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life sucks.

i need a drastic change.

im considering a 1-year working holiday in london, i got an older cousin there that can probably hook me up with a job and a temp place to crash until i find my own joint

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I think i like this girl even though i probably should just leave it alone. She's leaving for the summer this week. She's really hard to read though it seems she's into me as well. I also feel weird about graduating this weekend and possibly not getting into grad school which would make me have to probably teach in the area. Which would in turn make me feel weird about all of my friends in the area being in college still. I'm dumb. At least i have a pair of shoes in the mail that should come this week.

I'm in a somewhat but not so similar situation. I'm crazy about somebody, but she's my ex's (also my best friend) close friend. She has a boyfriend, and I wouldn't dare ever make a move or tell her how I feel because I love my friend and her boyfriend seems like an alright guy it seems. I just can't stop thinking about her.

I'm in a ceramics class with her. All we do is make each other laugh. I hope she's really laughing at my jokes and not just doing it to be nice. I can't stop staring at her face and her body when she's not looking at me or talking to me. When she leans in to whisper something into my ear, her scent is literally intoxicating. I feel lightheaded and my heart beats out of my chest. Yesterday when she did it, her breast was resting against my arm and I started to get a hard-on so I had to hold my breath to make it go away (for some reason this works for me. learned that little trick in 8th grade!).

What should I do? I mean, I know what I should do and that's to keep my mouth shut and ignore how I feel... But... I dunno.

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I'm in a somewhat but not so similar situation. I'm crazy about somebody, but she's my ex's (also my best friend) close friend. She has a boyfriend, and I wouldn't dare ever make a move or tell her how I feel because I love my friend and her boyfriend seems like an alright guy it seems. I just can't stop thinking about her.

I'm in a ceramics class with her. All we do is make each other laugh. I hope she's really laughing at my jokes and not just doing it to be nice. I can't stop staring at her face and her body when she's not looking at me or talking to me. When she leans in to whisper something into my ear, her scent is literally intoxicating. I feel lightheaded and my heart beats out of my chest. Yesterday when she did it, her breast was resting against my arm and I started to get a hard-on so I had to hold my breath to make it go away (for some reason this works for me. learned that little trick in 8th grade!).

What should I do? I mean, I know what I should do and that's to keep my mouth shut and ignore how I feel... But... I dunno.

You can cut through the Gordian knot by putting her hand on your crotch. You'll know exactly where you are shortly thereafter.

As true and relevant now as it ever was or ever will be.

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shit man... why is she your ex if everything seems to be going so well?

from what you've said, you two get along way better than me and my CURRENT girlfriend

Well, I never really went into detail about our relationship. There are just "life choices" that apply a heavy contrast to the direction that each of us wanted the relationship to go. She is by far, the best and most beautiful girl that I've ever loved, though.

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jetlenoir, i wouldn't try anything if her boyfriend is cool and if their relationship is sane. maybe you could wait to see if they break up or something. i understand how painful it must be for you.

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bacon perfume?

Heh. I can tell that it's not perfume. I think it's her pheromones. They seem... Highly compatable.

jetlenoir, i wouldn't try anything if her boyfriend is cool and if their relationship is sane. maybe you could wait to see if they break up or something. i understand how painful it must be for you.

Yeah. I mean, if we did anything I would feel guilty. It's becoming rather hard not to grab her face and eat it. The most painful part is the constant erection pitching tent in a pair of hobokens with no give.

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Ouch, Hobokens don't help. It's reaching a critical point if you have an erection when you are with her, doing nothing...

The thing is, if you express your feelings, your cheerful friendship could become very awkward, and moreover if she's fine with her bf, she may have no reason to dump him... I have a secret but frustrating solution, drink a lot with her, do it, and then forget about it, both of you, and continue your happy friendship !

landho, the problem with this solution is that you need a very tight jeenz (i'm sure the hoboken is tight though) to keep it there even when it calms down, but it damn hurt !

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There's always the ol' tuck-the-wiener-into-the-waistband trick.

I know that trick! I've used it many a time, it works well for me because I wear pretty slim jeans and slightly loose shirts. They don't suspect... Unless I'm walking against the wind.

Ouch, Hobokens don't help. It's reaching a critical point if you have an erection when you are with her, doing nothing...

The thing is, if you express your feelings, your cheerful friendship could become very awkward, and moreover if she's fine with her bf, she may have no reason to dump him... I have a secret but frustrating solution, drink a lot with her, do it, and then forget about it, both of you, and continue your happy friendship !

landho, the problem with this solution is that you need a very tight jeenz (i'm sure the hoboken is tight though) to keep it there even when it calms down, but it damn hurt !

That's the thing. I could live with not having sex with her as long as she still thinks of me as positively as she does now. I just really like her.

It sounds naive but that's all that I can say. I don't want to interfere with her relationship. In my late teens I became sexually involved with an beautiful 30-something who was engaged. I've never felt more shallow and self-loathing. Since then I swore I would never get involved with somebody who was taken.

However, if we had a few drinks I would be eagerly awaiting her move. I know that I wouldn't make it. I'm tempted to post a pic of her so you can see how stunning this girl is. I don't out of fear of some of you people knowing who she is and thus finding out who I am. ;)

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What should I do? I mean, I know what I should do and that's to keep my mouth shut and ignore how I feel... But... I dunno.

Flirt the shit out of her and pray her boyfriend becomes a douchebag. Otherwise, you should bottle up that scent and hug it out.

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In this case, let time play its role, and enjoy all the time you spend with her (i mistyped "in her" ahah).

If you want to post a pics of her, you can do it and then remove it in a few hours so that not everybody sees it and can recognise her and stuff...

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EDIT: FUCK YOU Ahlvahroe! It's because of native speakers who take the AP test that collegeboard had to make the test absurdly difficult for nonativos.. That's like if I were to take and destroy an ESL test. :<

i completely agree, except for the fuck you ahlvahroe part, there should be a seperate test or there should be a box you check stating you are fluent, cause its skews the numbers any other way

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oh max

youre such a harlot

hey sawyer. when we gonna facebok cyber? nice.

The Fashion Spot kind of drives me insane. No one suggest to anyone else how to improve their style, unless they directly outright ask for help.

it's a pretty horrendous site. i went there because i found out there are attractive girls that post their waywt's elsewhere than sufu without a second thought and i wanted to score brownie points for my self-esteem. little did i know the internet would be just another dead end...



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Guest jmatsu
My blueberry nights might be the dullest, most underwhelming and monotonous movie I've seen.

How did that happen?

word? it sucked that much?

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My blueberry nights might be the dullest, most underwhelming and monotonous movie I've seen.

How did that happen?

-repeat of old wkw themes. after MBN i realized wkw has nothing new to say about love, memories, passage of time, etc., that he hasnt already expressed in previous films.

-cast of actors cant compare to the actors wkw chose for his hk films.

-no chris doyle

-sub par soundtrack

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Sometimes I wish my parents were more nosy just so someone could see the effort I put into hiding my things.

I spend late nights thinking up new/better hiding spots for my journal in my room.

Everytime I steal some of my dads whiskey I carefully place it EXACTLY where I found it and make sure to have excuses on hand if he asks why he's missing some.

I made my folders containing "inappropriate" pictures invisible and carefully hid them within other hidden folders.

Whenever I look up something shady (not porn mind you) I make sure to clear my browsing history. My parents don't even know HOW to check my browsing history!

The only thing I don't do is delete my text messages and thats just because they don't even know how to check their own phones text messages.

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Sometimes I wish my parents were more nosy just so someone could see the effort I put into hiding my things.

I spend late nights thinking up new/better hiding spots for my journal in my room.

Everytime I steal some of my dads whiskey I carefully place it EXACTLY where I found it and make sure to have excuses on hand if he asks why he's missing some.

I made my folders containing "inappropriate" pictures invisible and carefully hid them within other hidden folders.

Whenever I look up something shady (not porn mind you) I make sure to clear my browsing history. My parents don't even know HOW to check my browsing history!

The only thing I don't do is delete my text messages and thats just because they don't even know how to check their own phones text messages.

what are you, like 14? jesus, my parents don't even bug me anymore when they find porn on the comp.

this is lulz for sure.

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Guest jmatsu
what are you, like 14? jesus, my parents don't even bug me anymore when they find porn on the comp.

this is lulz for sure.

yeah nig. sufu should be nc-17, feel me? most childs just b 2 little 2 understand/deal with the kinds strEet-warfare that r happening here.

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