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Winter cleaning: Sugar Cane, Steven Alan, Paul Smith, Tim Hamilton, Issey Miyake


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Here's a small handful of pieces priced to move. Whatever isn't bought by year's end will probably end up at a Salvation Army in Brooklyn. I've listed measurements, but for reference I'm 5'7" and about 135-140lbs.

1) NWT Tim Hamilton Lightweight Peak Lapel Sportcoat, Size Small: $150




Model S858 from the S/S 2008 collection. I believe this piece retailed for $998. It's a shrunken fit, so it's perfectly short at the sleeves and the hip. The color is a lightish charcoal, and has white pinstripes, which I've tried to capture in a detail shot below. I bought it off Gilt about a year ago for $300 or $400, and didn't return it on time. It's been sitting in my closet ever since. Take it, please.

All tags attached.

Measurements according to me:

Shoulders: 17.25"

Armpits: 18"

Length: 28.25"

Sleeves: 23.25"

2) Issey Miyake Lightweight Wool Coat/sportjacket, Size Medium: SOLD

3) PS Paul Smith Grey Cardigan, Size Small: $95



This was a $400 sweater when I bought it new. It's ridiculously soft wool. I've since worn the hell out of it, and now it's covered in pills. Call it grandpa chic, good for the weekends -- it just ain't me no more. Riri zipper. Made in Italy.

Measurements according to me:

Shoulders: 16"

Armpits: 18.25"

Length: 29.5"

Sleeves: 25.75"

4) Steven Alan, Reverse Seam Shirt, Size Small: SOLD

5) Sugar Cane, Wool Buffalo Check Shirt Jacket, Size Medium: $205


This is the only piece that I'll hang to if it doesn't move in the next week. However, I just don't get enough wear out of it, so I'm willing to part with it. The wool is thick as hell, and mediums appear to be sold out at both Self Edge and History Preservation.

Measurements according to Self Edge:

Shoulders: 17.5"

Armpits: 28.5"

Length: 26.5"

Sleeves: 24.5"

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