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  the Repeater said:
My coworker and his coworking girlfriend just split after he told me in front of her I "should try her" in jest.

Resulting a dream where she said "you SHOULD try me" and tried to predator me into effing her bum.

I felt terror.

whoa man you should seek like professional help

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  the Repeater said:
My coworker and his coworking girlfriend just split after he told me in front of her I "should try her" in jest.

Resulting a dream where she said "you SHOULD try me" and tried to predator me into effing her bum.

I felt terror.

Text her and axe her when u can tap that.

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For the first time in my 3 year and 9 month relationship ive become jealous. She's just been going out lately and hanging around guys all too much. friending new guy friend on fb. sleeping over at their apartment on the aerobed after a latenight outing and late nite grub. i couldnt sleep well last night, just thinking of what could have happened. at the same time i feel that i cannot provide her with the lifestyle she wishes to live. ill be moving away in a year or so due to job circumstances. in this recession i cannot give up this opportunity to make promotions due to the opening positions soon to come due to retirees. she planted her feet and isnt going with neither. its a split in distance and thus far this latest incident is a glimpse of what is to come when im not around during the week possibly... i know she loves me and i love her. i am trying my best to believe in her and trust her lately when i never used to have. maybe i should let her go because i love her and for her to be happy with what i cannot provide her. if my job hadnt moved i would have bought the ring by now. life is full of tough decisions. i can already feel the difficult time thats to come.

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  whitney said:
my mom says the key to a successful marriage is to have a man who loves you more then you love him. .

fuck that noise. marriage is doomed for failure if the only way to maintain it is for suckers too desperate to leave a one sided relationship.

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marriage might be outdated based on the ideals and ideas that made it viable in the first place, but there is room for success in the game, despite the high probability it will not work for you or anyone you know.

i think whit whit is right, but not in the sense that the man is always more loving (thats her mothers bias for being a woman, a hot one too i would guess if shes always being loved more! ;)). The truth (to me) is that one person usually always loves the other more... its a sad truth, but a relationship is rarely about a two way street, but about the idolatry of one party by the other. this gets back to the roots of marriage i suppose, in that the man was supposed to be the leader and the hero, the bread winner... this is kinda gone now, thanks to the liberation movement and the empowerment of woman in general, but that means little else than that woman can go make money and the man can stay home...

i would be totally down to stay home.

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i've been having a very hard time communicating with my bf. i don't know if that's the right way to put it but things have just been a little distant between us since a few weeks ago.

work pressure is taking its toll on him and is almost driving him nuts. today he tells me that his family is under crisis, his mom's health is in a bad condition and things at home haven't been easy.

i'm secretly yearning to speak to him on the phone. its been so long since i heard his voice and i only receive text like once a day. things are tough.

long distance relationships are never easy...

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  whitney said:
I'm sorry to hear that. if I could give you a hug I would.

you know there was once this guy that was absolutely amazing and we had a lot in common. he could even tell what I was thinking before I realized it myself..but it didn't work out in the end because he loves me but isn't in love with me?

sucks when you realize that that person is exactly what you're looking for but you yourself isn't everything they're looking for.

but in the long run it's probably better to have someone that loves me every bit as much as I do? right? my mom says the key to a successful marriage is to have a man who loves you more then you love him. she may be right but I can't ever help myself.

I'm an emotion kind of person.

i totally agree with your mom. :o

i mean, i fucking adore mickey but i dont think i could ever fully give myself to another man as much as i did in my first marriage.

and it sucks that mickey has to deal with that, but if it wasnt him--it would be me.

altho like another member said, there is always one person who loves more than the other. we as humans take shit for granted and i try not to take him for granted cause ive seen the worst and mickey is pretty damn awesome in my eyes.

i dunno wat im trying to say, but yeah, i agree with yer mom.

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i've come to the realization that i'm an asshole

to the point where my friends turn to me expecting me to make sarcastic assholish comments.

i'm known as the asshole of the group

and i can't fucking handle that anymore

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  goat said:
i've come to the realization that i'm an asshole

to the point where my friends turn to me expecting me to make sarcastic assholish comments.

i'm known as the asshole of the group

and i can't fucking handle that anymore

Time to go convex on they ass. Do it.

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  dy616 said:
long story short, had an amazing dream that everything turned out perfectly and not the way things were when my alarm brought me back to shitty reality.

god damnit i had this awesome dream last night with john krasinski in it. i woke up with my mom yelling on the phone which is actually her in her normal phone voice. grrrrrr.


damnit, get out of the way robin williams

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i got a really really nice bag as a gift. technically its used since its no long in production/can't buy it anymore new.. but i got it from a client and i've gotten gifts before but this one sort of takes the cake so to speak since its $xxxx and she sent it to my work place >.<

so, do i give it back or keep it.

she says to keep it, even though i've offered to reimburse her for it.

its a rather hard to find bag..


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  whitney said:
i got a really really nice bag as a gift. technically its used since its no long in production/can't buy it anymore new.. but i got it from a client and i've gotten gifts before but this one sort of takes the cake so to speak since its $xxxx and she sent it to my work place >.<

so, do i give it back or keep it.

she says to keep it, even though i've offered to reimburse her for it.

its a rather hard to find bag..


Text her an' axe her when you can tap that.

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  goat said:
i've come to the realization that i'm an asshole

to the point where my friends turn to me expecting me to make sarcastic assholish comments.

i'm known as the asshole of the group

and i can't fucking handle that anymore

at least you realized you're an asshole. can't handle assholes that don't know they're assholes

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  whitney said:
i got a really really nice bag as a gift. technically its used since its no long in production/can't buy it anymore new.. but i got it from a client and i've gotten gifts before but this one sort of takes the cake so to speak since its $xxxx and she sent it to my work place >.<

so, do i give it back or keep it.

she says to keep it, even though i've offered to reimburse her for it.

its a rather hard to find bag..


Keep it. It's a gift. You made one honest attempt to return it due to its cost. Proper bourgeois etiquette has been followed. To protest further risks offending the person providing the gift. You should only press further if you don't like the person or that person expects quid pro quo from it.

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  Hang the DJ said:
Keep it. It's a gift. You made one honest attempt to return it due to its cost. Proper bourgeois etiquette has been followed. To protest further risks offending the person providing the gift. You should only press further if you don't like the person or that person expects quid pro quo from it.

I guess the bad part is my boss was there when I opened it and technically we aren't suppose to accept gifts because it could be interperted as "bribe" or would allow the customers to think we'd owe them one..

I see how it'll be insulting to refuse, which is why I haven't sent it back yet but still..kind of uncomfortable accepting something like this because I don't think I deserve it. that and I would have to lie/omit the fact that I'm keeping it from my boss.

at the same time I really really love it.

  cyberPUNK said:
hang the dj is definitely right, although i still say try to hit it.

she has a chocolate fetish like me

I think I can win her over.

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