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my 2cents on the whole rep issue

I'm a relatively new user on sufu, and I think the whole rep system really distorts how people act. one of the main allures of an internet forum is the sense of anonymity, while this isn't quite 4chan level of anonymity and you do have a name and people post pictures of themselves, people will act differently in order to receive positive rep/not receive negative rep destroying the whole idea of being able to speak your mind without any real reprucussions besides banning or what not. But because of rep and the whole authority of the e-peen here people with neg rep aren't really seen in the same light as others. so just because you pissed some people off for interrupting their ego stroking you lose all sense of authority. also with the current rate that rep is growing it will get astronomical very quickly and get out of hand just as quickly. if all the top 10 users just repped each other that level of rep would be unreachable for anyone else on this forum.

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one of my co-workers died today, she was 22.

work was really quiet and uncomfortable, everyone cried at some point but me.

am i a bad person for not caring at all? it's none of my business is how i feel ,just like farrah and MJ and billy mays and every other fucking person that dies, it's their families business, not mine.

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already posted this but sufu keeps timing out on me.

one of my co-workers died today, she was 22.

work was really quiet and uncomfortable, everyone cried at some point but me.

am i a bad person for not caring at all? it's none of my business is how i feel ,just like farrah and MJ and billy mays and every other fucking person that dies, it's their families business, not mine.

Not at all. I had a classmate who hung himself earlier this year. I really didn't feel anything. I didn't know him, never talked to him, only saw him in the hallways. I only felt sad that someone my age (highschool) would feel the need to kill themselves. Not sad that he in particular died. So no, you're only a bad person if you don't show at least some compassion to your workmates who are really broken up about it.

so you are saying rep makes people act like humans not monkeys banging at key boards cause there are repercussions?? that sounds like a good thing.

btw it would have to be the top 75 users only repping each other.. gotta spread it around in all

not really. I'm saying people will avoid calling people out because they fear the mighty hammer of neg rep (they don't have a mountain of pos rep to sit on where neg rep is negligible) that's what I'm saying

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one of my co-workers died today, she was 22.

work was really quiet and uncomfortable, everyone cried at some point but me.

am i a bad person for not caring at all? it's none of my business is how i feel ,just like farrah and MJ and billy mays and every other fucking person that dies, it's their families business, not mine.

scott.M is an excessively nice person, until it really matters.

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also with the current rate that rep is growing it will get astronomical very quickly and get out of hand just as quickly. if all the top 10 users just repped each other that level of rep would be unreachable for anyone else on this forum.

You may have been late to the party, but that happened well over a year ago. It's been a long and numbing reach-around, of the trombone variety, ever since.

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I may have purposely pissed the ex off so she would stop asking about coming to my birthday get together this past weekend. It was a dick move, but I was getting tired of her shit. Though I may miss hanging out, no point in continuing things. I'll see how long it is before she starts messaging me again (which means whichever guy she had lined up after me will have ditched, heh).

Birthday was good, had a fair amount of friends over, got closer to a hot coworker, and spent the actual day (yesterday), just relaxing. Which was good since it was shit out. Feel ashamed it's taken this long to discover it's Always Sunny in Philly. So good.

Supposed to hang with this coworker yet again this week, and have a date set up for next week with an ex-coworker in Toronto. Feels good.

Oh, and hooray for 1000.

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car died the other day. put $1500 in it myself, parents around the same. and the day before it broke down i filled it up like $50 worth of gas. car has been nothing but issue after issue, glad to be free of it but pissed at the money lost. only bright side is that gas money could potentially now become jawn kopping money.

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but in all seriousness, spent the entire day in the city with my new girl, had a great time, things are just about perfect right now, i'm so happy :)

ALSO i might have a REALLY good job possibility opening up for me when i move to the city, life just keeps getting better and better.

only bad thing is i'm falling for this girl, she's 10 kinds of perfect :o

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so yesterday i go to the dentist to get some xrays, so i can get one of my widsom teeth out. after he takes the xrays he tells me that the tooth came in so crooked that there is a 30 percent chance that there would be nerve damage and partial facial paralysis with this extraction. so of course i am scared as fuck

today i go in and get teh procedure done. im terrified out of my mind while all of this is happening, knowing the consequences. i hear the doctor say 'ok last piece' then he pulls and my entire face goes numb. so im flipping out almost in tears cause i knew i was gonna be in teh 30 percent. a few hours have passed since this happened and now i realized that my face was numb cause of the novocaine, and not because of nerve damage, i was just too freaked out at teh time to put 2 and 2 together.

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