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Dior Homme Raw 21cm *Worn/Pictures*


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zetmeel? thats something different i guess, because thats like flower.

it comes in spray canisters right? ill go and check the supermarket out today or tomorrow thanks for your help


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sorry bumping up what does the 21 stand for (is it the rise?). im looking for some jeans, but i dont like the leggin look of how most people wear their diors. however i love the slim silhouette, i just dont like tight clothing.

what would they look like when worn looser.

also what is the rise of the dior hommes. although they are a slim cut, they look to be more generouse in the crotch than d&G

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Keska :

Go to your local etos or DA and get a can of Crackfree (yup that is how its called:). Its near other textile products like febreeze. IT doesnt say starch but it is basicly the same.

edit : on another note : nice pair of jeans :)

Edited by Tob on Apr 7, 2006 at 09:21 AM

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those look outstanding.

you're like my raw denim hero. it makes me want to get some so badly.

although, looking through threads, i haven't found the answer to (mainly because with some threads being over 20-30pages, i won't read EVERY word of EVERY post) how should you store/hang your dry denim? like say it's the end of the day, i'm about to go to sleep..I can't just toss them to the floor can I? because then won't that stiffen then in that position? same if I put them over a hanger folded.

Edited by titleofauser on Apr 7, 2006 at 12:09 PM

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you have to sleep in them. thats the untold secret of the denim gods. just dont tell anyone else,

hopefully they wont find me or i may not post here again..............

simplicity we use to survive, do what you doing properly, thats the way thru life

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Blizzy, those jeans are next level...congrats. Hey do you still update your blog regularly?

--- Original message by thedonger on Apr 7, 2006 04:25 PM

Not really. I've fallen off since the end of last year. (I know, I know...) I've been crazy busy with projects of my own and working insane hours.

I'm gonna bring it back though in another form. SuperShoppers will be interested.


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Guest Fade to Black

Great work on those Diors tragic, good to finally see them. I haven't been very dilligent about wearing my pair recently as I've pretty much given up on them, but I think your pics have inspired me to start wearing them again. I'm wearing mine to sleep tonight.

Did you starch the back of the knees? I've found that this area is where most of the creasing on my jeans take place (other than some hige on the crotch, basically exactly the same spot I see them forming on your jeans), but my honeycombs don't look nearly as rigid and vivid as those.

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they look great man. I'm really surprised you got such good results, the dior 21cm's i had were really soft and i wasn't sure if they would wear in well. Maybe because i got the Italian denim jeans? I agree about the crazy dark indigo color the jeans are, you really need to see them in person to appreciate it

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shit people gotta stop looking at strictly honeycombs. You can get honeycombs after two days of wear, with starch you could get honeycombs similar to these after a week.

Other than the honeycombs and the brand of the jeans theres not much special about these. Theres hardly any wear even visible yet. You guys gotta stop drooling. Save it for a few more months.

I'd hate to see what happens when some of you guys see a pair of tits. shiiit.

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Guest Fade to Black

lol showbiz00ditc is jealous.

--- Original message by AznInvazn on Apr 10, 2006 04:52 PM

showbiz is right though, it seems the main draw of these is indeed the brand name. While the wear Tragic has created so far is nice, it pales in comparison to some of the other Japanese denim I've seen on here that are comparable in terms of price (not saying that as taking a shot to Tragic, just talkin about the denim itself). If I had known then what I know now I probably would've gotten some APC NS instead...when I bought my pair I didn't even know what the official name for this kind of unwashed denim was, let alone know about selvedge and all that.
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I have multiple pairs of A.P.C.'s, a pair of Nudie Slim Jims, Julain Red Californias, and these Diors. And I can tell you that the real draw of this pair is just the fit. The small back pockets, and back darts, the denim quality. It all makes for a good pair of jeans. Sure they're expensive, but it all depends on how you look at it. Dior's aren't any better than any of the other denim I own. Just different.

I will say this though. Of all the denim I own, this is my second favorite pair. My firts love? A.P.C. New Stadards, for sure. And at half the price of Diors, you cant go wrong.


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shit people gotta stop looking at strictly honeycombs. You can get honeycombs after two days of wear, with starch you could get honeycombs similar to these after a week.

Other than the honeycombs and the brand of the jeans theres not much special about these. Theres hardly any wear even visible yet. You guys gotta stop drooling. Save it for a few more months.

I'd hate to see what happens when some of you guys see a pair of tits. shiiit.

--- Original message by showbiz00ditc on Apr 10, 2006 03:39 PM

then again its pretty fucking boring to starch the shit out of your jeans.
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