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Stussy Vs Fresh Jive

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So what is your take on Stussy taking out a lawsuit on Fresh Jive for the parody of their logo (among others)?

Anyone disturbing the peace of even friends of Dominick DeLuca is a fuckwit.

On one hand I admire their pisstake but you guys should also know that logo's aint for tweakin' without hearing some lawyer squeekin'. Of course, swipe what else you can and the bat-phone will stay quiet.


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although the superior brand of the two by a large margin, calling in the lawyers was the silliest thing stussy could have done. hell, even shawn stussy was seen rocking the fresh jive tee.

I guess it surprised many stussy fans that they would act all microsoft on a smaller "rival"...

Edited by sassafras on Jun 15, 2006 at 03:29 AM

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Quote: Anyone disturbing the peace of even friends of Dominick DeLuca is a fuckwit.

What the shit does this mean? Proofread......."of even friends"??????

--- Original message by englandmj7 on Jun 15, 2006 08:21 AM

yeah i didn't get that either..
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No, no fights, I am just curious as to why you would make a post that is 75% illegible......and on another note, am curious to know what the hell it is he is saying in reference to Dominick, whom I know fairly well......

--- Original message by englandmj7 on Jun 15, 2006 08:39 AM

damn. popcorn put to waste. well somebody get into a fight. please.
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"Anyone disturbing the peace of even friends of Dominick DeLuca is a fuckwit."

In English, this translates as:

Any person not just bothering Dominick DeLuca but any of his friends or associates, is rather stupid.

Fresh Jive, according to their website "..helped our freind Dominick open his second Brooklyn Projects in Echo Park."

Maybe the word "fuckwit" is where you slip up. If so, try Googling to a site like this


So, although I am not familiar nor do I associate with any of the parties involved, I admire Dominick DeLuca highly enough to be concerned that one of his associates or friends is being forced into litigation. In my view, people who are decent and creative individuals are usualy wise enough to associate with like minded people and so attacks on those third parties is an attack on another decent and creative entity. That is objectionable.

I was however interested really in what the forum contributors thought about the litigation, rather than waste site space on yet another tiresome semantic or linguistic handbagging from EnglandMJ7.


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Quote: yet another tiresome semantic or linguistic handbagging from EnglandMJ7.

I asked what the feck Dominick DeLuca has to do with Stussy vs. Freshjive's escapades in court. The case has NOTHING to do with him, and it doesn't make any sense at all that you are ranting on about him and his friends.

The owner of Freshjive is Rick Klotz, and whilst he may be friends with Dominick, he is the only one involved in this shit. So again, what the hell are you talking about?

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If you don't actualy read anything, this is going to go nowhere.

The usual protocol is that you read what I write and then comment on it, rather than you telling me what you think I am saying and then arguing with me about that. Saying "fuck you" in a debating society doesn't mean you win.

I did not say Mr DeLuca had anything to do with this case at all.

I never ranted about Dominick DeLuca. Ranting means that I complained or objected, which was clearly not the case. I was actualy complimenting him.

I pointed out in the first instance, then reiterated it in plainer language just for you, that the impression I got was that Mr DeLuca is a good individual and so anyone who he chooses to associate with is probably good by association. You seem to be the exception that proves the rule here. Thank you.


BTW I do not personally know or work for any of the parties involved in this thread.

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so are you saying that any one who disturbed peace is a fuckwit, and even the person who is disturbing the peace is/are just so happen to be dominick's friends, so in that sense qualify his fellow friends to be fuckwit also?

if so, now i finally understand your statement now.

Edited by 6MT on Jun 15, 2006 at 02:50 PM

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Er, no.

Not sure what your sentence meant exactly but I think you were trying England's "argument by incorrect tortuous extrapolation logic" technique, only very badly.

I said that anyone who even bothered Dominick's friends were fuckwits. That doesn't therefore include anyone else on the planet that is/is not friendly/associated with him.

This is getting painful.

I am not explaining myself again. I have other things to do. Anything.


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