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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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hahah....I love that Johnny Red (Mohawk dude) got posted up in the Worst fits before my (pointedly tongue-in-cheek) fit.

Here you go:

First WAYWT post ... so be gentle :)


Mishka x Wildhawks x Nudie

Do you go to UW or Laurier?

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haha...oh my bad dude, wouldn't want to offend staunch Laurier supporters from ... Constantinople? Hmm are you REALLY from Constantinople, or is it, like, A FUCKING JOKE. Cuz if its a fucking joke, you shouldn't tell people you're from Constantinople.


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haha...oh my bad dude, wouldn't want to offend staunch Laurier supporters from ... Constantinople? Hmm are you REALLY from Constantinople, or is it, like, A FUCKING JOKE. Cuz if its a fucking joke, you shouldn't tell people you're from Constantinople.


All things considered, you're the one who looks like the retarded fool in that vile jersey and jean combination. I'm sorry if I didn't offend you enough since I don't pander my replies to slack-jawed yokels in jerseys.

Perhaps you were auditioning for 8 Mile?

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Hahaha oh right! Way to address my response! So you're really from Constantinople? A place that hasn't existed for like a millenium? Holy fuck dude that's awesome. I am so stupid.

And perhaps, whilst i was wearing this jersey, my friends and I concluded that I looked like a retarded fool, and as such decided to take a picture, and we were so truly amused that we thought it would make a funny WAYWT first picture. And Lo! Several people flamed me, and others found it to be a joke, as did we. OTHER people thought that because I dont go to the school, I shouldn't wear the jersey. As a joke. Wow.

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i think it could work, but i'd trim it down to an inch (would work if you had textured hair). as it is, it looks a bit unruly/16-year-old high school delinquent. let rest those days of drinking 40's outside of a community centre punk show with horrible local bands and spending 3 hours smearing gelatin in your hair.

ps sorry if you are actually 16.

Yeah I actually usually keep it about an inch shorter, I've just been lazy with trimming it. Honestly, it's the only haircut that I've been happy with so far, and I get constant comments on it in real life. But yeah, I need to take care of that trim...

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Hahaha oh right! Way to address my response! So you're really from Constantinople? A place that hasn't existed for like a millenium? Holy fuck dude that's awesome. I am so stupid.

And perhaps, whilst i was wearing this jersey, my friends and I concluded that I looked like a retarded fool, and as such decided to take a picture, and we were so truly amused that we thought it would make a funny WAYWT first picture. And Lo! Several people flamed me, and others found it to be a joke, as did we. OTHER people thought that because I dont go to the school, I shouldn't wear the jersey. As a joke. Wow.

I think you made the right choice in posting that picture

In all likelihood, you wearing some shirt that your "buddy" shit all over would have made you look a lot more worse.

Also, if you had read something instead of making inane gestures and posting visually assaulting photos, you would have known that Constantinople--also known as Istanbul--did not cease to exist "thousands of years ago". It was known as Constantinople until 1930 and the name was used in maps up into the '60s.

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Putting quotation marks around something that the dude never said is kinda retarded.

Did he not foolishly write: Hahaha oh right! Way to address my response! So you're really from Constantinople? A place that hasn't existed for like a millenium.

I do believe it's called paraphrasing.

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paraphrases do not get quotation marks, but you could site it at the end of your sentence e.g. (Clopek 106)

I didn't feel compelled to utilize conventions.

Quibbling with petty grammar is something people do when they have anything else to argue.

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wrong on so many levels im guessing european?im not sure where to start with what i dislike most or what entierly is wrong the nikes are a problem deffinatly along with the jacket,hair could be badass but in this ensamble just adds to the viual nightmare

Cuffs + tongues out = nonononono. One or the other is all well and good, but it certainly can't ever be done with cuffs that massive.

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Yeah...sorry for totally shitting up this thread (well, shitting it up more anyway). But I really feel it necessary to put people with humour/irony deficiencies in their place.

I think that some people might need to learn that (proven by scientific study) dual meanings on the internet are 90% of the time interpreted in the more negative manner.

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haha...oh my bad dude, wouldn't want to offend staunch Laurier supporters from ... Constantinople? Hmm are you REALLY from Constantinople, or is it, like, A FUCKING JOKE. Cuz if its a fucking joke, you shouldn't tell people you're from Constantinople.


ah, i get it now, i guess that ridiculous hair and hat are also a joke, makes sense now!

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