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Weight Problems

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I've got kind of a strange situation and was wondering if anyone else has had to face a similar dilemma. Basically over the past three years, I've put on quite a lot of weight, more precisely, about 15-20 lbs. I've gone from a versatile size 32 waist, to a size 36 and an even more disturbing size 38 for dress pants. Needless to say, such rapid weight gain is very distressing. I believe there are a couple of factors that have contributed to this, and they all started around the same time about 3 years ago and those are 1) I got an office job, 2) I moved out of my parents house, and 3) I got a girlfriend. All of those things coming together at the same time is a recipe for disaster, like the perfect storm. I've been eating loads of junk and fast food and haven't been physically active because I'm so exhausted after work. None of my old clothes fit me any more, and they're collecting dust in the closet and I've had to get a bunch of new gear to accommodate my new body. I've had to go from M to XL to hide my silhouette, even a size L AA t-shirt makes me look like a sausage. After peaking at about 190 lbs last month, I made a commitment to myself to lose weight, eat healthy and become more active and just generally take care of my health. I've lost a couple of pounds so far and am fairly pleased with my progress thus far, although I wish the results would come faster. I'm trying to get back down to 172 lbs, but meanwhile, I've spent a crapload of money buying all this new clothes in XL and size 36 which I probably won't want to wear as much if i got back down in weight.

In any case, I was just wondering if anyone else has had to deal with massive swings in their weight, and how it has affected their style, wardrobe, life etc...

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yeha ,you always have to weight your self. to keep track of your weight,because yeah youre right if you dont control it early it will be alot harder to bring it back down. just continue what youre doing. do alot of cardio, stick with more protein and veggies on your diet. lay off the fried stuff, drink only and plenty of water. pz

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HAHAHA 600 calories! are you trying to kill this man. the average is 2000 a day. well you can live off 600 calories a day, ive done 500 before to cut some weight. but man just drink a lot of water as greentea said - or even better drink lots a green tea! go outside and start running or cycling. and taking stairs really do help. but the easiest solution i can give you is to start doing coke. it did wonders for matt perry (chandler from friends) just dont stop taking it, again, look at what happened to matt perry. i also have to agree with tragicbliss about the fucking your girlfriend thing, that shit will burn mad calories - that is if you can last that long. haha.

-later days.

edit: ^ you just have to make sex so crazy that it's equal to that moderate jog, simple as that. =)

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watch what you drink - people think juices are good for them, but you are way better off with just water

Only have a sandwich for lunch, nothing else, don't snack

Dunno if you drink booze, but that's the worst, because you also eat shit food/do nothing the next day when you are hungover ...

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HAHAHA 600 calories! are you trying to kill this man. the average is 2000 a day. well you can live off 600 calories a day, ive done 500 before to cut some weight. but man just drink a lot of water as greentea said - or even better drink lots a green tea! go outside and start running or cycling. and taking stairs really do help. but the easiest solution i can give you is to start doing coke. it did wonders for matt perry (chandler from friends) just dont stop taking it, again, look at what happened to matt perry. i also have to agree with tragicbliss about the fucking your girlfriend thing, that shit will burn mad calories - that is if you can last that long. haha.

-later days.

edit: ^ you just have to make sex so crazy that it's equal to that moderate jog, simple as that. =)

oh damn, how can i not recommend greentea!! i have shamed my user name,

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Unless you eat a healthy cereal, alot of people get a bad start in the morning with bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles etc. etc. I drink a Carnation Instant Breakfast (lots of vitamins) in the morning and have a piece of fruit, or yogurt, and/or a small bowl of oatmeal......try it.

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tragicbliss meant 600 calories per meal

it takes 3500 calories to equal one pound, so you have to make a 3500 calories difference per pound you want to lose. IE five days a week cut your calorie intake by 300 per day and do 500 calories worth of excercise, or scall up if you want to go faster

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Simple. Quit eating more than 600 calories in a meal. Fuck your girlfriend more often / crazier. Drink water. Take the stairs.

Um.. he said in a MEAL. I guess some people cant read?? 600 a meal x 3 meals is 1800 plus a couple light snacks, plus some liquid calories (juice, milk) and thats over 2000 a day.

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Don't buy very expensive clothing while you're dieting. But wear some that fits you at the moment, so that you will feel the progress and feel good about it. Really make a commitment, don't drink soda period. Water all day long, trust me this works wonders esp when you're at work sitting your ass off. What I do too is take the stairs intead of the elevator to my work floor. Eat smaller meals more frequently. I've done this before from a size 32 I'm now 28, it's not an overnight success, more like a year. Exercise, I'd recommend jump rope. Food, read up online, there are ton's of stuff you can find. On top of my head, eat walnuts, blueberry, salmon ,tuna, turkey. You'll also be better in bed when you're healthier...they love it. Good luck!!!

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good suggestions everyone. however, another good way to lose weight is to do a sport. it's more fun, you can meet cool people, and you can learn a skill.

i suggest boxing, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu or my favorite, MMA (mixed martial arts) which combines everything. you will get in shape real fast. fighting shape, not just beach shape. you (and your girlfriend) will definitely see the difference.

also, you will be learning something which might save your ass someday.

plus, these martial arts are very, very deep, especially brazilian jiu-jitsu. you can nerd out with BJJ just as much as you can with jeans.

anyways, that's my suggestion.

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Found this on a body building forum. Basically, after way too long eating and getting fatter I have started to cut down on the calories and highly processed food. Though the lack of exercise is making losing weight harder!

So, the advice that was helpful:

5-6 meals a day

eat every 2-3 hours

eat the same amount of protein, carbs, fats in every meal

7+ hours of sleep

Tons of water!

Protein : Poultry, fish, red meat, cottage cheese, Whey, eggs

Carbs : Whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread (100%). brown rice, rolled or steel oats, fruit

Fats: Olive oil, fish oil, flax oil, nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts), almond and peanut butter (all natural)

Dairy: Fat free yogurt, skim milk, fat free cottage cheese, or soy milk


Cardio : 4-5 days a week, 1 hour tops

Lift Heavy!!! 3-4 days a week!

Pound the water!!!

Now, 5-6 meals sounds like a lot but (if you're cutting) they are only small and have to help carry you for 3 hours or so. The idea being that it helps the body 'tick over' and not go into starvation mode when hungry. If that happens the body will start to drop muscle mass and horde fat (to keep it going during times of famine). Starving yourself will only go so far in dropping weight. Keep the metabolism going and you'll burn more fat faster.

Oh, and the idea is to eat food that isn't highly processed either. Oh, and drinking lots of water helps flush out the system and (think) it helps digestive system. Often when you feel hungry you're actually thirsty and need to up the water content. High sodium diets are a culprit there.

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good suggestions everyone. however, another good way to lose weight is to do a sport. it's more fun, you can meet cool people, and you can learn a skill.

i suggest boxing, muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu or my favorite, MMA (mixed martial arts) which combines everything. you will get in shape real fast. fighting shape, not just beach shape. you (and your girlfriend) will definitely see the difference.

also, you will be learning something which might save your ass someday.

plus, these martial arts are very, very deep, especially brazilian jiu-jitsu. you can nerd out with BJJ just as much as you can with jeans.

anyways, that's my suggestion.

Hehe, thanks for suggestion mizanation. It's funny because I actually trained BJJ for a bit a few years back and lately I've been meaning to start again, however I just find myself procrastinating. After I'm done work, I'm so mentally and physically drained that I can't find the motivation to do anything, let alone roll around the floor with some other sweaty dudes. Anyways, I know I gotta stop making excuses for myself and jump right back into it. There's a great gym near my place where georges st. pierre and david loiseau train at.

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Hehe, thanks for suggestion mizanation. It's funny because I actually trained BJJ for a bit a few years back and lately I've been meaning to start again, however I just find myself procrastinating. After I'm done work, I'm so mentally and physically drained that I can't find the motivation to do anything, let alone roll around the floor with some other sweaty dudes. Anyways, I know I gotta stop making excuses for myself and jump right back into it. There's a great gym near my place where georges st. pierre and david loiseau train at.

yeah all this is basically on you to put that extra effort. trust me once you start excercising, on a proper diet and on a consistent no bitchin effort to get your ass to gym. you will have that extra energy to carry you after work. will be in top shape physically and mentally. you just have to step it up.

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why does drinking a crap load of water

help you lose weight?

i'm trying to lose some weight

The way I understood it is that water will clean your digestive track and make it function more efficiently. Hence it will burn the food better, faster and not get stored as calories. I pee and pee all day when I'm at work, but I don't care, that extra walking and getting out of your chair makes me feel great.

Also one thing I recommend is check the labels. A little fat is better than sugar. But avoid transfat at all cost. Sugar is the enemy in disguise and harder to get rid of in the body. Muay Thai is getting more popular here at my gym. There's like 50% girls in the class. I'm not complaining tho, I'm meeting cute girls along the way.

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Drink water and herbal teas instead of soft drinks and coffee, limit your alchohol intake and begin a serious and committed exercise regime. Eat more fruit and vegetables and don't do any carbs - bread, rice or pasta mainly - after about 5pm. You'll notice the difference.

I get a lot of overweight people come to see me at work and I advise all of the above. If I like them, I also add that picking up a bag of Brazillian Yerbamate from a health food store would be an excellent choice. It's packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, acts as an appetite suppressant and gives you a mild energetic buzz.

Any questions PM me and we'll get serious.

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drinking loads of water helps cos your body needs water to break down fat, caffine raises ur metabolism but also dehydrates you so best to drink water not coffee. ( a good indicator of dehydration is ur pee, if you really wanna know yellow is bad, you wanna be pissing clear all the time ).

My tip is find a sport you really enjoy and could get addicted to, that way itll be enjoyable

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