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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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I dont understand.

Why does a person have to bother and contemplate before wearing a certain brand only because another person has dedicated 2/3 of his life to that brand and is now sad ablout the fact that the brand is now no more than a look.

Come on. I cant believ there are people debating about such a matter lol.

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  kimhwan92 said:
I dont understand.

Why does a person have to bother and contemplate before wearing a certain brand only because another person has dedicated 2/3 of his life to that brand and is now sad ablout the fact that the brand is now no more than a look.

Come on. I cant believ there are people debating about such a matter lol.

Hi, welcome to superfuture

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  kimhwan92 said:
I dont understand.

Why does a person have to bother and contemplate before wearing a certain brand only because another person has dedicated 2/3 of his life to that brand and is now sad ablout the fact that the brand is now no more than a look.

Come on. I cant believ there are people debating about such a matter lol.

not the brand dumbass... skateboarding. to be honest, i only use supreme as an exapmle because it is the one that is seen most around here.

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Thread implosion imminent.

edit: back on track.

  ProperRich said:



Flying Coffin



Ignore the oversized tee. Hasn't been washed and I have recently dropped a couple lbs.

Why would you post something you want everyone to ignore? This is probably not worst, but it's worse than most. Plus this thread was getting jacked.

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  Baeyer-Drewson said:
Thread implosion imminent.

edit: back on track.

Why would you post something you want everyone to ignore?

It seems like you are complaining more about what I wrote then what I am wearing.

But that's okay, hopefully the common hate will get people away from arguing about supreme.

That shit is like religion to some people.

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  andrewisdope said:
supreme is a skate brand.

yeah 15 or so years ago...they hang wooden ornaments in their store to insinuate what once was

and i'm not complaining...i have never skated and have countless chinos and oxfords from them, good quality and fit for the price, especially compared to BoO and all the other brands here

but i have always recognized it as the hyped up tiresome clothing brand it is, at least for the duration of how long i've been into it

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Let's pretend Supreme is 100% a skate brand, and every single thing they put out is meant for skaters and that's it.

Why does it matter if people who aren't a part of the skate culture wear it?

I understand people getting upset because they feel as though people who wear Supreme are trying to take credit for a lifestyle they aren't a part of.

But come on. It is a brand...of clothing.

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from skateboard culture that people dedicated their lives to and were shunned by rest of society for being a part of comes supreme; >

rest of society ignores/does not know supreme was skate company; >

the shunned og skateboarders watch supreme (and many other skate related clothing companies who supported the scene) become separated from skateboarding; >


not too hard for me to understand at least, who knows.

proper - what baeyer is saying is why post a fit in a shirt that you know is too fucking big

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  scientifick said:
from skateboard culture that people dedicated their lives to and were shunned by rest of society for being a part of comes supreme; >

rest of society ignores/does not know supreme was skate company; >

the shunned og skateboarders watch supreme (and many other skate related clothing companies who supported the scene) become separated from skateboarding; >


not too hard for me to understand at least, who knows.

proper - what baeyer is saying is why post a fit in a shirt that you know is too fucking big

Well that's capitalism for ya.

As soon as anything becomes popular enough, thoughts eventually shift to making money.

Skateboarding became a viable commodity and all the brands that used to cater only to the niche skate market (a market without huge dividends) now had monetary growth on their minds. Money trumps any skater ethos that may or may not exist among these brands. Enter big skate retailers to peddle increased volumes or merchandise, exit many small skate shops.

This happened over several years and because skate brands always play both sides of the fence, most skaters didn't notice until the corporate skate machine was already running on full-steam. Once they realized this, they were either retired from the skating scene or they were pros, relying on corporate sponsorships...the skaters that still existed on the fringe bounced. And now, like Cheep mentioned a few pages back, the only way to tell if someone doesn't skate is if they're wearing skate brands. (Unless they're sponsored pros)

A poseur in skate culture is looked at almost as badly as a poseur punk was to the early punk culture. The problem now that everything is homogenized, is that uniforms become useless. This is good for those that live within the culture because it forces them to look past the surface. It's bad for those that live within the culture, because they become associated with something they no longer identify with. A mass case of mistaken identity.

The solution for any group of skaters that still live the lifestyle (which is not just about the act of skateboarding) would be to design and print their own graphic skate tees. But If you get big enough, the capitalist pigs might start knocking down your door for a piece of the action. I doubt you would turn them away. But what would you tell all those loyal skaters that bought your shitty tees for so many years? Unless you have the will to stay small, you can never stay true. Especially not in a youth culture.

Nowaday's, the issue with non-skaters wearing skate clothing is an ethical one. Because they're doing it just to look cool and get pussy. (Although, part of the reason I used to skate was for those two reasons, they weren't the only reasons. Does dressing like a skater still get you pussy these days? Probably yes for teenagers and that's answer enough)

edit: Not that any of this really matters on a fashion forum, but as a kid that skated throughout the 90's and early 2000's, I feel like I understand the OG skater mentality (I still kind of subscribe to it) and where Cheep's arguments are coming from.

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I wonder if there's a forum where old men from the 1950s are bitching about all the youngsters wearing Red Wings and chambray shirts.

I bet they'd be talking about how all these kids know nothing about a hard day's work. Talking about how persecuted they were for being blue collar workers... Coming home with dirt engrained under their fingers. Taking the back alleys home so the mainstream white collar guys didn't beat them up solely based on their attire and lifestyle.

We all know the blue collar guys would've won the fight, but it's not about that. People shouldn't have to defend their lives and hobbies from people who are assholes just to be assholes.

And then there are those shit stain kids, sitting in their air conditioned home wearing $800 worth of denim and work boots that'll never touch anything but carpet and pavement. These kids are cashing in on a trend that'll pass sooner than later, but in the meantime they don't understand shit about work or real life or fucking anything.

The only thing these old men have is this forum. And it's being infiltrated by these same fucking kids, who just want ideas of cosplay shit to wear and maybe buy some dirty jeans one of the old men found in a mine.

Fuck it's hard to earn an honest living these days.

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kiya's post about jebbias motivation to start supreme as an art project with skaters as a subject was the best post in the discussion though. thiught that was interesting.

no different than raf being inspired by punks is it?

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just because i KNOW you're going to keep arguing about supreme

  straightxedge said:
I found some funny pieces in my wardrobe. My style from the late 90´s. Just tried on to make you laughing.




  xrevengex said:

Really dumb face

Vintage tie


LVC '66

Vintage brogues

  ThisSunday said:



Warby Parker shades

Double XX


Alden for Leathersoul

Last night went to see Cirque Du Soleil


MFSC x 4

Tanner belt

Alden for Leathersoul

  Max Power said:


IH X SE CPO - Minor Threat - Red Moon - 0905 SP - Emerica

god that ironheart jacket really IS horrid.

also hello train conductor

and dude who wears a tie with jeans but forgets his socks (???)

and bellbottoms rock (10)

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I think the bell bottom guy posted that in the stuff you're ashamed of owning thread.... it was stated a few pages back.

For some reason I find all of ThisSunday's pictures really awkward and often uncomfortable. Not really sure why, I just get a weird vibe.

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  Layne said:
I think the bell bottom guy posted that in the stuff you're ashamed of owning thread.... it was stated a few pages back.

For some reason I find all of ThisSunday's pictures really awkward and often uncomfortable. Not really sure why, I just get a weird vibe.

dude has fucking weird posture

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  Layne said:
I think the bell bottom guy posted that in the stuff you're ashamed of owning thread.... it was stated a few pages back.

For some reason I find all of ThisSunday's pictures really awkward and often uncomfortable. Not really sure why, I just get a weird vibe.

  Paul T said:
Sense of humor failure alert...

paul, you've been here for 6 years and you still don't know what (10) is?

go back to superdenim.

(on the plus side you're not talking about supreme anymore)

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your (10) was showing you weren't serious about posting "bell bottoms rock"...but the joke was made originally by straightxedge in putting that fit together and posting it in the first place. That's the original joke being discussed. Paul was alluding to that. Maybe we should get back to the Supreme debate.

edit: this was the most worthless post I've ever made I think. I recognize that.

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