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video games ruined my life


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pretty sure scrambler is up there for one of the most useless perks, i love when people have it on because i can tell exactly where they are, without a heartbeat sensor

got my first nuke yesterday, and some bonehead with scrambler pretty much ensured it

unrelated: this game would be exponentially better if you could have different killstreak rewards for different classes, because it sucks to try and change em based on what level you're on. i mean it's pretty ridiculous to have a care package on rust

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  icandunkonu said:
unrelated: this game would be exponentially better if you could have different killstreak rewards for different classes, because it sucks to try and change em based on what level you're on. i mean it's pretty ridiculous to have a care package on rust

The problem with this, is that, with me being a huge abuser of OMA.

People like me, would end up having a string of kill streaks like:

Care Package



Class swap

Emergency Airdrop

Pave Low

Chopper Gunner

Class swap


Killstreak asshole concept haha

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gg semaj and rronson. Got a chopper gunner even though I was doing shitty in most of those games. I might equip the nuke and see if I can do it. I'll be on later. hopefully we can get another full party game tonight.

I just started to try out sniping. While semaj can run around with his sniper rifle and do cool shit I definitely cannot. So I tried actually sniping and I have no patience. Plus I'm just not confident that no one is going to run up on me from behind.

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LOL for the last 20 minutes i've been searching for this thread in the trash. Didn't know it was moved.

We did have some good games today, but we got smashed on during the highrise game. I'm still rusty, haven't been playing for the last couple days since i've been snowboarding in tahoe.

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  DÃœM said:
gg semaj and rronson. Got a chopper gunner even though I was doing shitty in most of those games. I might equip the nuke and see if I can do it. I'll be on later. hopefully we can get another full party game tonight.

I just started to try out sniping. While semaj can run around with his sniper rifle and do cool shit I definitely cannot. So I tried actually sniping and I have no patience. Plus I'm just not confident that no one is going to run up on me from behind.

i should be on later tonight, i'm down for some games

re sniping: that's my little brother's primary class with the intervention, he's a damn beast with it. he's already done the prestige challenges with it

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So, I just got 59-5 on Dom.

Forgot to turn off my nuke and replace it with a pred. Got the nuke, thought I'd wait till the end because it ain't fair using it that early in the game.

Towards the end, I get a Chopper Gunner, so I have to call it in before I nuke.

I'm flying around for like 20 seconds waiting for someone to shoot it down, nobody does.

The round ends, we win, I don't get to nuke :(

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just went 29-3 on Quarry. I forgot I dont even have the Nuke unlocked since I presitged. I think I could've gotten it that time had it lasted a minute longer and I had it equipped. My deaths happened early in the match and I got maybe 1-2 chopper gunner kills before the match ended though.

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-Man, I hate only having 5 custom classes. I hate prestige, but I just might end up doing it just to get more classes.

-Started to snipe again, really enjoyed it. Feels better in this game somehow. Went on a nice 32 streak with the .50 cal after doing some work on Invasion.

-Also anyone who uses a thermal scope on their sniper is not really a sniper. Not overpowered but utterly skill-less and is a slap to the face to any real sniper.

-I feel dumb all this time for not switching between weapons for the AC130, so much more effective. Usually I just like to sit back and lob bombs but switching the weapons and constantly reloading nets me a few more kills.

-Was destroying people on Skidrow with tactical knife in Ground War. Crept up into a room of six guys with their backs all faced to me and was something like 22/3 early game. Then EVERYTHING went to shit. Game was Domination, lost B, lost field advantage, and my allies had NO idea what they were doing. No concept of strategy or even common sense, just kept rushing and feeding the enemy killstreaks until we were so overwhelmed by constant UAVs, harriers, AC130, etc that I ended up like 35/30 but I quit out of frustration.

-Which makes me tired of Ground War, for now. No strategy, people run around like morons. Fun for a while and I'm tired of doing really good and ultimately having no effect on the outcome because I have 6 teammates who all go -5 each

-Playing against good people is challenging, I really enjoy it. Playing against good people with bad people on your team is THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVER. I went one match where the enemy had UAVs on for literally the entire match and once again we got so overwhelmed by killstreaks I got frustrated and left.

SUFU-ers hit me up, I wanna play with some good people.

XBOX 360 ----> LelBay08

K/D ------------> 1.45

High Streak --------> 32

No hardcore/S&D/any game type with a respawn.

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I'm just starting to raise my K/D. It's been at 1.03 for quite awhile but I got it to 1.05 today. I've been doing awesome today. 20-30 kills and usually less than 10 deaths. I'm usually top or second for kills but so often I also die the most on my team so this is great.

and I got my chopper gunner three times today which was usually a lucky occurence honestly.

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More teammate stupidity:

Guy with dual shot guns was hiding around the corner of some rocks on Afghanistan, so anyone who walks around the corner gets blasted while he's under cover.

I had exhausted all my grenades and stuff so I just charged, ok whatever died one time. My TEAMMATES on the other hand weren't smart enough to gee, I dunno', throw grenades (like stun) and kept charging. Again, and again, and again and again and again and again...

I just jumped off the cliff, flanked, and killed him from the bank. So honestly, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! Are people too stupid to understand basic flanking concepts? Or even to throw grenades first? Or to STOP charging into certain death? I don't get it, I really don't.

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