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Guest bambam
  scott.M said:
today all 3 women in my life that i love cried, and i get to come home to an infraction

wtf did you actually just say this




'every girl i love cried and i got an infraction'

god fucken damn

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whenever dogs don't like me, I think they're judging my character. like, how they can tell good people from creeps.

There's an old blind dog in our house right now and it is best friends with everyone, but keeps biting my legs. It firmly believes I'm evil.

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Guest jmatsu
  timber said:
whenever dogs don't like me, I think they're judging my character. like, how they can tell good people from creeps.

There's an old blind dog in our house right now and it is best friends with everyone, but keeps biting my legs. It firmly believes I'm evil.

nah he definitely likes you. duh...he's old and blind. he ain't aiming for your legs.

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  timber said:
whenever dogs don't like me, I think they're judging my character. like, how they can tell good people from creeps.

There's an old blind dog in our house right now and it is best friends with everyone, but keeps biting my legs. It firmly believes I'm evil.

I think babies are the same way too.

it's like they can see your aura.

animals in general like me now, but before they'd bark and run away from me ):

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  whitney said:
I think babies are the same way too.

it's like they can see your aura.

animals in general like me now, but before they'd bark and run away from me ):

Animals love me because of the breadth and depth of my guileless heart, but I would sooner eat them.

Human babies also love me, but I do not wish to eat them.

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Not sure if this belongs in here, but my wife's little brother (17 y/o) went on his first camping trip with just his friends the other day. We told him to hang his food a ways from his tent and he shrugged it off. Him and his two friends apparently woke up to a bear destroying everything in the bed of the truck, as they thought by burying it under other shit would make it ok. They were up all night holding eachother and freaking out...and there's bear shit all over the tailgate. That's one lesson it doesn't take more than once to learn I think.

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that Timothy Tredwell movie scared the shit outta me about being in the outdoors where bears live. I really like camping, but I swear I hear grizzly bears all over Tahoe at night. I don't think a single Grizzly bear lives anywhere near Tahoe...

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Guest jmatsu
  nicotine said:
fuck, I love camping.

and weed

then why don't you just follow some granola head band on tour or go start yr own hippy colony?

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i like collecting mint containers. if the mint is good, i'll finish it before using the case but this time the mint tasted bland so i dumped the rest in the trash.

i'm tempted to get assassins on the iphone even though they got some corny lines in there.

castle of magic is okay, got to the cupcake level and its too cute! eat a cake and the character turns into a fat boy that needs to find sweets to keep that big of a size that pretty much *bumps* any bad guys dead or walls to break.



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