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First time Buying APC and NUDIE


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Hi I am new here, I am lookin into buying new jeans

I really like APC and Nudie, right now I wear a 30x30 in low rise slim fit jeans from Urban Outfitters

the brand is All-Son

I am lookin to buy some APC and Nudie jeans that fit similar, either low or normal rise

with a straight slim leg.

And where can i order these from?

Any info is appreciated


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Well, I am by no means an expert. But my recent purchase of some Bootcut Ola's are pretty slim fitting, and the bottoms aren't too big, not to me. They aren't real slim, i.e. thin finns, or slim kims(from pics I've seen) The bottom leg opening is pry 8 to 9 inches. Straight Svens are pry more what you are looking for, if u want a slimmer leg opening than what Ola's are. The Thin Finns are skinny, and slim kims are skinny too. Check www.nudiejeans.com for some pics of their styles. For ordering, depends on where u live. fos5.com is international I believe. http://www.kitchener.ch/html/en/shop/index.php has a good selection, and www.zoovillage.com is only europe if I remember right. Apc has a website u can get their jeans from. http://www.apc.fr/us/en/jeans.php .Try that out, and see what u can come up with.

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troll? ;)

anyway, sounds like you need some APC NS in 26, not sure which Nudie you're interested in. Are you looking into dry selvage only? If so you don't have very many choices...

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I am lookin to buy some APC and Nudie jeans that fit similar, either low or normal rise

with a straight slim leg.

--- Original message by A L on Mar 24, 2006 04:25 PM

Get some Nudie Straight Svens or APC Straight/Rescues if you want something Straight legged. Size down something like 3 on the waist for the APC's and 1 or 2 for the Nudies.

Depending on where you live:

www.zoovillage.com for Nudies in Europe.

www.fos5.com everywhere else.

Edited by Tabris on Mar 24, 2006 at 08:45 PM

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Guest jeffvyain

shag, fos5 has a pretty thorough leg measurement guide for nudie. all you have to do to find a good pair for you is read this forum. there are pictures everywhere of different fits, and the pics will tell you more than almost anyone else here can. just look around man. you'll probably realize there's a whole new world out there for you when it comes to denim.

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