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Anyone else suffering from MAJOR depression after watching Avatar?

ken shinoda

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Here is an example of one lost soul on that board:

So I've been married to my wife for a while now. Its been 6 years since our marriage and I had been dating her for 4 years prior to that. So its been quite a while. My life hasnt been that bad. I mean I have a good job working at Safeway bagging groceries, and my wife is a psychologist so she's the real breadwinner in the family.

We may not be rich but we usually don't want for much. I never thought myself the type to have an addictive personality but ever since we saw Avatar in theaters I have been having problems.

The past 7 nights in a row my wife has asked me to have sex with her, and I just havent been in the mood. Scratch that. I'm incredibly horny most of the time, but I dont feel attracted to her anymore. The sight of her naked literally does nothing for me, and I'm frightened by that. Instead I imagine Neytiri. Her majestic grace and boundless beauty as well as the alien mystery about her. I want to fly off to pandora and live with her, to be with her always. I would worship her as she deserves. I'd do anything to just to touch her, to smell her.

She's the perfect woman, and i feel like this life here has lost its spark. Where is the magic in humanity. Just a few days ago, my son asked me some question about what happened in Avatar. I dont even remember what it was, but after I told him, I started crying. Right in front of him. All I can think about is how depressing it is that I will never reach pandora. I almost vomited while I cried. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever done. Im in my 30's for god's sake. I have to remain strong for my son. Right?

I want to tell my wife but she's a psychologist. She'll think I'm sick. I know it. I probably am sick. But what can I do. Its a little early to tink about divorce, but the thought of her disgusts me. The thought of me disgusts me. How could I compare to the beauty and grace of a Na'vi. I want to leave, to just leave and sort things out, but I dont want to leave my wife and son alone. I dont know what to do with myself, with my life. I dont want to see another psychologist and get treated like a specimen. I just want to be a Na'vi. I've never wanted anything more in my life.

At this point I would rip my son to shreds for an hour on pandora. I would too. And that thought frightens me. Can anyone somehow offer me assistance. Christ what ami going to do with myself?

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Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,

Kaltxì everyone,


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"once you go blue, others simply wont do."

wait wait

look at the forehead (fivehead) and those almond shaped eyes

is it just me or is this just yellow fever for the 21st dorkcentury

like hear me out, the same lame white dus who always go for the ugly asian girls probably are going for the ugly blue alien girls now


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"once you go blue, others simply wont do."

wait wait

look at the forehead (fivehead) and those almond shaped eyes

is it just me or is this just yellow fever for the 21st dorkcentury

like hear me out, the same lame white dus who always go for the ugly asian girls probably are going for the ugly blue alien girls now


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