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What would happen if.......?

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You threw a pair of raw jeans and just left them in the garden for many months regardless of whether it rained, shined, sleeted or snowed?

Or maybe buried them under a plant with loads of roots and then exhumed them next year? !

Of course, I am making silly hypothetical exaggeration, but I wonder if those factors of natural erosion would produce an interesting effect !!!

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i rescued a pair of gitanos that were left outside on a trail marker in the woods for a couple months and they were still very wearable----if that is your style (i think they were stonewashed to begin with); if you are that curious, check out the famed 1890s Nevada Levis; a search here should yield a thread or two.


yr welcome!

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I always wonder what would happen if you put a pair of jeans (or a t-shirt for that matter) up on a flagpole. I sometimes walk past these old, "worn" flags that have been exposed to the elements for several years, and they always look so thin and great. Anyone tried that?

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The jeans i used are stone island dry denim.. before this experiment.. i damaged them with a dremel.. rubbed them in with car wax.. dragged them across the wood behind my tomos..

I buried them in my garden underneath some stones as you can se.. everyday we walk over these stones :)

How long should i leave them in there?

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hmmm, but aren't things like buring your denim or sticking them on a flagpole quite futile without some real wears? i mean, my guess is that what burying will do is to make the entire denim fade instead of certain locations you get from wearing it hard. (of course, the other way to do it is to distress it artificially, as if you wore it.)

i guess we'll find out from sarlo's experiment. sarlo, how long have you been wearing your stone island?

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I wore the jeans for like 2 motnhs so i would see the fading in front a little.. then i used a dremel instead of sandpaper.. it's just to see how they will turn out :)

A little experiment i always wanted to do

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i always wondered what kind of wear brazilian jiu-jitsu would give a pair of jeans. you would have to take out any zippers, rivets and buttons. also, probably a good idea to remove the button holes and sew the pockets shut.

i am guessing that you would have SUPER awesome wear, if they last long enough.

also you would probably have to wash after every workout.

hmmm. i could do this with my rustler rigids.....

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Didn't Paul T's book describe the most expensive pair of jeans as being found in a mine? When you look at them, you can clearly tell they were probably just sitting there in a crumpled up pile, maybe even partially in a puddle of water or something. And they went for like $40k? I'm not saying that will happen with every pair of jeans you let sit there, but the it's definitely a unique look with a distinct story behind it.

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