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Shooting people in the face saved my life


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man i played cs for a while back in high school, since then ive always thought the way to play a fps was with a mouse and keyboard.

tho i do give u guys credit for being able to track faces down on a controller lol. gonna have to grab something soon to play on my computer again. any recommendations?

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I've just never played with a mouse/keyboard or any computer game for any length of time honestly.

CoD has aim assist on console, you can see it best if you hard-scope for awhile and your crosshairs follow a guy running through them for a second

otherwise though its not as noticeable.

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I keep aim assist off for that reason - it goes haywire if I try and shoot at a group. I think I do well enough without it anyway.

MW2 just has WAY TOO MANY exploitable perks/glitches/tactics, i play it every now and again but it still angers me

It's just the tubes that anger me. I've been running 7, 9, 25 and pretty much every 15+ streak that's been broken has been by a tube. I even use Blast Shield a ton but it really isn't that useful.

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Anyone know when we can expect a price drop on the Blops map packs? Haven't been into CoD long enough to know if they reduce prices prior to next release. Would make a lot of sense since relatively few people will play Blops after MW3 release.

edit: I'm on 360 :(

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^^See if one of your cod buddies is willing to move his account onto your system temporarily. Add the maps to your download cue, and you're set. I have a ps3, and I have the new maps thanks to one of my friends.

I don't see the point of flak jacket with hacker, unless you play something like demolition or search and destroy. Even then, I can only see myself using it on search and destroy where more people use rc cars, claymores, and even the occasional camera spike. Why bother with hacker when you can run past claymores? Tactical mask/flak jacket pro is a great combination. In my opinion the best 2 setups are flak jacket/sleight of hand/tactical mask and ghost/sleight of hand/hacker. I'll use hardline/sleight of hand/hacker sometimes if I'm trying to rack up killstreaks.

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^^See if one of your cod buddies is willing to move his account onto your system temporarily. Add the maps to your download cue, and you're set. I have a ps3, and I have the new maps thanks to one of my friends.

I don't see the point of flak jacket with hacker, unless you play something like demolition or search and destroy. Even then, I can only see myself using it on search and destroy where more people use rc cars, claymores, and even the occasional camera spike. Why bother with hacker when you can run past claymores? Tactical mask/flak jacket pro is a great combination. In my opinion the best 2 setups are flak jacket/sleight of hand/tactical mask and ghost/sleight of hand/hacker. I'll use hardline/sleight of hand/hacker sometimes if I'm trying to rack up killstreaks.

I'm more of a team player. I blow up any claymores I see for my teammates sake.

I have yet to get hit by a claymore so I'm unaware of its power when I have flak jacket on. If it were to be a perfect hit, would it be enough to kill?

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Yeah, anything can hit with a direct or "perfect" hit: rc's, claymores, c4's. The only thing that can't is a frag afaik.

not true, only a perfect RC hit will kill you with FJ, and even then the user really has to ram into you. provided you're at full health, claymores, toobs, grenades, and c4 won't kill. exploding cars will only kill you if you're in direct contact with them

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Hardline is a waste of a perk for me.

I can't even remember BO perks but in MW2 almost all of my classes were

Sleight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much only switching out Stopping Power for Cold Blooded or Danger Close. I neeeed Sleight of Hand and I love Ninja

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Why is there little love for Hardline? i would have thought people would go crazy over that shit. that said, Flak Jacket comes in real handy when rushing. no kaboom of doom there.

I get my 8 kills at least once per game and from there, the extra 3 kills for dogs is really not hard. I'd rather not get killed by a RC-XD or some shit grenade and keep my streak going. Even scavenger is better since I don't have to give a shit about ammo (Kiparis with rapid fire and Stoner63 with extended mags).

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