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matix japanese selvage


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wow, first volcom and now matix too?

im guessing the selvages will be available at any surf/skate/urban shop at any mall, right.

wow... even the low end has to step up sometime.

if i ever cop a pair ill probably take off the brand patches and stuff. those logos are a bit highschoolish for my taste.

fashion changes, style remains

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i see, so youre the superficial, elitist wannabe snobby type who's concerned with labels and only wears whats fashionable at the present moment so he can impress his little snobby friends and feel hollywood. im the type who, if the quality and fit is there, will wear whatever i like and not care who makes it. you find levis at your mall dont you? who cares?

also, the matix jeans have a simple white fabric back tag with matix written on it in cursive and a couple japanese letters embroidered on the back pocket. very low key and tasteful. thats all there is. so i dont see whats so highschool about them. theyre a well made, quality pair of jeans. youre just more about image than quality. pretty shallow. but youll have that on a site about clothing i guess. krews high end jeans are also excellent, well made and tasteful in appearance. nicest pair of jeans i own. nothing high school about those either. so you should probably inform yourself before you speak or else you'll keep eating your own foot.

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Guest Berget__

woah...just chill. Not everybody likes logos. AT ALL. It really doesnt matter how low key they are.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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woah, mind your own business. not everyone needs to act like elitist snob douchebags and be assholes for no reason. AT ALL.

the guy was being a condescending shitbag and trying to act elitist. so i had to bring him down to size. he didnt say he didnt like labels, moron, he said the labels for brands like matix are high schoolish. and i was explaning to him the jeans i have arent high schoolish at all. can you understand, little man? if you like we can ask this guy how many of his jeans have the labels removed? we can ask him to post pics.

so if youre going to butt in and kiss this douchebag's ass, at least be intelligent and have your facts straight.

once again, im forced to feed someone a slice of my home baked humble pie. just call me Chef Sleepy. the best humble pie around.

p.s. nice signature, you shallow, wigger idiot. makes sense i'd get crap from a moron like you.

damn im good. im changing my name to The Retort Master. get your face shoved in your own shit for free by The Retort Master!


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yeah... id take the logos off too... but i just did the same for some wranglers, not because i dont like the brand but because i like my shit looking clean, without logos.

simplicity we use to survive, do what you doing properly, thats the way thru life

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what the f'n hell??

cant_sleep, you need to get some sleep. your crankiness is unbelievable.

ive never seen those matix jeans you have, i dont even know what they look like and you're bashing me about how disliking logos show how i am an elitist. whatever. just because I don't want to look like a walking billboard does not mean i am an elitist. I just simply think today's skate brands maybe matix overembellish their clothing to the point where you can tell every piece of clothing is made by so-and-so. jesus christ. im in college now, and i have little brothers, and i need to act my age, i have to dress better than them, and theyre in high school. you know, you cant have an adult dressing like a 14 year old skater kid. jesus have some sense man.

elitist? i dont even own a single damn piece by H&M, Dior, Supreme, Spruce, cdg, or all that 'high fashion' stuff buddy. the only pair of helmuts i ever got i bought for 20 bucks, and the only pair of apcs i ever had i just sold. so fuck you.

elitist snob douchebags, morons, assholes, little man, shallow wigger idiot? great first impression of you. grow up man. everyone here respects everyone's opinions (well maybe except you) but please, be more mature when considering others.

and also, since im sure you're wondering, my comment was about how selvage denim has made its way all the way down to the surf skate brands which are literally everywhere. i thought selvage denim was considered something rare and of uncommon quality but i guess not, considering how that its going to appear in every skate/surf shop across the country. i take my tags off of every pair of jeans i buy, old navy, guess, lucky brand, levis from walmart, fuck its so trivial why even bother. i wear whats comfortable too you know - you're the one who needs to stop being a faggoty 'i'm more cooler than you cause i dont care about logos' elitist.

fashion changes, style remains

Edited by ikidomari on Apr 10, 2006 at 05:25 AM

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