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Levi's Premium 501


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There's usually a lot of talk about 501xx STF's and LVC's but does any know if the Premium 501 rigid cuffed jeans are any good? I only seem to hear about Skinners when refering to the Premium line and even that's pretty rare. I was just wondering what people thought since the 501's a selvedge jean and they seem to offer a raw version of it but are cheaper than LVC's.

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I have a pair of the cuffed premium selvages:

They looked great new, dry and clean. They even looked good after a few months of wear, before they were washed.

Then I washed them....and was very dissapointed in them. The overall color they took on was strange, very blue, almost too blue, not dark enough. They softened up a lot and still fit really nicely on the whole, but the color was suspect. Since then I haven't really worn them hardly at all. I'm thinking about washing them a few more times to see if they lighten up some more and take on a more faded, less bright color

On the whole: Don't pay retail ($138) for them, buy apc or acne. If you can find them cheap, then go for it, just don't ever wash them

Fuck....more shit to buy

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According to the website they're about $80. I still have to check the SF Union Square location to see if they still carry them in stock. Do you think $80 is worth it? Also how was shrinkage if any after the wash?

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I have a pair of the cuffed premium selvages:

They looked great new, dry and clean. They even looked good after a few months of wear, before they were washed.

Then I washed them....and was very dissapointed in them. The overall color they took on was strange, very blue, almost too blue, not dark enough. They softened up a lot and still fit really nicely on the whole, but the color was suspect. Since then I haven't really worn them hardly at all. I'm thinking about washing them a few more times to see if they lighten up some more and take on a more faded, less bright color

On the whole: Don't pay retail ($138) for them, buy apc or acne. If you can find them cheap, then go for it, just don't ever wash them

--- Original message by Bill on Feb 20, 2006 07:00 AM

I was kinda interested in those jeans too, but if the indigo fades that much in a first wash like regular STFs, I might just buy LVC repros.
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