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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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i was heading here to post this up, but looks like lots of people beat me to it.

Anyway... i cant put my finger on whats so bad about this, individually the things might not be so bad (can't tell with the shoes).. is it just that he's dressing against his body type? is it the facial expression?, the plugs in the ears? I guess just a combination of those things.

what's more, compare it to what im wearing today:


i posted it in waywt before even seeing this guys pic... same basic concepts right? so the difference lies in fit of the garments/thought/execution of the idea.

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his jeans and top are much tighter and fitted then yours. the crew neck is horrible with a long sleeve if its striped that thin on a guy and he has the arm sleeves pushed up.

in short if it were a short sleeve shirt like yours and the jeans more relax fitted then girly fitted it would go from worst to mediocore. judging based on his body type.

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wied's right

this is a perfect example of arguably subtle differences in fit changing the overall effect dramatically

dude above is trying to force a look that just ain't meant for him

i suppose it goes without saying i'm as surprised as the rest of you that someone actually dropped a constructive post in this thread

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its the fit on the shirt, the blokes just a bit to weighted to wear such a slim thing.

also it looks to me as this was a bit of an unlucky capture.. the shirt looks to be riding up around the bottom of his ribs.. thats what causes the hourglass shape.... ..hot on a brazillian broad, not so cool on a l'homme

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wied's right

this is a perfect example of arguably subtle differences in fit changing the overall effect dramatically

dude above is trying to force a look that just ain't meant for him

i suppose it goes without saying i'm as surprised as the rest of you that someone actually dropped a constructive post in this thread

as amusing as it can be to just post up bad fits here and rip on them, i think this thread should be used more for constructive criticism and discussion of why what's bad is bad and how to perhaps improve it if possible and alot less for stupid flame wars and rants.

like, the tragic thing is that bearvsgorilla probably thought he looked like hot shit in what he was wearing. so instead of just throwing the pic here and saying look how bad this is and leaving the guy wondering why he ended up here its better to let him know how the look could be done better. Of course, he may not even know he's in this thread yet.

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^^ everyone knows/thinks/has-already-posted that sentiment many times over.

But this thread is not for one-on-one new-agey "let me help you help yourself" shit. This isn't about being curteous, or what's best for one person. This is what's best for everyone, and everyone seeks entertainment.






Haha, serioiusly though, this thread is supertrash. Supertrash is like a gladiator arena, if it ain't interesting then THUMBS DOWN. Totally for amusement only. Leave that constructive criticism stuff over at superfashion or even better: PMs.

Now where were we again? ::cues mortal combat music::

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...that guy isn't even 'too weighted', he has a broad chest and shoulders and apparently some wide hips... he's kind of built like a chick. point is, he should

be hiding this about himself, not accentuating it.

latest trainwreck:


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latest trainwreck:


Oh I get it. It's one of those black guys who unabashedly dress like nerdy/trendy white guys but with "urban flare" thrown in. Probably wears J Press in a non ironic fashion as well. I work about 3 blocks from the UO in Union Square and probably see 10 of these fuckers a day hanging around there.

Stop it black dudes. We know it's a straight up play for white scene chick pussy. Have some dignity. Stop it already.

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... why even bother?

I realise that most won't give a shit. But wack lace jobs drive me nuts. And wack lace jobs on V's even more so. How hard is it to lace a shoe? Seriously.

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