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Um... old navy is like one step up from thrift store clothing. Like a low-end aeropostale or a Walmart brand jeans.

--- Original message by Thorns on Apr 12, 2006 09:32 AM

bullshit. thrift store clothing is much better than old navy. ive found lots of great shit at thrift stores. some padmore and barnes made wallabees today. shit, ive found selvage at thrift stores. old navy is garbage. vintage levis are not. so... thrift stores>oldnavy

simplicity we use to survive, do what you doing properly, thats the way thru life

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To appease: I take back my comment, one can occasionally find cool shit at thrift stores thus making it infinitely better than old navy where everything is junk.

Tabris: Maybe supermarkets are better in the UK, cause I think you're underestimating how crappy Old Navy stuff is. If I paid retail (like 20 bucks) I would feel ripped off by Old Navy.

Edited by Thorns on Apr 12, 2006 at 09:50 AM

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To appease: I take back my comment, one can occasionally find cool shit at thrift stores thus making it infinitely better than old navy where everything is junk.

Tabris: Maybe supermarkets are better in the UK, cause I think you're underestimating how crappy Old Navy stuff is. If I paid retail (like 20 bucks) I would feel ripped off by Old Navy.

Edited by Thorns on Apr 12, 2006 at 09:50 AM

--- Original message by Thorns on Apr 12, 2006 09:48 AM

I am, like I said, I don't know what Old Navy is like. So I'll take your word for it.
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I bought a pair of the 'slim' jeans for lounging around the house in - not bad quality, regular/straight cut, soft-ish, really comfortable. the Indigo bleeds all over the place.

Unfortunately there's a big dark blue coloured D on the right back pocket, which hardly shows up at the moment, but will get clearer with wear icon_smile_dissapprove.gif

sorry for the poor quality pics



I don't think topman is a really low supermarket brand - it's more disposable fashion, made to be in for 6 months and then never worn again when the next fad comes in. They do this really well.

I'll say one thing - I actually bought my normal trouser size, and they fit me in the waist perfectly. Which makes a nice change from going two sizes down on APC Nudies et al.

Edited by JohnW on Apr 12, 2006 at 04:04 PM

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