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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Well, she's new here and all, but this won't cut it:


Am I the only one who noticed that gray beeping thingy on the boots? I can't believe she actually got positive rep from someone.

haha...didnt notice the security tag....

and the + rep is for the simple fact she has a vageeeeen...i think.....

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Well, she's new here and all, but this won't cut it:

Am I the only one who noticed that gray beeping thingy on the boots? I can't believe she actually got positive rep from someone.

Maybe they did notice but rep anyway because look at that poor gal

Can't afford to buy a pair of boots

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Hrmm...The items of clothing he's wearing are not extremely bad, even know I would never wear them. The kid n play shirt is cool, but he wears his stuff really weird. I doubt any of you want to see me criticizing people, but whatever. His pants have no form, and the tucked in shirt is not good.


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Hrmm...The items of clothing he's wearing are not extremely bad, even know I would never wear them. The kid n play shirt is cool, but he wears his stuff really weird. I doubt any of you want to see me criticizing people, but whatever. His pants have no form, and the tucked in shirt is not good.


It's probably good to start out picking on people as poorly dressed as you, start working your way up from there. Good decision.

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Hrmm...The items of clothing he's wearing are not extremely bad, even know I would never wear them. The kid n play shirt is cool, but he wears his stuff really weird. I doubt any of you want to see me criticizing people, but whatever. His pants have no form, and the tucked in shirt is not good.


jhey, your hating is as weak as your outifts.

p.s. it's though, not know (i know, i know, 8th grade english is a bitch)

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First of all, that was just a mistake, no need to get all excited.

I was not hating on that guy at all, I was just giving my opinion. If you want me to be honest i'll say that he looks like a complete fuckin idiot.

For the record, I'm going into 10th.

edit: My fits are not even bad, and I don't care if I sound cocky. I look normal to everyone that I have encountered in my life. Just because I don't drown myself in dior and queer v-neck clothing, it doesn't mean that I look bad.

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Just because I don't drown myself in dior and queer v-neck clothing, it doesn't mean that I look bad.

Excuse me?

I didn't know what the fuss was about surrounding you, until now.

Clearly you don't know what the hell you are doing if you come onto a fashion forum and not be able to accept v-necks.

Grow up. Pull out that one pube you have and try again.

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For the record, I'm going into 10th.

Just because I don't drown myself in dior and queer v-neck clothing, it doesn't mean that I look bad.

lol. i didnt get the v-necks are the new limp rist memo. but i guess they could have misplaced my email address. i mean, jhey is going into 10th.. thats as old as my little brother..

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Justin, the things you said are completely relevant and have no problem with it.. As i said, i was simply just defending myself because i felt vunerable with so many people sending hate from every possible direction..

opinions are great to hear because my attire improves as time passes..with that being said, i posted up a pic of my self in the sufu trash WAYWT so ill post it here also..


I hate everything this guy stands for: his cheesy argyle sweater, a shirt thats obviously too big, collar that is disgusting, sleeves rolled one up (to compensate for the extra long sleeve), the stupid necklace, and that "let me spray some cool water and cat call chicks" look.

total douche.

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I hate everything this guy stands for: his cheesy argyle sweater, a shirt thats obviously too big, collar that is disgusting, sleeves rolled one up (to compensate for the extra long sleeve), the stupid necklace, and that "let me spray some cool water and cat call chicks" look.

total douche.

Haha, I totally agree. Maybe he should read into this board more before posting a waywt.

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your stupid shirt makes you look even shorter

bonus shoe pic with some flash since without flash it's all grainy and shit (those random white spots are the mirror, not stains on the jeans):


nice shoes.. not.


really speaks for itself (you suck)

Yesterday, graduation. A weird day involving principals who cannot pronounce our school's name and fun acts with hypnosis. And yes, I realize my hat isn't on far enough in the front. But at 80+ degrees and 40 pictures later you don't really care.


tony montana called, he wants his collar back.

I wish there was a button I could push to eject all these ppl off our forums, or at least burning my eyes with their outfits. Is there some article in teen bop or some shit featuring superfuture? where are they coming from?

cue in the waawaawaa im not wearing diors so you dont like me shpiel

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god you kids never give cease to give me material.

your shirts are stupid, i dont like your earing, and your jeans just look bad. i dont know if it larger size people just dont look as good in clothing or whatever but it looks terrible. i really hate the way your hem falls on your shoes too. reminds me of those poser asian gangster kids with their stupid cortezes and huge anchor blue jeans.

its pretty hard to do fat well and you surely dont make it look cool

oh yea and your angles aint foolin no one

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lol. i didnt get the v-necks are the new limp rist memo. but i guess they could have misplaced my email address. i mean, jhey is going into 10th.. thats as old as my little brother..

haha i remember jhey was ranting about everyone on sufu wears aa vnecks and diors. then, after that post raymond posts up his fit with an aa vneck and diors. you did that intentionally right, raymond? ;) i almost fell off my chair!

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