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  Ivans On High said:
Went into Assin today to ask about 'Crust' and the SA said they wont be getting it until next year... The womens A/W collection is in though, and looks amazing.

is there really that many people in Melbs who have no knowledge of Rick and would still buy it a season late and at an inflated price? I know they'll get the odd baller asian who walks in and buys whatever just cause its expensive, but I can't see that being a quantity that justifies their retarded buying schedule. Personally, to me if you own Rick, you know wtf is up with Rick. know what i mean?

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you have to take into account that they time the release of items with the seasons here. There are some old conversations about it in the Melbourne thread in the first 50 pages or so.. They have a solid customer base, so they can afford to do this.. It's the unfortunate thing of live on the other side of the equator.. nothing we can do.. They get shit in as it's going on 60% off lol.

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His argument was that it doesn't make sense to have A/W stuff during Australian summer. But like you said, if you own rick you know wtf is up with rick, and wtf is up is that A/W stuff is currently hitting sale time in europe and the states and it hasn't even hit our shores at retail. Stupid.

edit: they probably know what we're about. If they got the stuff at the same time I would just go and try it on for size and then cop elsewhere at the cheaper prices.

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  jcotteri said:
you have to take into account that they time the release of items with the seasons here. There are some old conversations about it in the Melbourne thread in the first 50 pages or so.. They have a solid customer base, so they can afford to do this.. It's the unfortunate thing of live on the other side of the equator.. nothing we can do.. They get shit in as it's going on 60% off lol.

i know its been discussed before but its sad they don't break out of this mold. Like I said, because of the niche luxury market of Rick and of any similar brands really, I see this as rather stupid unless they do have a large uneducated consumer base who need SA's to sell them on $4G leathers every winter. This is the main reason Assin gets flogged. They're a season behind and overpriced after the exchange rate which is basically saying you're not fresh/trendsetting and of poor value.

true you might cop elsewhere after trying on, but you're also in the store and in a buying mood. So at least that's a new opportunity to make a sale on what is potentially a long-term educated customer. I wouldn't have copped alot of Rick this year, all from overseas, if I knew i could actually try the shit on here and hopefully get it at the same price after the exchange rate (which we know is not true :P).

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  jcotteri said:
completely and wholly 100% agree.. please refer to this thread Melvin. It's worth reading :) The whole thing that is..

Melvin it will be instant love, I can guarantee that

jcotteri is right, there will be greater value if you understand what you are about to obtain. it's not just another mindless leather boot... and what altieri has gone through after carpe-diem, thus avantindietro.

great read especially in geofrey b small's post.

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will read the whole thread. cheers for that Jes.

I've never paid too much attention to avantindietro before as they were usually out of my budget. Didn't bother trying them @ lift last time. Always been a fan of the spiral zip though. When I saw those pics on Y! I just fell in love instantly.

Problem is that they might be 1 size too big. Size 4 would be perfect for me but fuck it I can always put an insole.. if all else fails.. one of you guys here will cop right? ... RIGHT?!

Are the leathers used on avantin footwear usually soft/supple? or are they more like CCP?

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  DJI said:

man I need to grow an arse or something, embarrassing how much I had to get a bunch of 'qlo slim slacks slacks I bought for work next year tailored in from the back of the crotch and through the leg. brought these pics in:



olga's a pro so shit ain't cheap but the results are worth it, tailoring is always spot on. also brought in 3 pairs on T-000's, just a word of warning that this season's model isn't as slim through the leg but the softer and slightly lighter denim is nicer imo.


shit that looks real good. thx for posting. so much incredi-steeze in japan.

johony: ps. helo johny.

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  melvin7 said:
ohh yeahh I forgot that you had a pair Rob! That picture looks REALLY good.

What size did you get? and how do they fit you?

  jcotteri said:
he got size 7 and I assume good : )

p.s. Fen I'm going to use that picture soon mate :) I hope you don't mind.. Lemme know if you do sometime soon.

yeah i got size 7

7 = 43

6 = 42

5 = 41


they fitted me perfect.

and of course jcot, you can use the pic whenever u like.. : )

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