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i cant stop myself getting involved with triangular relationships, i always happen to fall for girls who are attached and intrude on their relationship

as much of a bastard i know i am, but i still cant control what i do

But this time things are a little more complicated, this girl is undecisive and i dont know how its gonna work out

oh well........

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I just spent 30minutes typing up a huge huge huge response for the Shanghai traveller's guide thread in Superjetset, and my mouse (MS 3.0) did a random mouse5 back click and my entire response is gone. I'm not nice enough to do it again.

All about ctrl a ctrl c every two minutes. I do that with papers.

i cant stop myself getting involved with triangular relationships, i always happen to fall for girls who are attached and intrude on their relationship

as much of a bastard i know i am, but i still cant control what i do

But this time things are a little more complicated, this girl is undecisive and i dont know how its gonna work out

oh well........

Stop being so sexy?

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im in love with a girl i dated when we first met last thanksgiving. now we do everything married people (no sex). shes told me she cant say she wouldnt want to date me again, and im banking on it.

also, i shaved my balls for the first time yesterday cause i felt like it

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Yea, about this:

I take advice from Syb very seriously,

on the other hand, he's had his nose broken 6 times.

Me, never!

Je parle francais un peu, mais je comprend presque tout.

Also I can't write it for shit.

So how about it?

Si je vous étais je n'écouterais pas une chose fichue que je dis.


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I still don't understand furbies. Are they suppose to have beaks or are their plastic mouths just a poor attempt at making talking dolls? I sure as hell know that Gizmo the furry gremlin thing did not have a shell of a mouth.

Also, I just really wish hotchoooclaaaaaat's rep would remain red. Her latest wasn't horrible but it's not rep worthy. Stop it!!

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im in love with a girl i dated when we first met last thanksgiving. now we do everything married people (no sex). shes told me she cant say she wouldnt want to date me again, and im banking on it.

also, i shaved my balls for the first time yesterday cause i felt like it

Dude doing married people stuff - sex = LAMMMMEE WTF

but +1 on shaving balls. Feels awesome.

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i went for the first total ball everything shave a week ago

it was itch city for a few days

but now its just smooth and ready for use.

confession: i miss the manly raw borderline primal appeal of my former haircut in the nether regions. i kept it trim but it was still some tarzan steez.

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i went for the first total ball everything shave a week ago

it was itch city for a few days

but now its just smooth and ready for use.

confession: i miss the manly raw borderline primal appeal of my former haircut in the nether regions. i kept it trim but it was still some tarzan steez.

I'm sorely tempted to shave a diamond down there a la whoever-that-guy-was who shaved it into the side of his head, but then I remembered that it would be fucking retarded.

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I can't stop listening to Headbanger Face after jmatsu reminded me to listen to weapons and I can't stop responding "fuck what you heard I wanna diiiieeeeeeee" to basically any question and insisting that everyone "put their headbanger face on."

weird, ive been doing the exact same thing.

that, and telling people "fuck you, pay me, give me my monEYYYYYY"

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I'm sorely tempted to shave a diamond down there a la whoever-that-guy-was who shaved it into the side of his head, but then I remembered that it would be fucking retarded.

servo, do it. please do it.

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I've never gotten over hating the phone. Even when talking to people I like talking to, right from the beginning i'm itching to hang up.

I love talking to people in general, I talk a lot I think, fuck's up with this?

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I've never gotten over hating the phone. Even when talking to people I like talking to, right from the beginning i'm itching to hang up.

I love talking to people in general, I talk a lot I think, fuck's up with this?

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. People think I'm crazy when I tell them that I pretty much refuse to talk on the phone.

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i thought i was the only one that hated using the phone. i was talking to my old boss and he asked me to make a call for him, and i told that i really didnt want to and that i really didnt like using the phone, he asked me why not and i told him that i am really uncomfortable using the phone. i feel like im not in control of the sitution and if im not in control it makes me feel a bit restless.

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the amount of time you're on the phone is directly related to your desire for ass from the person on the other line...

so yea if you're on the phone with the chick you met last night with the fat butt you're gonna talk like you're curing aids for a telethon.


Hell to the no, the greater the desire, the more direct I am on the phone. I don't do telethons yo.

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dum we were meant to be

yes, I had no fear of crashing last night, I just didn't want to talk to you on the phone any longer. Sorry, I'd have done the same to sarah. You understand.

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