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totally agree with the idea of why someone would wear an IRAK shirt if they werent down. its just like wearing the Aron put me on shirt. makes no sense unless you are actually down.

if the guy you're talking about is earsnot, that "rumor" isnt a rumor.

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i think there is a difference between wearing a recon shirt, and wearing a shirt that is just stash's tag, or just says IRAK on it.

but this is just my opinion. Recon is a brand. aNYthing is a brand. putting aron's mug on your chest, or walking around with another crew's name all over you just seems lame to me. graf is all about fame, and its one thing to throw you're crew or you're boy's crew up, but its a totally different thing to pay to let someone get fame on you.

if its an IRAK shirt that has a cool design on it, i dig it. if its just IRAK NYC, i dont see the point.

but i have a TON of respect for them for what they did before making clothing, and even more in how they are making money now.

and no, earsnot doesnt hide his sexuality at all, and he's a pretty tough dude i've heard, so i doubt people would call him a "homothug" to his face.

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IRAK is legendary nyc. most people wouldn't rock their shirts if they weren't down with alife. it's one of those great things that should not be sold online. it's like the "i miss the old new york" recon garb that everyone buys. Do they understand the concept? hardly whatever thanks internet

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that gay thing isnt a rumor. there was a story on em in a VICE a few years back and they are a crew that has some known gay members. vice is vice so take that how ever you want but i think its true..

Edited by deadkidz on May 5, 2006 at 11:53 PM

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  • 2 years later...

Fuck it. Its been close to 3 yrs on this thread. Lets talk shit. Who knows what?

Where did the clothing go? Whats up with the site/blog? Whats up with Nekst, Adek, KSER being the only ones really repping the crew? Should this thread die all together or can we make the next fan favorite?

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