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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Yeah just to clarify, I was basing my "rules" off of his outfit, and they way he wears things. So when I say "never wear a dress shirt with jeans" I mean "YOU should never wear a dress shirt with jeans because your colors and proportions are off and you tucked wrong"

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I definitely understand what you mean, therefore I don't feel offended at all being in this thread. Especially at my age, still in high school, it's hard to "dress to appeal" multiple crowds. Super future vs School. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot.

Standards: Schools = +3 sizes Supefutures = -2 sizes (stereotypically)

I am in the process of finding my own comfortable style.


Thanks for the input Crillz. I'll take tips into consideration, most likely this "semi-formal deal" is probably only a one-time deal. It was for a class interview. I actually like the denim x dress shirt, but my dress-shirts definitely need an upgrade.


Eurotrash, interesting.

yoooo ?


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  Servo2000 said:
Apparently to Westside nothing is good and nothing is bad, everything is just all about how you feel about things and sticking with what you like.

Fucking hippie.


I hold stronger opinions than you could even imagine.

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Well then the problem isn't doing it, it's doing it right. Nothing screams tacky/ awful like a black dress shirt. I can't stand those things. There's a reason you never see them with a gorgeous suit, they don't work. Coupled with the black jeans and the sunglasses they look terrible. A white shirt+ tight black jeans is god like. If I hadn't sworn off black jeans I'd be on it in an instant.

I'm going to do a run through.

Hair: A little pathetic, but not too bad. I've seen instances where I've totally loved it.

Sunglasses: Combined with the stud they look 80s Miami. That's a very bad thing. The stud can stay for that "COOL DEWD" look, but the sunglasses must go (they are also ultra feminine, you can't couple that with a tie.

Shirt: Arms are cut too long. See that bunching near the wrists? That your sleeve trying to get past your thumb and failing, they need to be shorter. I don't care what anyone says, silver+black=trauma. Never put them together. The shirt's fit in the chest looks fine. Don't untuck, then you're a nightlife fucktard.

Tie: Too much of a poor color choice. For the black shirt I'd suggest nixing a tie. A black shirt does not take well to ties. Also, those clips only belong on a guy wearing business casual wrong, or ironically with a much slimmer/ shorter tie (I could see a skin pulling it off well.

Jeans: Hem them.

Shoes: Too slim for the jeans, the stack on top is too fat and overwhelms the shoes. Wear those with skinnier jeans or something that doesn't stack.

I was up shit creek when I was 16. Beat Dickies work pants, beat up chucks, white t or Queers T every day.I could not figure out anything else. It took a long time to figure out where I even was, how I wanted to use clothing to project my self. Just look at my advice a little, take something from it if you find it helpful, and keep trying stuff out. You won't be a pro really quick and you shouldn't be expected to be. TSome of the top posters on this forum don't post every day because they don't wear killer outfits everyday.

If you want some commentary post in the chat and I bet we'd be happy to help.

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I appreciate the constructive critisizm, and I'm glad I'm receiving these "lessons" early. I'm glad you understand the whole, high school & clothing, crisis. I believe the root of my problems is the poor choice of my purhases. The dress shirt and tie were actually from a last-minute buy for my Winter Formal Dance. Jeans will be in the chop-shop soon, this decision was made pre-posting. I'll try a white-dress shirt next week, before spring break.

If your guys are willing to advise me, I'll be down for the chat.

Preparing myself for the real interviews when I'm out of high school.


Hippies > Anarchists > Communists

yes ?

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No, no one beats Anarchists. They have the best stories ever, I love those guys. Great zines, too.

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  just be eesy said:
I'm glad you understand the whole, high school & clothing, crisis.

Man, I'm still living it. No one gives me any guff because I go to a small, small school loaded with nice people and nerds. Whenever I walk by real highschool kids I can hear the snicker coming from a mile away. That's alright, though, I really feel embarassed for them in their whateveritistheywear. Figure out what you want to look like and what clothing associations fit your identity and roll with it, don't let a bunch of idiots force you to buy 19cms.

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  Icarus said:
No, no one beats Anarchists. They have the best stories ever, I love those guys. Great zines, too.

they have ok stories, but then it all comes back to dumpster diving at the local whole foods and having to break the lock of the dumpster to steal day old lettuce when a 401k vested 14 year old sales associate comes out and chases you back to your "squat" (mom's house, but you're not paying rent, so it is free living). They smell like shit and their dogs should eat meat sometimes. The people from wooden shoe owe me $20 for the consignment of my zines i left there 10 years ago before the orginal one burnt down.

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  poly800rock said:
they have ok stories, but then it all comes back to dumpster diving at the local whole foods and having to break the lock of the dumpster to steal day old lettuce when a 401k vested 14 year old sales associate comes out and chases you back to your "squat" (mom's house, but you're not paying rent, so it is free living). They smell like shit and their dogs should eat meat sometimes. The people from wooden shoe owe me $20 for the consignment of my zines i left there 10 years ago before the orginal one burnt down.

I'm guessing Icarus means anarchists who are at least 35 years old who have been plugging away since, you know, when Crass was hot shit or something. I'll co-sign. Those are some great stories. I haven't met a boring middle-aged anarchist yet. Tedious sometimes, sure. But boring? No fuckin' way.

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Even the guys who are just starting can have great stories, especially the uprooting ones, turning life on it's head to see what happens sort of vagrant anarchists. At least their stories I can immediately draw personal identification from. The older guys are harder.

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what's up with those girbaud jeans?

why is the label = ghettowear in america

is it the same label as marithe francois girbaud (sp?)

it looks quite normal in other parts of the world

can anyone enlighten me?

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Whats the purpose of wearing dior if your going to wear them so ridiculously and size up to like a 35 in waist it looks like shit and i like thosse supreme blazers A.L pulls them of nicely and so do others but this looks terrible


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  Lucas said:
Whats the purpose of wearing dior if your going to wear them so ridiculously and size up to like a 35 in waist it looks like shit and i like thosse supreme blazers A.L pulls them of nicely and so do others but this looks terrible


dude, there's nothing wrong with this at all. Not everyone wants to wear it tight and there's no problems sizing up.

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Guest jmatsu
  fndmybetterhalf said:
loose the shades...look like men in black or something :/

tsk tsk tsk.

yo watch your back, for the men in black!

tommy lee jones and will smith's suits plus ties, while being just mono black and white were impeccably cut. their sunglasses were way more conservative/simple. overall they gave off an adult/conservative-classy appearance. plus their watches cost more then homeboy's entire ensemble. i am pretty sure that the entire mib agency would not take kindly to your irresponsible comparison of their uniforms to this alien's version of "homosapien/civilian" plain clothes.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
  Lucas said:
Whats the purpose of wearing dior if your going to wear them so ridiculously and size up to like a 35 in waist it looks like shit and i like thosse supreme blazers A.L pulls them of nicely and so do others but this looks terrible


this looks perfectly fine. you are an idiot.

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  jmatsu said:
tsk tsk tsk.

yo watch your back, for the men in black!

tommy lee jones and will smith's suits plus ties, while being just mono black and white were impeccably cut. their sunglasses were way more conservative/simple. overall they gave off an adult/conservative-classy appearance. plus their watches cost more then homeboy's entire ensemble. i am pretty sure that the entire mib agency would not take kindly to your irresponsible comparison of their uniforms to this alien's version of "homosapien/civilian" plain clothes.

u just reminded me of how much those movies sucked.

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