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Sacramento Area 916/530


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  On 1/4/2012 at 6:36 AM, OkayOkay said:
there's no place for part-timers or hobbyists.

quick disclaimer, the LL guys are some of the nicest I've met and I really hoped they'd stay in the area. You almost need a few shops to stock the same range to legitimize it for sac customers, and they ran a clean and solid store. I kinda wish I was as solid with my web presence as they were or was a better promoter, there's something to be said for how many people knew or talked about their shop in the couple years they were around. I was impressed. I think them closing had a lot to do with too many moving parts, and not one decision maker maybe. I can't remember, but I thought I heard there were like 4 or 5 owners for a while...for a 700 sq ft shop.

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there were a few owners there. i dont know much about the in house although i could prob find out since one of the owners was my cousin but i never really cared to find out. just seemed they had gradious plans and wanted to stock the hottest brands but didnt do enough research on the citys market for the demand of such products. your friends and friends of friends can only buy so much and after a while you need a bigger consumer base

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Places to eat @

Pattaya Cafe,

Thai Spice,

Laos Kitchen,

The Pho Ga is really good @ Anh Dao quite possibly the best Pho Ga i've ever had.

TK Noodle is decent if you like chiu chow style noodles and its the only place i know of in sacramento that serves chiu chow ho fun noodles. I've been looking for a better place to eat ho fun noodles so if you know of a place let me know.

Im not to good with american food places so feel free to add on to places to eat!

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I'm in. All those restaurants you guys mention in downtown/mid-town sac sound delicious. Evening (Dinner) would be best for me...but I'm flexible.

Though I'm a fashion ignoramous (I simply like high end Japanese denim and little else, as you can tell from my WAYWT-Denim posts) I think one of the big reasons that high-end fashion/denim stores fail in the Sac area is because there's a dearth of people with high dollars available to spend. NYC, San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, LA...these are money'd towns which attract single, unmarried, childless types with money to burn. I have yet to meet a single individual personally in Sacramento who would spend more than $50 on jeans. Sacramento seems to attract family-oriented types...and let's face it, it's damn tough to raise a brood in NYC, San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, LA, etc...especially if home ownership is part of the plan. So, the type of folks who live in Sacramento are mostly middle-class Americans raising families on a tight budget. The fact that there are Self Edge stores in San Francisco, LA, and NYC is no accident. Casual passers-by walking into those stores and dropping thousands of $$ in one hour is probably not unheard of, and perhaps even quite common.

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I don't necessarily see it as an income issue, there are plenty of True Religions and H2's sold. If anything, Sacramentans just aren't educated enough to look outside those lines quite yet. There's a big draw toward flash and bedazzling. One of my guys worked at Nordstrom, he'd routinely ring up thousands in Ed Hardy or Rock and Republic and Etro. I was talking to him while he was selling a $3,000 Etro suit earlier last year. While things are tighter now than before, there definitely is disposable income floating around. What I think it is is you have communes like SF or LA or NYC and those cities draw creative and unique types out of areas like Sac, and were left with people either less interested in "cool" brands (by our standards), or those that aren't too creative and ride the proverbial bandwagon. We get LOTS of young men coming in looking to actually match their friend, like they're going to a Sadie Hawkins dance or somehing. I get asked all the time for Diamond Supply and LRG, even though 9 stores sell it within .25 miles of my door. Lots of people in Sac are content playing it safe.

I do see, however, a huge push into moderate priced better street/contemporary goods. We move a lot of Nudie and Crate, both are good enough and fit more on our side of the spectrum than Seven For All Mankind. We sell out of Shades of Grey when we have it, and I'm getting more people than ever looking at things like Clae instead of immediately going for all white Vans authentics. It's a start, and definitely in the right direction. We just lack a lot of the creativity and culture, and that takes time to cultivate. What Sac (and the outlying suburbs) need to do is shift their mentality away from 5,000sq+ commercial spaces and into 1,000 storefronts; stop building 3,000 sq ft track homes and build 500 sq ft lofts instead. They need to make it more accessible for individuals to open businesses and live here, and they'll be rewarded with a more balanced and richer demographic.

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most of the creative cultured people i know in sacramento moved out to the bay area/la/east coast. Im not a sacramento native but i do enjoy it here occasionally because of the undisturbed house parties and cwgs. The thing i notice is that there is no real scenerey aside from downtown/midtown and even then there is barely anything.

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I'm gonna turn this frown upside-down and start talking about some of the awesome stuff Sac does have I think...if only to make me resent it slightly less.

Press (restaurant) downtown is amazing. I can't believe people let it fly under the radar. Right next to Zocalo. Celery/Date/Blue Cheese salad is insane and I could eat it every day and not get over it.

The Kitchen is probably the best restaurant that's ever existed, in any city, on any planet, from any time. I went once and I'd go again if it wasn't booked out for the next 6 months (not kidding). It's the most bizarre location, but everything there is impeccable. I actually watched the guy at the door turn away a couple that had reservations because they were 10 minutes late (at $200 + per sitting it's not cheap). You don't fuck around there, it's like they don't even give a fuck if they lose the money, but once you're in it's the best service imaginable.

In the Roseville area, I've been trying to get into the Chef's Table forever, but they're also always booked out. I gotta plan ahead.

There's a pretty solid Alehouse that opened in Rocklin with a ton of craft/micro's on tap and a pretty respectable kitchen.

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6million to do predevelopment plans.

3mill maloofs

3mill city

if the new plan doesnt go through maloofs are on the hook for all 6mill.

dont blame the maloofs for balking at that. i dont think any smart businessperson would make that deal.

maloofs are broke but wont sell their only asset.

they would prefer to have the new arena in natomas since they own the land. this way they will be part owners and will take a bigger cut than splitting revenue with the city and AEG at the new railyard proposal. at the railyard they would just be tenants.

like renters anywhere they shouldnt have to pay for upgrades, but i guess under the propsal they would be on the hook for part of the upgrades.

maloofs are broke.

anaheim is still working on renovating their hockey arena (just in case)

nba doesnt have the power to force them to sell the team.

stern is pissed for looking like a fool

kings will stay for another year so get ready for one more year of this same nonsense.

kj needs the arena to be his legacy piece to build off of if he wants to move up in the political game.

maloofs are broke even though they say they arent. terrible businessmen.

typical riding the silver spoon of their parents. sold all their revenue generating businesses. dropped it all in bad investments (the palms, skateboarding teams, recording artists (only artist signed to the label is lindsey lohans sister...)) kings are all they have.

what i dont get is they own the land out near natomas and are still in debt to the city for 70mill for that loan yet nobody talks about them paying that loan back.

i think this is pretty accurate but thats a summary of what ive heard, not so much what ive read regarding the situation

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