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Paracord fun today:

About 10ish feet with a monkey fist, doubled over and rubber banded. About 6 inches long, may back pocket carry if it's not too obnoxious. If not, I'll just chuck it in the door of my car.



Paracord "fob" - two sections, somewhere between 3 and 4 feet each, just barely bigger than a Fenix E01.


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  itschad said:
just copped a kor one

why not a delta?

I got my delta a few days before the New Years and its been great. I find the locking function of the cap pretty irritating, so I tend to just close and not lock it if I'm just sitting at my desk. Other than that, the changes they've made are big improvements over the previous design (my coworker has a kor one so I've gotten a good look at it).

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  phoenix said:
why not a delta?

I got my delta a few days before the New Years and its been great. I find the locking function of the cap pretty irritating, so I tend to just close and not lock it if I'm just sitting at my desk. Other than that, the changes they've made are big improvements over the previous design (my coworker has a kor one so I've gotten a good look at it).

Didn't Iron Man/Tony Stark use the Kor One? I think both designs are cool, but sometimes it's worth the bragging rights to say "I have Iron Man's water bottle."

I use a Sigg, I have the army one that came with the stainless steel cup around it but managed to loose that... :| I still like it because it's a thinner Sigg though.

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  phoenix said:
why not a delta?

I got my delta a few days before the New Years and its been great. I find the locking function of the cap pretty irritating, so I tend to just close and not lock it if I'm just sitting at my desk. Other than that, the changes they've made are big improvements over the previous design (my coworker has a kor one so I've gotten a good look at it).

was cheaper lol

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  f50fan said:
Spyderco Ambitious finally hit ebay.

Looks like collector numbered ones are going for around $40

and there's one non-collector with a buy it now of $33 shipped.

$33 is a very attractive price.

Yeah I saw those, shipping to Australia though is 14 dollars minimum, might wait to see if any stores here pick it up.

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Just got my crisis card! Thanks sonny!

Fucked around for 20 min making a sheath that could fit my coin pocket.

It's very easily reachable I'm pretty sure I could get it out very quickly with a little practice!

So fucking tacticool amirite?

Oh and of course my iPhone wants to correct tacticool with 'tactical'... Pfffff

Edit: keep us updated on that sebenza!

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  nicholas1987 said:
Didn't Iron Man/Tony Stark use the Kor One? I think both designs are cool, but sometimes it's worth the bragging rights to say "I have Iron Man's water bottle."

I use a Sigg, I have the army one that came with the stainless steel cup around it but managed to loose that... :| I still like it because it's a thinner Sigg though.

haha this is true. My co-worker and I have actually had this discussion, and my response is 'sure you've got iron man's water bottle. but I've got the bottle that iron man would be using if he lived in the future.'

My backup water bottle is an older Sigg. Decided I have enough pens, pads, and knives for now so I've been stepping up my edc food and drink game this year.


lunch box + titanium spork + drinking vessel erryday

Just need to find a decent replacement to my old coffee/ tea mug.

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  Harry Hood said:
thoughts/opinions/experiences regarding emerson's mini a100?


I love mine. I posted about it earlier in this thread, you can probably find it... I think i posted photos. Only possible complaint: it's a little thicker than necessary/is ideal. But I've still carried it every day since I got it.

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  f50fan said:
Why the second two items?

the baton becomes appreciated as a non-lethal implement when the tango is from an established tribe. spilling blood would only end with diyat and qisas.

as for the cold steel, it was on special.

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lookin for a small to mid sized rectangular canvas bag or case for a 1st aid kit for work. Something that can be portable but fit in a backpack, I've been lookin for the past few weeks. Seen some red cross ones that look decent except for they are bright red, lookin for more discrete black or brown or neutral shade colors. For the life of me i scoured many websites but havnt come up with a decent find.

Any EMT's, nurses, docs or anyone that has one let me know. Of if u come across one that'd be nice & appreciated, thanks.

something like this...


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  Tigerprawn said:
^REALLY cool. I tried my first paracord braiding yesterday. Made a cobra weave as a fob and thought I did an ok job. Turned out to be about 5 1/2-6 ft of rope.

Don't ask why I have two let alone one haha. Gonna carry the tiny one with me and the large one is there for oooos and ahhhhhs.


How strong are those??? I have always thought they were neat.

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I know plenty of sites for learning to tie knots, but does anyone have recommendations for where to just buy a really short knife lanyard/fob for a ladybug/dfly size knife? Most of the ones I've found have been like 6-7 inches and seem like they'd be way too long. If I can't find something I like I might just buy paracord...but lazy, etc...plus shipping charges only seem worth it if I buy a pretty sizable amount...hm

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