked up a rent check too.

Now I've got 3 hours to burn before my only class of the day at 3:30, and I'm probably going to Chinatown to get some xiao long bao and scallion pancakes.

wow very productive..........

and i hope you are at new green bo for your xlb's

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wow very productive..........

and i hope you are at new green bo for your xlb's

Fuck yes I am. Had me some scallion pancakes too... that's my splurgin' for the week.

i am filled to the brim with envy

xlb in new jersey is so rarely passable

Please refer to quote above. New Green Bo is where it's at.

Are you a landlord? Slumlord?

Lesbianlord apparently. I gotta take care of all the checks in this shithole!

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Just say the word and I'll silence her, permanetely.

We'll discuss my... fee... later.

Can she be the fee?

I will do it but it will cost about the same as 5 hours of Thai massage. Plus expenses.

That depends on the expenses. I don't have any solid gold bananas :P

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Guest youkinorn
I haven't talked to my coworker ever since she played this song about lipgloss. That song is worse then mall music.


I like the beat :(

I feel the negrep wave coming.

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Guest youkinorn
Yeah that's the song. I was like wtf...lipgloss?!! Poppin'?

I guess I'm old :(

the girl that sings it is kind of like the female version of soulja boy.

she's 17 or 18 or something.


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Guest youkinorn

Was originally YAHHHHHHH BITCH YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...which has a much better ring to it.

I would post the original song (terrible quality, obviously made on a computer in about 10 minutes), but the link is dead now.

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On Saturday night, my friends and I got hit by a d-bag in a white pickup truck while driving north on the 405 toward LA. We slowed down with the rest of traffic but he was going too fast and darted into our lane, hitting us from behind. My friend, the driver, swerved to the right and we went parallel to the freeway and ended up running into the cement shoulder and then bounced back into the middle of traffic.

The piece of shit who hit us fled the scene. And the fucking genius police tried to tell me to wait in the car after they got my information. Yeah, I'm really gonna wait in a totalled car...what the christ?

Luckily the tow truck driver dropped my friends and me off at a random sushi joint on La Brea, and we got trashed to help ease our emotional and physical pain. I'm glad no one was seriously hurt, which is the most important thing, but angry at what assholes people can be. I hope karma fucks the guy who hit us in the ass.

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after coming home from work, id go upstairs to my room. the past few nights, id hear the tv in the empty room up the hall. im the only one living on the second floor. sometimes itll be turned up really loud so i have to get up to turn it off. whats bothering me is that im sure the lights and everything were already off when i walked by it to my room....so it shouldnt even be on. the two other people in my family are asleep by then and living on the first floor.

so about an hour ago, i heard a creep outside my door. i ignore it, telling myself it cant be the tv again, and continue on the computer. 20 minutes ago, i walk out to brush my teeth and hear something. i walked over and saw the tv on again... :eek:

i didnt turn it off this time.

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