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video games ruined my life


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Guest jonathannrobert

Ok! I have a final tomorrow morning at 8 am... not that it means I will go to bed early. I go away for about a week on Thursday, so it will probably be the longest I have ever been offline.

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He was asking if you were as apt at all games as you are COD, not if you always do well at COD.

I am a master of understanding the interwebzzzzzzzz.

Not going to lie, I can't read haha

Most FPS games I'll knob on people once I get used to it. They're the thing I'm probably best at. I'm pretty decent at other genres like fighting, strat and RPG though, but I don't play those enough to get really good at them. Not too hot at racing games though, I'll get dicked on if I played Forza or PGR.

Was funny when I came back from the library tonight, (this is kinda long winded, so skim read this) went to my friend's room when he asked me to take over CoD for a bit whilst he was BBMing his bro about a new car. I took over for a few rounds, first one I just whomped on this team on Invasion and got like a 37-something. Second one was on Sub Base and whilst I was running about, I thought I'd show my housemate where people boost on FFA because I only just found out about it the other day (underneath the submarine), Funnily enough, there were two guys boosting there, so I spent the rest of the round harassing them every so often in between my rounds...I stole one of the du's Emergency Air Drops, which was funny. The guy who was on my team kept trying to shoot me to give away my position, so I just left the area after a bit.

Later on in the game, I think the guy on the other team tried to sneak up on me and flash me, but he failed at that, so I turned around and shot him up before I noticed the guy on my team again standing right next to me, still trying to pistol me...he probably told his friend where I was. Finished that game pretty well, I forget the score but I still managed 2 harriers and a chopper gunner.

Went on to Derail, they tried boosting again, so I got them again and again as well as their teammates. Standard CG job, sucks ass on derail, think I could only kill like 5 people with it. After this, one of the boosters left. Even when they were boosting, I don't think they had a game where they even had a 1.5 ratio. Poor effort on their part.

Last round was one of the most ridiculous in recent memory. It was on Afghan, Somehow, we managed to have them pinned in the bunker, so I kept running around one side killing them, when they got smart, I ran round to the other side and so on. On one occasion, I was blind and I managed to get a blind triple kill with the SPAS, by spraying into the bunker. Eventually got my Harri-CG and ended the game on a 48-3. It was unreal how shitty their spawning was, they were all in the open on top of the hill and the surrounding area. They didn't have a chance.

Edit: Conversely on my own account, I just got buttraped by a bunch of campers.

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BROS, can we get a game going tonight? I forgot how fun cod is when played with a party of people who you have played with before. Also, its alway fun playing with you guys because you guys are funny as fuck. I think icandunkonu said "why the fuck am i alway the one dying!??!" and that pretty much made my night. LOL. Its ok icandunkonu, i'm pretty sure i die way more then you

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UMP silenced




marathon + stopping power + commando

There is virtually no benefit to using the UMP with stopping power. It's a three hit kill at any distance, even silenced. This is where the UMP excels; because stopping power isn't required, you can throw in cold blooded and ninja to make a very capable stealth class. For that setup, if you get a lot of use out of the thumper, think about DC pro.

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if you check one of my earlier post, i said the difference between good and great players is knowing which guns require stopping power. i've been on my 10th prestige for about a week and a half and still haven't gotten the 1000 kills required for stoppin power pro 6.

ump, scar, tar, fal, rpd, aug hbar, mini uzi, ak47 and i can't think of any others right now but those are the guns where stopping power is damn near useless

and the other night i kept on getting mad because enemy air support does not care about any other players but me, ever. IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING

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UMP is fucking bouncy when auto-firing, not a fan, MP5K is great for running up on dudes and quick firing, ps. i'll be on tonight, not sure what's up with my mic, maybe it's because i rarely talk in lobbies, you can hear me eating chips and refilling my kool-aid though (7)

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i was doing really shitty and then you knifed me and I threw my controller.

This basically sums up every single match I've ever had in COD.

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I almost threw my controller for the first time today.

Fucking dumbass respawns. I actually saw a guy appear in front of me.

Oh and the TAR TOTALLY benefits from Stopping Power. Unless I'm really retarded.

I used to get about 4 bullet kills and when I swapped it for lightweight, it was never under 6.

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