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  jpgm said:
daaaamn. wash yourself for fuck's sake, that's disgusting.

your mother would be impressed. i hope she cups your ballsack then wipes the sweaty and crumbly bits on your face.

any particular reason it's been so long?

no reason that is really special.. jsut end up waking up late for work, so i don't have time to shower... i'd shower at night, but i end up staying out so late that i'm too tired to shower... erm... i need to find time to shower. just got off work. time to shower!

this will be golden... not the shower.

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Haha, i felt kinda sad the couple days after, but..bleh I still see the people i want to for the most part. And for me atleast, nothing has changed, whether thats good or bad..i dont know.

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since im overseas though, my classmates are scattering everywhere, and i realized i may never see them again. and ive only been attending the school for 1 1/2 years, so i dont know why im so attached.

oh well. in a month or so, i probably wont give a fuck anyways.

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Oh, it sucks every time you PCS but the last time I moved, (from england to WA) the summer before junior year, was def. the hardest.

How many times have you moved around?

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  Cotton Duck said:

I was supposed to spend the little money I have at the moment on lunch. Instead I went and spend alot more than I would've spend on lunch and bought 4 books this morning (one is a present though).

Plus I still bought lunch and didn't get cheap stuff either. I figured I was spending already...

That's the only thing that gets me really greedy!


hurrah books!

  dennisk said:
I have lots of issues with being insecure and lack of self-esteem. I lost my right arm from a car accident when i was 2 years old- all the way to my elbow. I don't like to show my loss of limb to most of people...

I realize that it's not a big of a deal, but sometimes I just wish for things like that. But I'm not completely depressed/emotional. I still live a great life with great friends to support me. Maybe I just take my appeance too seriously than I should. I even try to look for jobs without wearing those company uniforms, which is pretty pathetic. Why am I posting this, I don't know... It's just all these little things that tick me off from time to time.

  heartbrokensoulshakened said:
Can't say I know how you feel dennisk but I do have this pretty big, ugly, dent-in of a scar on my back that shows if I wear just a cami or sleeveless alone...


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  DUM said:
Oh, it sucks every time you PCS but the last time I moved, (from england to WA) the summer before junior year, was def. the hardest.

How many times have you moved around?

i moved around alot.

lets see....

bay area to

guam to

okinawa to

iwakuni to

washington state and back to


and out of all the moves, i was always more sad to leave okinawa.

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yeah I was

Oklahoma City (tinker afb)


D.C. (bowling afb)

Sicily (sigonella afb)

England (lakenheath/mildenhall afb)

WA (mcchord afb)

and now my dad is retired and im they're here for good.

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  seemeugly said:
Oh man I lived in Stuttgart in the late 90's DUM. I know the Patch High fight song.

Hahahaha, I was little, I went to Patch elemntary.

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i had a fucked up dream today about a superfuture supermarket deal gone bad, where a lad reminiscent of cheep came to my house and conned me out of all my clothes and kicks

i was hungover and napping when i had this dream, i seriously woke up and realized that i need to stop surfing this site so much

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This post is about hipsters. I don't understand how these people can be so skinny. I know some L.A. hipsters and these people wouldn't be able to find cocaine if they tried, so that couldn't be all of it, but they're probably 20-30 pounds underweight. I don't mean "Chris Skinny" I mean they literally look like they're in danger of dying, because they do not have the right body type to be this thin.

What I'm really trying to say is that I didn't know it was possible to survive on nothing but Justice remixes.

What I'm really really trying to say is that I could probably stand to lose some weight.

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Also, Dum, your sig is bugging me. I fixed it so it actually matches with SuFu's background. (am fixing, I meant)


  1995chardx said:
^^^ must be the damn fixies....

i would love to date a hipster chick for some reasons

Biking to Justice remixes covers their cardio, certainly. Still doesn't cover their diet. I haven't been keeping up with hipsters very well, I don't even know what the newest trend in dining is.

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  jpgm said:
do tell chard....

about them hipster chicks? i don't know, i cant stand hipsters but i would love to nail one of them chicks though. It's weird because I like girls that are a little thicker, and them hipsters are never or hardly thick at all.

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thick girls are nice, dude. lately i've been feelin' them thinner, petite girls.

is it weird that i sometimes go through phases? i'd like a certain group of girls (white, latina, asian, whatever) one time and then grow more interest in another?

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My mum bought me some dior homme smells back from france, I asked for the eau de toilette and the shave blam, she got the eau de toilette but not the balm, instead she got the "after shave lotion" which is just alcohol based aftershave in reality, pah..... I dont know why its not called after shave, it alcoholic and a liquid not at all viscous (sp)...... not a lotion in my book.

So now im using the aftershave and the perfume, shit im gonna reek..

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