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Help! Is this jacket too small?


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Lose some weight and it'll fit better.

--- Original message by Handlethevibe on Feb 18, 2006 10:33 AM

Alright bud, It's pretty rediculous that you're 15 years old trying to lose weight. There's no need to like a fucking Dior Homme model. They're butt ugly.

And now you're telling other people to lose weight? If I knew you personally I'd be worried you had some sort of eating disorder.

If I were this guy, I might go up a size...I wouldn't fucking bother with Jenny Craig.

Edited by WhoGotMeIntoThis on Feb 18, 2006 at 08:40 PM

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It kinda seems like the jacket is bulky on the top and then at the bottom its small, but then your jeans themselves kinda bulge out at the hips again. I think it kinda gives it a weird looking silhouette. Sizing up may help with that.

May just be me though.

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The jacket is the right size - bombers are supposed to hit at that length, and the shoulders fit dead on. The sleeve length is pretty perfect for you.

I'm getting a little frustrated. Could someone with some reall knowledge about clothing and fit start posting on threads like this?

And for someone who Dontcaretoomuchforcrap, it seems like you are full of it.

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I bought an A-2 jacket, I was wondering if you guys think that this is too small or not. I need your opinion, I think it s fine but everyone else thinks it s too small.




--- Original message by eldave04 on Feb 18, 2006 09:45 AM

Perfect fit at shoulders and arms and the lenght is exactly as it should be. Your friends probably wear oversized blousy dress shirts icon_smile_wink.gif

I'd still watch out for two things:

-Does it FEELS really tight somewhere (underarms, chest, neck)?. Tight is fine BTW, especially at first, but too tight and you won't wear it cause it's uncomfortable.

-The constructions seems to make the chest slightly puffy at half torso level, this seems normal for this kind of jacket but I'd just watch out and make sure my own bacon isn't making it look too puffy (I'm not saying you gotta loose weight or anything, just make sure the style fits your body type). BTW from what I'm seeing it seems totally fine and a great buy.

Baggy leather is a crime agains't humanity.

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It's ridiculous not "rediculous"

usually I wouldn't say anything but it seems like the word is in every one of your posts

--- Original message by colin on Feb 18, 2006 10:24 PM

niketalk ;)

--- Original message by lyingonyourdriveway on Feb 18, 2006 10:41 PM

Please, I haven't touched NikeTalk in ages. This is literally the only forum I find myself in daily.

And my bad for the mispelling, I'll try and remember not to spell anything incorrectly for your sake from here on out.

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whatever.. back to the point..

it looks about right really.. like peeps have said, bomber/cafe racer jackets are short, and should run just above/on your belt line..

however i find short jackets that are elasticated like that nothing but fuel for eating disorder.. they arent the most flattering cut of jackets to be honest..

but yours looks cool.. just do your dibs! looks cool to me..

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Something about eldave's picture that bugs me is that a tight leather jacket should be worn with pants high on the waist.

Feels more like a true WW2 outfit, but that's just my opinion. however it will create a sleeker slithoutte though.

edit: maybe it was his jacket that rode up.

Getsuga Tenshou

Edited by DJ_Flame on Feb 20, 2006 at 10:05 AM

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