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  ndmhxc said:
thats a retarded statement.

dmt is incredibly eye opening. anyone hear the ping? ive heard some people explain that as the vibration of the earth.

my trips have been in the mountains, specifically the flatirons in colorado.


that made my trip extremely laid back.

i believe you refer to the carrier wave? oh yes. thats one of the parts that makes it so exhilarating...you hear the wave build, then your body starts vibrating with the wave and then you launch into hyperspace. its just like id imagine being in the shuttle on the launchpad just after ignition/before liftoff.

fuuuck all this talk is making me want to do it again. its been a few months :(

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I plan on saving up for the Dark Room Retreat someday.


Zero photons hitting the body after three days brings the body's seratonin/melatonin cycle to a halt--and instead the brain produces pinoline. This has MAOI effect (same as Ayahuasca), and after a few more days, the brain spews DMT, and vision literally turns into what Neo had after going blind in the third Matrix, if you've seen it.

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the dark room retreat sounds amazing, and a bit scary.

being in the dark so long induces craziness; I suppose not if you let go of your ego, as they say...

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smoked another 10th of a gram yesterday...

by the time i exhaled, i was gone. i cant even remember what happened exactly, except for the fact that i was no longer me... the molecules in my body were vibrating with the spark of the original life. after 10 minutes or so, i started looking around and trying to relate things with words, but it didnt work... visually, it was beyond any lsd or mushroom trip i have ever had. it was 1:00 pm and it seemed completly dark in my room. i back at basleline in an hour, and skating my ass off in 2.

also took a moderate dose of field shrooms last night and had a wonderful mild experience... more about the mindstate it put me in that any other mushroom trip ive had, probably because of the dmt experience, and how it showed me that visions are your mind and ego trying to stay afloat and not die. it seemed to me that the brain will use psilocybin almost as a replacement for dmt... but it doesnt seem to like it as much.

feel wonderful today... and im going to be getting rid of alot of things ive collected over the past few years... it seems to me that my cluttered mind floed into my material posessions.

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  Blicero said:
I love reading Terence McKenna about DMT. He says the only explanation is that it's an extra-terrestrial technology for communication between dimensions.

I hate this kind of shit. There are no inter dimensional aliens waiting on the other side of the time space continuum for bored 20-somethings tripping their balls off so they can lay some knowledge. They weren't there before you dosed, they aren't there during, not after either. When people bring up these crazed goddamned theories about space aliens or other dimensions or "teh world beyond!" it is just plain discouraging.

Psychoactive drugs are attractive especially to individuals seeking alternative rationalities in their daily lives as well, and bringing a critical eye is always a good thing. But bringing your own insecurities and perception filters can dampen any experience, and a lot of this skeptic talk seems to be learned contrarian reactions to everything, fueled by powerful drugs. Is it really so hard to accept that the universe might be so complex, might be so infinite*, might be so beautiful all on it's own without the pseudo science crazy talk? Replacing traditional Western ego illusions with your own doesn't make them more right. The only thing you can truly learn from psychedelics is to let. go. The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you, you can learn more with these drugs in the quiet "Oh.." than whatever screaming wormhole you may find yourself in.

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I don't recall Terence McKenna saying those things about extraterrestrial technology; but he did declare that the most 'logical' explanation for the self transforming machine elves were dead peoples' spirits, just like shamen say. However afaik he didn't believe one way or another, and the fact that he'd contradict himself and not be too sure about it all is just further proof that it's an experience that people should make by themselves and not judge things which are outside of their culture using their culture's point of view. Actually that goes for everything, not just drugz.

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Isn't DMT the chemical thats released from your brain upon the very instant before death? Its what people say is the "life flashing before their eyes" when your body reaches the point before loss of life.

I think i'll probably stick to shrooms.

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ahh.... so had a mystical experience last night:D

ate 4 grams of dried field shrooms. about 2 hours later, i wsnt feeling it, so i decided to go for a bike ride. hahaha. after riding for about 6 miles, i ended up at a friends house, and it was working. within an hour, i was stuck. my body vas vibrating with such intensity that i could hardly handle it... laughter would rise up uncontrollably and break the vibration at the point where it felt like i was going to start disolving. at this point, i unconciously closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. almost instantly, i felt my conciousness rise, starting at the base of my spine, and going up to my head, and then rise above my head about 2 feet and spread out like a 1000 petaled flower. i was aware of my surroundings, but they did not affect me. once i noticed what i was doing, i was able to control it, and bring myself to that state without trying. this lasted for an hour or two, until i started coming down offf the peak. the rest of the night, i could feel an intense energy behind my eyes... like something had opened up in my brain and my eyes were truly open for the first time.

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  beatle said:
So - basically this stuff makes your brain live up to it's potential ? Sounds tempting....

I can just see a little kid on the play ground holding a kick ball in his hands talking to westside telling him this, Best anti drug commercial catch phrase ever.

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  Gouf said:
Isn't DMT the chemical thats released from your brain upon the very instant before death? Its what people say is the "life flashing before their eyes" when your body reaches the point before loss of life.

I think i'll probably stick to shrooms.

no, it's the chemical in your brain that is released every time you dream.

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"DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain neurological states. As DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brains and other tissues of humans, and other mammals, some believe it plays a role in promoting the visual effects of natural dreaming"

i dunno, just something i read.

anywho, i'd kind of like to try dmt, but i haven't even tried shrooms lol.

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i thought i was going to die.... i think i may have almost sent myself into a hypertensive crisis... i could hear my heart pounding in my ears.... it was the scariest thing ive ever experienced.

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  • 7 months later...

seriously I don't get the point of DXM when there's so many better options out there. I had a friend take a bottle of them and fall asleep on my floor. I got woken up by him scratching the shit out of his face and yelling at the top of his voice. apparently he was having some sort of nightmare that was blurred with reality in his mind and didn't know what was real and what wasn't. fuck that shit

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anyone else out here who has been smoking salvia recently? i just want to compare you findings to mine. My trips have all been linked, and very introspective. Still deciphering them. I do find though at the onset, my motions become extremely blocky, like my body is moving through multiple dimensional planes. Then I can't tell if I'm having OEVs or CEVs. My eyes seem to be fluttering. I'll post trip findings, if anyone is interested. At the end, my legs feel really fucking weird. I end up pacing back and forth for a good 15 min. because my legs feel like they are existing somewhere else. Only way I can think to describe it is like I'm in a mech suit and my legs are moving without my upper body moving with them. My legs aren't gone I know they are somewhere, they just aren't attached to my body. Also things in my body vibrate, like a really intense body high you would get from smoking weed. Anyone else experience anything remotely similar to this? I'm also down to answer any questions anyone has about salvia.

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I must say, DMT has become my favorite drug. I haven't had any 'shrooms nor have I had a really good LSD trip though. I have to be at at least ten trips so far, all of them great, the ones alone much moreso. I need to be around someone I feel really comfortable with at least once when I do it, I just feel so good and want to touch, move, feel. I always end up rubbing my hair, legs, or mouth. I feel so good that I just wish to share it, strangely I haven't had much luck with that. It is a drug that ought to be shared, not sold. I really enjoy writing while coming down, as the curves flow better, not that anything I write has any purpose other than the aesthetic.

Pie, if you want some, i'll save you some (or maybe at the Philly meetup?).

Oh and on the relaxation bit, DMT has me relaxing on a whole 'nother level.

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I like the kind of stuff that people like joe rogan talk about in that vid but having done a decent amount of psychadelics I can honestly say that I'm not sure it's a good thing those kinds of thought processes can resonate with me or anyone else. It's just too unsettling to think that maybe all the crazy/awesome shit you can discover about yourself and the universe through various methods are really just the clinically schizo/psychotic thoughts that you would never choose to deal with if you had the chance.

shit has been unsettling me lately and I can't really shake it., I feel like I'm genuinely crazy sometimes =/

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^ I feel you. I wonder that about myself sometimes as well. Especially lately. I'm thinking about taking a break from weed because of it. I can't seem to really shake this sort of unsettled feeling. I think it may be a somewhat common feeling of people from our generation though, and I try to write it off that way.

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