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i guess that depends on what stage of high school you are at.....

its pretty tall if youve just started.

but not unusual otherwise.

i dont remember the last time i went to bed prior to 3am or so. not sleeping again tonight, have another research essay to submit tomorrow.

my 3 minute break is now over.

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i guess that depends on what stage of high school you are at.....

its pretty tall if youve just started.

but not unusual otherwise.

i dont remember the last time i went to bed prior to 3am or so. not sleeping again tonight, have another research essay to submit tomorrow.

my 3 minute break is now over.

fuck that i was 6'2" with size 13's freshman year. this kids a midget.

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Weird dream... Somehow I managed to go to Italy and met up with JungleJane and spent like a week taking waywts in different locations and in the end we somehow started dating..

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^ for some reason when I saw the house it reminded me of how I imagined it would feel like to live in Hitler's Eagles Nest ala Band of Brothers.

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Hill-top/side location helps too, I've always wanted to experience having one side of my house being the actual hillside while the other side looks out to some sort of valley. Doing that actually helps you keep things insulated (warm in winter, cool in summers depending on where the house faces).

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why feel bad? the squirrel was half dead anyway.. I've seen much worse especially on younge street... Squirrel got his head popped by a truck

do you read things through before you post? or do you not grasp dying slowly vs. dying quickly?

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lol, of course i read it, but in all honesty, if i saw a squirrel half dead, im not going to run my shit over it just to finish the job.. It was dumb enough to run into the road in the first place..

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You do nothing. Pay for spotty wifi and pray that some of the light bulbs go out so you can go to sleep.

wow, sounds like a got an epic day waiting for me,

I win for longest layover time ever.

My flight to NY wich was supposed to be 7something hours took me 30+!

yeah you win, hopefully. its scheduled for a 7 hour layover, and i just dont feel like exploring boston for a few hours with luggage in hand.

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what color youz got? may as well

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wow, sounds like a got an epic day waiting for me,

yeah you win, hopefully. its scheduled for a 7 hour layover, and i just dont feel like exploring boston for a few hours with luggage in hand.

i'm in boston! when's your layover?

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look. its been about two week and i still cant get you out of my head. Even when im with my gf of 2.6 years, i have good times with her she makes me happy i love her, but for some reason that one year we had class together, the times we've studied together, laughed and ate together, i cant get you out of my head. I want to erase you from my mind. i've deleted your number, i didn't pick up your last 2 calls because its time to let go. I know im only a friend to you a really good friend, but i just cant help but feel differently. I love my gf and i cant hurt her, and nor do i want to be chasing you becuz it'll be useless because your falling for one of my closest friends. I deactivated my fb so i wouldnt look you up anymore. plz erase from my mind. Leave my mind. I love my gf. why can't i forget you.

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every time I buy something on ebay or any auction I am so skeptical and very nervous until it actually arrives. :(

not only is there that stress, but how about the sweaty palms when you put your final bid in during those last 5 seconds? dear god, the stress is overwhelming.

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