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video games ruined my life


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it's difficult, but not impossible, but for me it's just more of the fact that:


1) i'm not patient

2) i'm not good at games that require precisely timed responses.


for the second reason i am absolute dog shit at fighting games and games like blood borne. i love the art direction of the game though so this might be my first game just watching let's plays.


also, back to binding of isaac lately.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 3:02 AM, BRICK DOM said:

I've seen a lot of souls veterans this and souls virgin that but idk the game doesn't seem THAT hard to me

I ain't play any of the souls games before. Took me about 2 hours to beat the first 2 bosses. I'm at One Reborn right now

I don't really get mad either ... 

At the beginning  just used axe tho and spun on fools then after blood starved I got ludwigs 


Like it took you just 2 hours to get past the Cleric Beast and Father G or it took you 2 hours each to beat both those bosses? If the first, then damn you're much better than I am at this game. Took me way too many tries to beat the Cleric Beast and I struggled with the final form of Father G for a while.


I'm totally new to these Souls game so it was pretty frustrating at first, but now I really enjoy the game. Some of the boss fights can be really painful, but its a fun challenge. Any tips on the Blood Starved Beast?

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  On 4/13/2015 at 5:35 PM, -CMM- said:

Like it took you just 2 hours to get past the Cleric Beast and Father G or it took you 2 hours each to beat both those bosses? If the first, then damn you're much better than I am at this game. Took me way too many tries to beat the Cleric Beast and I struggled with the final form of Father G for a while.


I'm totally new to these Souls game so it was pretty frustrating at first, but now I really enjoy the game. Some of the boss fights can be really painful, but its a fun challenge. Any tips on the Blood Starved Beast?


Blood starved beast is definitely one of the harder bosses in the game, but if you want ways to make it easier make sure you really explore, and keep in mind that things in the game serve more practical purposes than you might think (hint check your inventory). The game is incredible creative in that sense and something that you'll learn to appreciate as it progresses.


I honestly didn't find the game that hard either. Father G and BSB were hard, but everything after was a breeze. I'm looking forward to NG+ and chalice dungeons though, I've heard those ramp of the difficulty quite a bit. 

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  On 4/13/2015 at 5:35 PM, -CMM- said:

Any tips on the Blood Starved Beast?

Be sure to stay under him and just keep whacking him with Ludwig's Holy Sword

Finally beat Ebriatas after like 10 tries. Wasted so much insight trying to do co-op. Got co-op going for once then I fucking died when I got her bar almost to zero. Ended up beating her by myself.

A Tonitrus +8 with the Bolt bloodgem has got to be my strongest weapon in the game.

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  On 4/13/2015 at 9:26 PM, PRC. said:

Be sure to stay under him and just keep whacking him with Ludwig's Holy Sword

Finally beat Ebriatas after like 10 tries. Wasted so much insight trying to do co-op. Got co-op going for once then I fucking died when I got her bar almost to zero. Ended up beating her by myself.

A Tonitrus +8 with the Bolt bloodgem has got to be my strongest weapon in the game.


Can't you only get Ludwig's Holy Sword after you defeat the Blood Starved Beast though?

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  On 4/13/2015 at 10:33 PM, -CMM- said:

Can't you only get Ludwig's Holy Sword after you defeat the Blood Starved Beast though?

Yeah, you can get it after BSB. The Kirkhammer is close enough.

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  On 4/17/2015 at 6:38 PM, HPM said:

no space battles


no classes

DLC announced before any gameplay is even shown


extremely dissapointed, but it will sell anyway

To be honest I'm not that upset about 20v20. They're not making a Battlefield game, so 64 players shouldn't be a good standard to set things to, especially when Battlefront 2 only featured 16v16. Hopefully they'll still add in AI controlled bots, like in earlier games, which would makes things seem a little more action packed. 

And yeah, launch DLC sucks, but at least they announced it (the first one at least) will be free, so I guess that better than shoving a day one 15 dollar DLC pack at you. I still cant understand why not including space battles was a good idea though...

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  On 4/17/2015 at 11:24 PM, slingmasta said:

To be honest I'm not that upset about 20v20. They're not making a Battlefield game, so 64 players shouldn't be a good standard to set things to, especially when Battlefront 2 only featured 16v16. Hopefully they'll still add in AI controlled bots, like in earlier games, which would makes things seem a little more action packed. 

And yeah, launch DLC sucks, but at least they announced it (the first one at least) will be free, so I guess that better than shoving a day one 15 dollar DLC pack at you. I still cant understand why not including space battles was a good idea though...

Battlefront 2 on PC supported 64p, and hundreds of bots with mods

Battlefront has always been a copy of Battlefield that aims to somewhat replicate the battles in the movies

can you honestly imagine Hoth with only 40 people?

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  On 4/18/2015 at 6:11 AM, HPM said:

Battlefront 2 on PC supported 64p, and hundreds of bots with mods

Battlefront has always been a copy of Battlefield that aims to somewhat replicate the battles in the movies

can you honestly imagine Hoth with only 40 people?

Shit, you're right. Only console was capped to 32 players. Still, I don't think it's that bad of a thing to have a 40 player cap. Maybe I''m just being an apologetic dice fanboy, but I still think the game will work with as just 20v20. Sure, maps like Hoth might be a little barren, but at the same time 64 players on a map like Bespin platforms will just turn into a huge mess like Operation Metro in BF3.


It also looks like offline bots were just confirmed, so that's great. Definitely a good throwback to the first games.

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Does anyone have any thoughts on this game Squad? It's made by the guys who made BF2 Project Reality, it looks like a very fun game to play with friends, maybe as an alternative to ArmA. Early gameplay shows a lot of cool features like positional VoIP and maps based on scanning of real locations in the Middle East. On the other hand, Steam access games almost always end up a disappointment, so only time will tell if this will be good or just another meh modern FPS.

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  On 4/20/2015 at 3:29 AM, slingmasta said:

Does anyone have any thoughts on this game Squad? It's made by the guys who made BF2 Project Reality, it looks like a very fun game to play with friends, maybe as an alternative to ArmA. Early gameplay shows a lot of cool features like positional VoIP and maps based on scanning of real locations in the Middle East. On the other hand, Steam access games almost always end up a disappointment, so only time will tell if this will be good or just another meh modern FPS.

I got almost 800 hours into RO2 and about 230 into Insurgency so I'm quite pumped for this

but I am worried it just won't get finished and end up like In Country/Traction Wars/Festung Europa/Project Reality 2

that being said unlike those games they have showed gameplay and have an experienced team so I'm hopeful

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  On 4/18/2015 at 7:39 AM, slingmasta said:

Shit, you're right. Only console was capped to 32 players. Still, I don't think it's that bad of a thing to have a 40 player cap. Maybe I''m just being an apologetic dice fanboy, but I still think the game will work with as just 20v20. Sure, maps like Hoth might be a little barren, but at the same time 64 players on a map like Bespin platforms will just turn into a huge mess like Operation Metro in BF3.


It also looks like offline bots were just confirmed, so that's great. Definitely a good throwback to the first games.


Yeah I'm okay with 20 vs. 20 cap. If that's what the max of what they determined they can handle, I'd prefer them to get that right instead of having a poor experience with something bigger. I'm sure there will be a AI bots as well. What made the original Battlefront games interesting is that it had the big battle feel of Star Wars. 20 on 20 skirmishes really aren't the same thing. Maybe space battles can be a DLC.


Anyway its still really early, so I look forward to EA finding a way to screw it up sometime in the future.

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  On 4/13/2015 at 9:26 PM, PRC. said:

Be sure to stay under him and just keep whacking him with Ludwig's Holy Sword

Finally beat Ebriatas after like 10 tries. Wasted so much insight trying to do co-op. Got co-op going for once then I fucking died when I got her bar almost to zero. Ended up beating her by myself.

A Tonitrus +8 with the Bolt bloodgem has got to be my strongest weapon in the game.


Have the Tonitrus now at +8, not sure why anyone would use anything else. Its a lot more powerful than my Holy Blade at the same level and its one-handed and much faster. I would like to use other weapons, but really nothing else compares unless Im looking for something with more range.


On One Reborn now. Doesn't seem like a hard boss, but he keeps wrecking me by throwing corpses at me while I try to take care of the mages. Have lasted like 20 seconds so far.

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Killing Floor 2 out on early access today!! Anyone else purchased?


Played a couple of solo matches, game feels a lot easier than KF1. Fleshpounds go down (almost too) easily and I tanked the final boss as level 0 berserker no problemo. That being said, I only played on normal so I expect harder difficulties will still find a way to destroy me.

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