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  DÃœM said:
customizing cargo is annoying though (for me atleast).

Im pretty terrible at CSS coding etc but the support guys at cargo are pretty fucking spot on and the customization options arent that annoying. albeit my portfolio is extremely simple.

I have been interested in Indexhibit for a while though but it seems harder to get my head around

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I think I'm just used to building rather than customizing websites and I customized a clients cargo recently and it was annoying. Felt more like I was hacking it to work rather than building. Cargo's great outside of that.

Indexhibit has a pretty helpful forum as well. I like Wordpress more, but I have to customize the backend to make it operate like a portfolio, and it's not as easy to jump straight into, but there are helpful forums and blog posts everywhere.

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anyone good with illustrator or optimizing illustrator?

I am working with huge files, around 600mb-900mb, and i work on these files from an external harddrive since I work at two different places. When I load or save files in that file size range, it takes about a minute or so to complete its operation.

So I figure if I wanted to improve these speeds, I should get an SSD and use it as my new external. But I was proven wrong as it didn't make the save or open operations any much faster.

anyone know how can I fix this or is illustrator that gay and cannot open/save anything above 600mb at a super fast time?

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my site is hosted by indexhibit and I think it's pretty great. It's alot less limiting than cargo or tumblr, I haven't worked with wordpress much but I dare say I think indexhibit is better suited for portfolio's.

The hardest part is setting it up, but there are plentty of tut's around to help you with that. Then there is just the CSS/HTML part, but coding yourself lets you have control over EVERYTHING, which is pretty cool. Even if it does take a little extra effort

Mr. Invincible: why the heck are your files that big? Honestly I would touch any file that big, thats huge, I bet they are just eating up RAM. I would split the project into multiple working files (by page/ or w/e) then bring it all together once you can optimize all the images and make the final file smaller.

900mb, sheesh, really though what are you working on?

try to start using Illustrator more effectiently, linking instead of place'ing images, expanding any effects you may have used, etc

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Tons more freedom with Wordpress, but like I said it requires some customization in the backend and then actually building pages to utilize it as a portfolio. Wordpress is just php with the help of a bunch of their own template tags, but there's a shit load. The only requirement is 'the loop'. You're limited to how well you understand it. With Indexhibit you have more control than cargo, but not full control. Indexhibit 2 is supposed to be out at some point. That should be interesting.

I think I'll learn Drupal next.

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damn, CS6 looks all like after effects now? wonder what that new stuff is in the layers palette.

DUM: I just got something from popeyejawns for anaturalwonder - really nice site man, pushing the dopeness of design + development, especially the list/thumbnail view. What do you use magic fields for and how customized is your backend for folio sites? I might have to hit you up soon about a couple projects.

definitely +++for wordpress for anything. my mind has been blown numerous times and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of what's capable with it. cargo has definitely come a long way though.

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thanks man, few bugs on there, but we're sorting it out. he just switched from vimeo to youtube. popeye really let me mess around and do some stuff I really like with the site.

Here's an example of how magic fields is implemented on his site. I don't think he'll mind anyone seeing the backend. For his site he enters just a YouTube URL and the thumb. The id is parsed from the URL and placed in proper embed code so he doesn't have to change the size and set the HD option on every time and the thumb is zoom-cropped automatically so he doesn't really have to worry about that much either.


So here 'Episodes' is the custom write panel made with Magic Fields. And then I added the field 'YouTube URL' and 'Preview Image'.

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Okay, so a friend I work with wanted a logotype designed a few months ago for his company. I spent a few hours and came up with some ideas, He liked them but didnt want to pay what I thought was relatively fair for logotype. He then said he'd found some dude in Vietnam who was a friend of his brothers who'd do it for 50 bucks. That fell through. He then saw my design on my portfolio site and has decided its what he wants. He still claims he doesnt want to spend much money on a logo though.

Life story aside, what would be a fair price to be charging somebody for a simple logotype. Not a complete identity including letterheads and all that shit, just the logo. My industry knowledge is somewhat lacking.

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Convince him that a logo is timeless and one of the most important parts of a brand.

Conveying everything your company means in a simple visual is fucking hard and he should realize that. You shouldn't skimp on it. Yehj you hear stories of Nike paying a few hundred bucks for a logo but looking back I'm sure they would be willing to pay much much more.

I have a start-up running shoe brand and we dropped $1,000 USD but even then, that was a homie price from somebody really good.

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do any of you guys have experience with web hosting and domains for clients? i'm tryna figure out what would be the best way to go about hosting and charging the few (three at the moment) clients that i have. shared hosting vs reseller hosting? should i have the client buy the hosting/domain or should i do it myself and charge em? i just wanna know what the best/standard practice is, but it seems like everyone does it differently

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personally, I have the clients buy the hosting. Just makes more sense to me.

I mostly have clients that have it to begin with actually. I don't see a problem with making it easier for them by copping/setting it up for them though.

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  Midnight Marauders said:
Okay, so a friend I work with wanted a logotype designed a few months ago for his company. I spent a few hours and came up with some ideas, He liked them but didnt want to pay what I thought was relatively fair for logotype. He then said he'd found some dude in Vietnam who was a friend of his brothers who'd do it for 50 bucks. That fell through. He then saw my design on my portfolio site and has decided its what he wants. He still claims he doesnt want to spend much money on a logo though.

Life story aside, what would be a fair price to be charging somebody for a simple logotype. Not a complete identity including letterheads and all that shit, just the logo. My industry knowledge is somewhat lacking.

you can't put a price on quality work. if you invested your time into creating a quality product that he wishes to purchase, you can set the price at whatever you wish it to be.

right now at work i'm designing a brand identity refresh for this company and we're charging them 20k$. so....

  phen3N said:
do any of you guys have experience with web hosting and domains for clients? i'm tryna figure out what would be the best way to go about hosting and charging the few (three at the moment) clients that i have. shared hosting vs reseller hosting? should i have the client buy the hosting/domain or should i do it myself and charge em? i just wanna know what the best/standard practice is, but it seems like everyone does it differently

make the client pay for the hosting and shit. believe me, you don't want to be the one stuck with having to renew domains and/or hosting plans. then you have to chase down the client to be reimbursed. it's just all a huge fucking headache.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ word.

illustrators sucks donkey kong dick. working on portfolio and i go cray on that shit sometimes. quad core, 16gb, and this bitch sometimes tells me its out of memory, or sudden freezes and then i have to force quit that shit. i hope they make a god damn 64 bit illustrator or fix the sudden crashes. god damn.

Edited by mr.invincible
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I'm working on a re-brand for The Blind Barber for the rest of the semester. It's pretty cool I'm starting to think more like a designer and my concepts are becoming more focused.

I was wondering though...does anyone know who does the branding for A.P.C? and also, could anyone with van condensed plz shoot me a pm? thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having some trouble deciding on my second minor for my bachelor of design. I'm doing all the subjects I need to do like typography and branding etc but for one of my minors i'm currently doing interior design. I dont really see myself doing any interior stuff in the future but I dont have a huge range of options. I could do design management but thats all business based bullshit that im not really interested in, Industrial design ive never really liked, digital media which is like animation based stuff I dont find particularly enthralling. but.......I might have the option of doing web development.

Even though coding isnt the most enjoyable thing to be doing I was considering this option based on the idea that being able to code and develop websites is definitely a major plus when it comes to applying for jobs in later life or starting my own brands/shops/websites etc.

I know a few of you are web developers or are using developers as part of your design work so I wanted to hear your thoughts.

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coding is huge, I think. Being able to double as an illustrator/desginer and code can really add value to a company, especially if you are doing web stuff. Even if you don't actually code, being able to communicate with coders about how to implement wireframes, etc will really benefit the business you work for, and they will notice that. It's not just getting a job, it's also keeping it. When it comes to laying people off, it's easier to lay off the guy that only designs stuff, versus the guy that is designing and coding his own web content. my .02

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