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i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am not jealous.

i am so fucking jealous.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

k i'm gonna go watch happy feet and eat a toasted bagel with extra extra cream cheese with tabasco (stfu). i'm sure i'll be totally over it slash him by the end of the movie, which gives me exactly 108 minutes to bitch and complain about how shitty everything is at the moment while i pretend that i care about fucking penguins.


or confess about a variety of topics please.

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i cant believe shoot em up only made 5 mil its opening weekend. when i went in to watch it there was only 8 people in the theater and it was an awesome movie. missing out on a great movie. shoot em up. go see it. plug.

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shoot em up is very fun filled and exciting. with soft porn and great action scenes to make a great man flick. the choice is yours. choose wisely. or just sneak in the other movie. good luck and godspeed.

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after talkin to my two best friends today about my problems they just gave me the worst advice which didnt help at all, i ended up talkin to this one dude that im friends with that deff didnt seem like the right person to talk to and this one girl that used to like me and they just gave really good advice and made me feel really good and im over this shit now

im glad


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Justice is playing tonight and I'm sick. Wow this is not funz.

that is a bummer.

i got my tickets for 10/20. ended up costing me double what i'd normally pay cause all the ny hipsters grabbed the tickets before i even clicked "order" so i had to craigslist that shit. fucking $100 for 2 tickets. highway fucking robbery.

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But we love you! All 3? 4? Of us!

Besides your myspace is like one of the pokemon cards with the star. timber's is a holo card! Dev's is just a square.

I think Im a circle?

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i spent more money on cigarettes and gatorade in the past week, than i did on food.

anyone going to paris in october?

i actually might be, oddly enough. if only for the cheap aprils.

But we love you! All 3? 4? Of us!

Besides your myspace is like one of the pokemon cards with the star. timber's is a holo card! Dev's is just a square.

I think Im a circle?

is the card with the star special? i was all about the gameboy pokemon, not the trading cards.

everytime i make a new friend on myspace i get bored because i never talk to them and they get deleted. only the select few seem to be kept. maybe i need constant aim-contact or something.

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I always used to get the feeling that I'd be the unlucky one to get involved in a fucked up fatal car wreck everytime I drove. i think it started after having to go to traffic school and watching their videos on traffic death statistics. Always feared I'd end up being one. Now the feeling's passed though and I just drive, shit creeped me out for a bit though.

AND IM A GOOD ASIAN DRIVER, sufu people who've rode with me can attest to that, although they were also asian.

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