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Naked and Famous Tour


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got the jeans today! i'm going to be so sad when i have to send them away, they are seriously perfect. i actually went to meet nicelynice in person. very polite guy, despite how abruptly i had to leave to go dig more(sorry again! building a chicken run is serious bidness tho). i'll get some good pics up when i have access to a good camera again.

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They sell (sold?) them at dutil so there's gotta be a few pairs going around in Vancouver, I know at least one guy in town with them.

Chicken keeping is awesome, they just legalized it in Vancouver, not that I'll ever be able keep any since I'm probably gonna be renting for the rest of my life.

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We've got a green thumb for the green jeans!

I'm thinking about investing in the vancouver coop idea, save some money on eggs. You don't need a lot of space to raise a chicken

Yeah, we sold them for a while, I'm pretty sure we ran out of stock for them but we should be getting them back in. The green jeans are definitely something you gotta rock hard

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some quick ones before i go out to get piss drunk


the jeans fit PERFECTLY i have to buy a pair once these are on their way to ole, weird guy is the best fitting cut i've ever worn.


only pic of the denim i've taken, i'll take lots of really good pics once i have my camera again(these are on my gf's cam)

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  ole said:
too bad you're not in vancouver ednoob, we'd party for sure!

yeah my friends just moved there today, was seriously considering packing it in and moving there too, but not quite yet. although, we can probably arrange a hand delivery of the jeans, since i'm supposed to visit them around the time i would be mailing them out.

anyways, some pics of me in the jeans(but not really pics of the jeans)

drinking in the park


me jerking off my neck, complete with spit jizm


me and the big titty bioch(my lady)


heated slap fight


once i get my own camera i'll take some nice closeups of the jeans themselves, I SWEAR!

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  ole said:
yeah! fuck, where is everybody... downing a 60 in the park? thats rad!!!

well if we can do hand offs thats cool cause it eases off the shippin too

oh man that was one of three bottles that went down that day, not including the 40 of whiskey that we picked up on the way back to the house. and the cost for shipping would probably be nearly the same as busing to van, which is why i'm really considering it(plus get to visit all my friends in van, and meet you ole haha)

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  e0d9n0b5 said:
oh man that was one of three bottles that went down that day, not including the 40 of whiskey that we picked up on the way back to the house. and the cost for shipping would probably be nearly the same as busing to van, which is why i'm really considering it(plus get to visit all my friends in van, and meet you ole haha)

Shiiiiiiit, fucking blackout zone hey? Well I'm not next but I could take them next, I'm super anxious to get these things going.

Jeans are lookin great finally some business shots

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