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Levi's 501 Shrink to Fit (STF)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Bought my first pair of 501 STFs as a trial to the raw denim world back in May.img9111mu0.jpg

pre-soak fit:




hotsoak: i meant to flip the jeans inside out first, but i forgot. i was a little excited about my first pair of raws. i later opened up the jeans; i was afraid there would be uneven fading if i had them folded like that.


post soak drying:



post soak fit: still a little damp, i put them on. first time that i really ever wore damp jeans for an extended period of time... they felt like crap. they also didnt shrink as much as i wanted them to, but they shrank a decent amount so i was content.




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over-night drying: i heard that the jeans would be so stiff that they would be able to stand up by themselves, so i had to try it...


post-dry fit: first time wearing raws.. i didn't like them at first... i was def. not used to the feel of new raws. too tight, too hard, too stiff [insert comment about what the opposite gender said here]




i really wish i kept up with the picture taking, but finals rolled by, and then i went back home for the summer. i wore the jeans every day pretty hard for 3 months, rock climbed in them, biked to work, etc (it was freaking hot this summer too...) anyway.. they started to smell so i started letting them sit out int he sun a couple hours a week, but they started needing some sort of odor treatment every day. I couldn't stand it anymore and i "dryel"ed them. home dry cleaning... STFs are cheap so i wasnt too worried about ruining them, but they turned out ok and smelling decent. but shortly after, they started smelling again. i started febreezing them, but that jsut made it worse. one day i jsut couldnt stand it anymore, and i went ahead and washed them, hang dry.... IRONICALLY, next day, i was playing ultimate with my friends, and i totally dove into a huge pile of mud... i was going to go see a jazz show in 3 hours, and i was crashing at my friend's so i didnt have a change of clothes.. i washed them again. 1 day after my first wash. and of course, machine dried...

and so we come to today. I dont really mind washing them anymore or machine drying them..

so today (4 months) i washed, dryed, starched, and ironed them:







and that's the journey of my first raws.

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Congratulations on your first pair of raws. I haven't heard someone playing ultimate for like 18 years. Anyway, you shouldn't be afraid of washing your jeans. Just don't use soap. Also Frebreeze / starch / dry cleaning is really bad for the cotton. Makes the fibers brittle. Might want to upgrade on your next pair if you can afford it.

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I have no clue as to whether Febreeze is bad for the cotton...at least yet.

I've been lightly febreezing my STFs almost every day for a month now, so Ill fill you in when I get rips.

not washing your jeans is bad for the cotton.

fabreezing is fine but if you need them to smell fresh all the time maybe you should just wash or man up and accept the smell.

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first pair of levis in a LONG time lol

i picked up 2 pairs (going to return 1)..i want to see what you guys think is/will-be a better fit after the soak

i bought 36x34 and 38x34

the 38s are huge and the 36 feels just right..but again...they shrink. so i'm just gonna let you experts tell me what you guys think

first up, 36x34:

(big guy alert :o )




next, 38x34:




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hmm sounds pretty cool i saw some 34x38 stfs the other day and thought about buying just because i never see that length of inseam so often on stfs...maybe i should get em and join.

The more the merrier. One of the contestants apparently works at a Levi's store, and is talking to the manager about the possibility of getting some prizes to go along with it.

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first pair of levis in a LONG time lol

i picked up 2 pairs (going to return 1)..i want to see what you guys think is/will-be a better fit after the soak

i bought 36x34 and 38x34

the 38s are huge and the 36 feels just right..but again...they shrink. so i'm just gonna let you experts tell me what you guys think

first up, 36x34:

(big guy alert :o )




next, 38x34:




Yeah I was in the same situation, but I ended up going with the 36's!:D

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not washing your jeans is bad for the cotton.

fabreezing is fine but if you need them to smell fresh all the time maybe you should just wash or man up and accept the smell.

Yeah, I know that, but i mostly said that to answer the guy above my post.

But, I think Im going to wash mine around the 6 or 7 Month mark. They're doing decently, I might just start to sleep in them sometimes to see if anything good happens in the long run.

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