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wut r the pirate pants??? ur recent face shot wuz dope...who make top? ann d? r.o.??

no label, so I dont know but the hood is hectic. I copped from digital (he didnt know either).

I won Pirate Pants by Vivienne Westwood:


but cheap azz seller sent em parcel post, so I'm going to have to have them shipped back across country. BROOKLYN->LA->MANHATAN. SO GHEY! :mad:

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older girl leaves for oklahoma today


sad day in the c-y-p. shes off eating dinner with some other guy who is probably of greater friend importance than i am. but ill try to at least hang with her briefly before the night ends.

but in the mean time. i just got out of bourne ultimatum and that combined with recent sad faces makes me want to kill shit. someone get on CSS with me.

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wasn't rush hour 2 KIND OF funny? doesn't chris tucker only do like 1 movie every 5 years? wasn't he great in "friday"?

so why was rush hour 3 such a fucking piece of shit?

i've seen funnier puppy euthanasias.

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i watched 3/4 of it online today and it was okay. there wasnt really any hot girls that i've seen yet and Jackie Chan is slowing down alot more on his stunts. i'm pretty sure this will be one of Jackie Chan's last movies. but i wouldnt say Rush Hour 3 is a piece of shit though.

on the other hand i can't wait for that Jet Li movie coming out. preview gave me goosebumps

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those people that ask questions about denim, raw specifically, stretching and shrinking and fading, etc that talk about it like its some kind of miraculous fabric really annoy me. or those people that buy a lot of jeans and really have no idea, or those people that buy hardcore workwear jeans (samurai, sugarcane) and treat them as if they were som faggy 7FAM shit. yes im looking at edmond, and a few other people that i have not bothered to remember their names. or those people that wear nudies and dont wash them for a long time and then when theyre all stanky and gross they wont wash them because theyre "too stretched out" and nudie said "they wouldn't shrink", i mean its fucking common sense wtf?!!

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those people that ask questions about denim, raw specifically, stretching and shrinking and fading, etc that talk about it like its some kind of miraculous fabric really annoy me. or those people that buy a lot of jeans and really have no idea, or those people that buy hardcore workwear jeans (samurai, sugarcane) and treat them as if they were som faggy 7FAM shit. yes im looking at edmond, and a few other people that i have not bothered to remember their names. or those people that wear nudies and dont wash them for a long time and then when theyre all stanky and gross they wont wash them because theyre "too stretched out" and nudie said "they wouldn't shrink", i mean its fucking common sense wtf?!!

edmond was annihilated in the neg rep thread. he won't be posting anymore.

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after working my arse off for the last 7 months to get to london, im thinking about going home again. the things im seeing and doing are really inspirational and i really want to start doing my own work on a larger scale, i cant see that happening here but if i go back to my existing contacts and the cheaper cost of living in newzealand i know i can make it work.

ive only been here 6 weeks and i feel like i could be walking away too soon, i also feel like im just wasting time and starting to feel trapped

i do have a 5 year visa so i can come back again

i hate making decisions!

if you dont mind, could you elaborate on "doing my own work on a larger scale"? art? fashion? business? all three at once?

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after working my arse off for the last 7 months to get to london, im thinking about going home again. the things im seeing and doing are really inspirational and i really want to start doing my own work on a larger scale, i cant see that happening here but if i go back to my existing contacts and the cheaper cost of living in newzealand i know i can make it work.

ive only been here 6 weeks and i feel like i could be walking away too soon, i also feel like im just wasting time and starting to feel trapped

i do have a 5 year visa so i can come back again

i hate making decisions!



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yeah all three at once... mostly fashion but that is a business and an art form

making jeans and ive got several jacket and tailored trouser ideas 1/2 cooked and some textile designs

i know the opinion of a random message board poster won't weight too heavily on your decision but:

one of the wisest things i've ever heard is "no matter how far down the wrong path you have gone, turn around". if london isn't working out the way you want to, and you feel that you have a better chance of success in NZ, fuck it. take the chance and go home. 7 months is a big investment of time but it's not worth feeling trapped and wasting time. i've seen your stuff posted on here, and you have the talent and skill to make it work. like you said, you can always go back to london.

just saying.

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I don't use my stick to beat bitches; I use it to beat people in "business casual".

Business casual is a more offensive look than the crack whore uniform. Those square toe shoes, striped shirts and utility belts with phones, pda, pager etc. eeeewwww

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was he wrapped in a comforter and wearing yellow wedges?
was terry richardson there?

no and no.

i think it was in a busy subway station for some reason. you were all boisterous and all "WHAT UP PLAYAAAA" and shit. i cant really remember much else. it was weird.

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shit hit the fan...ive been eating like 5 or 6 2mg xanax bars a day for the last two or three months, plus im on suboxone (narcotic, takes heroin and oxy cravings away, been on it for over a year)...but these last couple days ive been trying to taper down and i cant do it myself, so like a fucken 4 year old i gave the xanax bottle to my dad to dish out, in which we came up with a taper plan...so im praying to god this is going to work, cuz theres no way in hell i wanna go to another rehab again...

proud of myself for staying off H and opiates, but xanax is kicking my ass.

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