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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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majikero seriously shut the fuck up

jmatsu and hholla have 2 different compleytle difrent ways of posting, or differents tyles shut the fuck up man seriously go read what jmatsu posts and go read wht holla post there is a fucking difference esrioustl get the fuck out

ps: middleeastbeast i cant fucking stand your shoes u might as well put on a fucking pair of sckertchers, skechers for fuck sake man.. fuck piss on those shoes anf ucking burn them i seriously hate them so much

Worst post ever.

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fashionwhor3, why dont ya click ya heels 3 times....and go back to africa.

Usually as people start posting as much as you I either become immune to their idiocy or become amused by their hopeless antics.

However, you break that trend. The more you post the more I hate you.

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^^ its funny that u said that, because i just got 2 negative reps telling me to shut my trap..( to servo)

Corbin, your a cool guy, honest and justified..i respect you

clopek i dont see why u had to -rep me cuz im tryna defend myself? would u rather let me sit here and act all goody goody and let someone with an immature mentality try to tell me how to dress?

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fashionwhor3 i didn't neg rep you ... i hate your fit and made a joke about it, but i didn't neg rep you, i generally only neg rep people if they're being tremendous assholes.

but you still need clothes that fit. :(

servo, just because you don't know the context of a joke doesn't mean i'm a stupid and mundane poster.

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Oh sorry clopek it was Tiranis..

im defenitelty working on the fits bro..im looking in my closet right now and all i see is L and M.. wanna get rid of the L's

The Medium actually fits me nicely..its not too baggy nor is it too long..someone suggested for me to wear a small but im not too sure lol.

ill try to cool it down with the chatter though..cuz for some reason, chatting in these topics gets you in trouble

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hahah...no problem.

according to Egpt the only thing new i bring to this board is stupidity. Stupidity on this board is new...i'm not sure i really need to say anything here but have you looked at the last 5 fucking pages?

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I neg repped him cause I'm getting tired of people who keep stirring up the pot. Just shut up and let it fucking be...

And I hate the whole circle jerking that started after he got flamed:

dont take jmatsu's flames to heart! they are all in good spirit :o :O
Really good attitude about the whole thing, man. Way to take some sharp and pointed critisism. We only do it because we care.
servo thanks for backin me up dude..i was honestly just curious about the issue at hand and got disrespected for it?

like come on now man..grow up

it was the same way iwth bullen when he first joined

posted a few fits

got flamed like mad

but he stayed chill while those who hath flamed him ended up recieving their own flame.

^^ its funny that u said that, because i just got 2 negative reps telling me to shut my trap..( to servo)

Corbin, your a cool guy, honest and justified..i respect you

Is this a fucking support group for the fashion retarded or what? Seriously, does he need a shoulder to cry on or something?

Yes, he got flamed... no need to make a big deal out of it and try to support him, he didn't just lose a child after six months of pregnancy or been diagnosed with cancer. If he said "Ok, I got what you're saying guys" and moved on this would've been over. But nooooo... he felt the fucking need to get back to the topic.

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since when was being curious a way of instigating? and secondly...

how am i being an ass kisser? im simply just being a straight up guy..Im tired of coming on here and getting heckled for being the new dude..

i respect corbin and servo because they're the first two dudes to actually give me some rep and show some maturity.. they gave me honest critism..none of this "you look fuken gay" or " go back to africa, black is wack" nonsense.. Im fukin 19 yrs old.. i dont have time for little games from people..i respect those who respect me..thats all

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hahah...no problem.

according to Egpt the only thing new i bring to this board is stupidity. Stupidity on this board is new...i'm not sure i really need to say anything here but have you looked at the last 5 fucking pages?

dude, you are fucking retarded, and i completely agree with servo.

you are a big part of the retardness on the last 5 pages, so shut the fuck up for once.

God damn, i don't even remember your first posts exactly, i just now i hated you from the first moment i saw you post here. thank god for avatars, helps you remember users much easily.

thanks for the neg-rep fuckhead

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