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Found vintage big E, any comment?


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Nice thai jeans.

What I like is that whoever made these had a sense of humour, or else failed maths. Big E jeans were last made in 1971. The pocket print - and how strange it survived, if these were old jeans - says that Levi's jeans have been made for over 110 years, which would mean these jeans were made in the late 80s! Oh, they must have failed English too, cos they don't know how to spell 'thred'! And I wonder where you can buy protect 125 ounce denim, that's even heavier than Samurai, isn't it?

For other fake spotters, note these have a later two-horse patch (it's wider) which came in in the late 70s or so, and therefore shouldn't be found on Big E jeans. Like a lot of fakes it is single stiched on the hem, where it should have chain stitch. Also, by now, you can maybe recognise the look of that Thai or Indonesian denim, kinda green in colour, and always has the red line, whihc would probably have faded away on the real thing.

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mmm mmm mmmmm!!! hooooooooo-eeeey ima get me summa that tasty thai denim!! dont even care if its fake! thats some quality garmentage right there in its own right! those thai noodles dont mess around, theyre serious about pulling off a 360 heelflip fakie and making it look good too

dudebra, how much you want for them knickers? theyre fake, you dont want them. so let me have em!

Edited by cant_sleep on Mar 15, 2006 at 05:48 AM

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^^ that must be what going on with the fades on these fakes. the jeans might be knock offs but the fade is 100% real. there is no way to fake that kind of wear believably.

btw where can i find some of those fakes.

i'm not a mod or a rocker. i'm a mocker.

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Guest Fade to Black

I gotta agree with everyone who applauded the fade on these...i mean yeah they're fake but these aren't the kinda cheap looking jeans I see all the time where they got those crazy lines and whiskers that look artificial...shit, the wash on these is better than the wash on my 45 RPMs, that's saying quite a bit.

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i have seen some fantastic fades on thai evis jeans, some of the fakes have fuzzy selvedge, and some have 'real' selvedge, the only thing that is common to all thai fakes is the hardware is shit, the buttons pop rivets bust, they basically fall apart.


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You're right dude... the fade is 100% real, they're not authentic that made in laundry house..

this pair was bought in Hong Kong, but they're imported from Thai, as the other guessed!

heard story that they paid people to wear them going to work picking coconuts from the trees!

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Guest Fade to Black

to me this isnt any different then a japanese repro jean

--- Original message by kixslf on Mar 16, 2006 04:53 PM

basically...the only thing i was let down by (and i have no way of confirming this since i've never touched one of these jeans in the flesh) is haptronic's comment about poor quality in the hardware...otherwise I'd take these fakes over pretty much damn near any other repro I've seen out there, Denimes and what not included.
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Fade to Black

all the jeans i have seen are the evis/u , also diesel, justin in ny, i haven't seen the levis, some of the evis had levi's stamped hardware, and also the hardware varied wildly from pair to pair, as did the quality of denim.

i have posted a pic of a friends pair before [5 years old], he has like 4 pairs, and another freind has 4 or 5, they have mostly aged nicely.

i got 2 pairs off them cinch back evis/u, one has genueine selvedge and one pairs has fuzzy selvedge the hardware on both was not great, and they were too baggy for me to age properly.


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if anyone wants to see gazillions of jeans like those go visit bangkok, chatuchak weekend market, special vintage departement. there are hundreds of denim stores. you will find yourself in denim heaven and lose orientation pretty fast. prices range from 5 to 100$.

depending what you want to have. fake big E s start at 10 or 20$ up to 40-50. vintage japanese authentic stuff (denime, SC,SD,ET,Buzz,Fullcount,lee repros, lvc, burgus,flathead,samurai,joe mccoy,45,EVIS,even nudies & apc, etc. are going for 30 - 100.

99% are preworn and vintage condition. you dont find new pairs..(at least i didnt)

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Guest The Diplomatic Aristocrat

Yeah holy shit, I was just concentrating on the honeycomb and the knee portion of the fading, and whoever wore them must have looked stupid in them for years.

I'm like the Afrocentric Asian, half-man, half-amazin'

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am i tripping, or whoever broke those in was 6 feet tall and wore them like capris pants.

either that or they have seriously disproportionate femur/fibula.

or maybe im just dum. why is the kneecaps so low?

--- Original message by Ted DiBiase on Mar 16, 2006 09:48 PM

The end of the "knee-cap" fading isnt on the knee-cap. It's mid-shin. The fading on these jeans looks perfectly normal to me. And no way is this a "wash." this looks like 8-10 months of really hard wear.
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