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New Sugarcanes @ Grandism


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really?... know when they put the new ones up on the website cause they said they will be releasd on the 24th and i didn't see any. thnx

--- Original message by Smackadog on Feb 25, 2006 01:59 PM

I think they sold out already. I was on the website yesterday and saw two different pairs of sugarcanes.
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Quote: Give History Preservation a buzz @ (856) 489-8103. Last time I spoke with them, they were getting ready to upload photos to their next offering of SCs.

Actually, I think he mentioned they carried the entire line of Canes...but you should confirm. Very friendly.

Wait, even all the japan ones like the Hawaiis? Because that'd be insane.

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Guest Berget__


Can anyone confirm if the: 'SUGAR CANE STANDARD DENIM SC41947N' jeans on Grandism are raw/dry denim? The description isn't too revealing. Hate to order them one size up and find they're too big...

--- Original message by punyfig on Feb 26, 2006 02:50 PM

They are raw. The N in SC41947N stands for Non-wash.

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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Can anyone confirm if the: 'SUGAR CANE STANDARD DENIM SC41947N' jeans on Grandism are raw/dry denim? The description isn't too revealing. Hate to order them one size up and find they're too big...

--- Original message by punyfig on Feb 26, 2006 02:50 PM

They are raw. The N in SC41947N stands for Non-wash.

--- Original message by Berget__ on Feb 26, 2006 03:07 PM

Thanks for the quick reply! icon_smile.gif
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