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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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hey... go easy on the kid, he looks like the kind of dude that would kill himself over a bunch of strangers ridiculing him on a fashion forum.

no really, he looks that retarded

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hey... go easy on the kid, he looks like the kind of dude that would kill himself over a bunch of strangers ridiculing him on a fashion forum.

no really, he looks that retarded

this is what I enjoy. I am fascinated by the fact that my hidoeous god forsaken fit brings you so much joy to slander me. That you recieve sooo much joy from creating analogies and telling me to kill myslef because of what I wear. I am taken back and perplexed, that the preponderance of forum members engage in this activity.

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if its so fucking perplexing then leave and quit being such a cock. you're "a student of sociology" then think about this. you have come to an internet forum/community, and you oppose most all of the thinking on here and you believe it to be irrational and confusing that people in this community hate you. now using this supposed education you are receiving i would think it to be quite easy for you to figure it out why 99% of the people on this board dislike you. its like if g.w. bush showed up at the democratic national convention the mother fucker isn't going to get a standing ovation when he opens his mouth.

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this is in the best fits thread. I think that this person is a flaming homosexual and that they dress like a girl. Yet this is praised by the same members who are threatening my life. I am just perplexed, As a student of sociology, this forum is irational and confusing

the guy in that picture is a self admitted flaming homosexual nice try though

maybe you should study sociology some more only then will you understand the post modern meta pseudo-event that is this forum

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this is in the best fits thread. I think that this person is a flaming homosexual and that they dress like a girl. Yet this is praised by the same members who are threatening my life. I am just perplexed, As a student of sociology, this forum is irational and confusing.

what does me being a homosexual have to do with you looking like a homeschooled virgin?


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this is what I enjoy. I am fascinated by the fact that my hidoeous god forsaken fit brings you so much joy to slander me. That you recieve sooo much joy from creating analogies and telling me to kill myslef because of what I wear. I am taken back and perplexed, that the preponderance of forum members engage in this activity.

I'm to understand that you have arbitrarily appointed yourself an observer of us, and from your ivory tower you post pictures of yourself dressed like an eight year old in order to enjoy the reaction?

I hope you submit this as a class project, and I hope at that time your prof gives you negrep. Or whatever it is that professors do when they realize that they've wasted their lives trying to impart their wisdom onto a parade of hopeless cretins.

Which brings me to my next point. Please get over yourself, and learn to fucking write. That last sentence reads like you composed it with your dick in one hand and the thesaurus in the other. Maybe you typed with your nose, I don't know. Just quit it, your steez hurts my brain.

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I hope you submit this as a class project, and I hope at that time your prof gives you negrep. Or whatever it is that professors do when they realize that they've wasted their lives trying to impart their wisdom onto a parade of hopeless cretins.

the dude has stated hes 16 on hypebeast, im pretty sure hes no student of sociology (or he would have recognized and highlighted more sociologically relevant faults of the sufu community)

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the dude has stated hes 16 on hypebeast, im pretty sure hes no student of sociology (or he would have recognized and highlighted more sociologically relevant faults of the sufu community)

To be fair, most people I know that are "studying" sociology have already failed out of at least one other program.

So I don't really expect much proper "studying".

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i would rather be me than you. Im sorry but people that looked like you that went to my high school, needed to go through therapy after. And your analogies and assumptions are wrong. if George Bush went to the democratic convention democratic canidates such as hillary clinton and barack obama wouldn't tell him to die. And just because I don't have proof read and grammatically correct posts doesn't make me retarded. I write essays in a different fashion then I write posts on this forum.

I understand that the majority of people here dislike me and my apperance but the fact that you want me to go kill myself because I have a diferent sense of style than you amazes me. It really does, all my advice outaside of one or two people with genuwine critiques tell me that I should just kill myself.

You attack everything about me that you know, you bring in outside sources from previous posts and you analyze not only my clothes but my living conditions in order to profile me and make negative generalizations.

I think that "Chris's" fit is horrible. Yet I don't care if he dresses like that, I understand the rep system, but I woulnd't send him a personal message telling him to kill himself. That baffles me. That if you never knew me, and I passed one of you on the streets, would you stop and tell me to go die because I am a fucking retard child that should have been aborted,.

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I think that this person is a flaming homosexual and that they dress like a girl.

If this had been directed towards anyone else, it wouldn't have been nearly as funny.

But beyond that, if a flaming homosexual is getting praised on these forums so much; you see him in the best fits thread, so surely this must be what most of us consider to be a good fit, how do you expect to not get shit on every time you post? It'd be one thing to go, "I know you guys won't like this, but here it is anyway.", but you're still "perplexed" at the whole situation. Here at superfuture, we do not like ill fitting, boring outfits on pale white kids who appear to be suffering from downs syndrome.

Also, unless your brother typed up that message, there is no possible way that you are in any way, shape, or form a student of sociology. Just throw away your thesaurus along with your camera.

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i would rather be me than you. Im sorry but people that looked like you that went to my high school, needed to go through therapy after. And your analogies and assumptions are wrong. if George Bush went to the democratic convention democratic canidates such as hillary clinton and barack obama wouldn't tell him to die. And just because I don't have proof read and grammatically correct posts doesn't make me retarded. I write essays in a different fashion then I write posts on this forum.

I understand that the majority of people here dislike me and my apperance but the fact that you want me to go kill myself because I have a diferent sense of style than you amazes me. It really does, all my advice outaside of one or two people with genuwine critiques tell me that I should just kill myself.

You attack everything about me that you know, you bring in outside sources from previous posts and you analyze not only my clothes but my living conditions in order to profile me and make negative generalizations.

I think that "Chris's" fit is horrible. Yet I don't care if he dresses like that, I understand the rep system, but I woulnd't send him a personal message telling him to kill himself. That baffles me. That if you never knew me, and I passed one of you on the streets, would you stop and tell me to go die because I am a fucking retard child that should have been aborted,.

effort, man...

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I understand that the majority of people here dislike me and my apperance but the fact that you want me to go kill myself because I have a diferent sense of style than you amazes me. It really does, all my advice outaside of one or two people with genuwine critiques tell me that I should just kill myself.

You attack everything about me that you know, you bring in outside sources from previous posts and you analyze not only my clothes but my living conditions in order to profile me and make negative generalizations.


Genuwine got the shit that fits

also, you can't get mad for people generalizing when you just called a dude a flaming homo for the way he dresses. Stop failing.

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i picked a fit from somoene who is homosexual, i didn't intend to do that because I see tons of fits like that all the time. It was the first one i found on best WDYWT thread. It was on the second to last page. I am sure I could find another one to prove my point.

Just because I don't have a college Major of sociology doesn't mean that I am an illiterate moron. I am a student of many things, yet I don't have to major or take college classes in them.

I post here because it is far and away the best site for denim, and I honestly am not here to try and make friends. So I don't need to go to the porn site for some buds. Sorry for affending anyone but Im out. THis has run its course. I understand now the reason for the hate. Its all good. Till my next retarded twist of my akward looking should be suicidal self/

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also, care to share with us exactly why his waywt is horrible and how yours isnt, fearitself?

because I don't want to look like that. All his clothes are too small/tight. He is wearing a scarf and some boots. I don't want to look anything like that.

I never said my fit isn't horrible. Maybe it is, but it is all about perception. And my perception of it is positive, which makes me happy which is really the only thing that matters to it. He may like his fit alot, and that fine with me. I won't think lesser of him as a human being, you know why? Because I am not insecure. yet all these people that tell me to commit suicide, they are insecure. they want to feel better by insulting me and my possesions. It's okay, I got it now. If it makes you feel better to know that you are supperior its fine.

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defending yourself on an internet forum makes you hella insecure.

now, take my advice.

go to www.youporn.com

masturbate and sleep it off.

What ever you want to say say it, just get it off your chest tyler. Your really humorous. I am incredibly insecure so I posted my obviously adored outfits on this forum in hopes to get some respect and make my self feel good. I also go with the tide and do everything that is done by the majority to be liked here. Always doing that makes you insecure, not caring about what you think Tyler makes me secure. As nothing you say can lower my self esteem and self image. FIght Club is a good movie, but I don't liek you

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