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K-pop Appreciation

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lol the only perfume song i know of
again, old stuff

and really, you don't see any cpop or jpop artists learning and putting out songs in multiple languages. did kpop singers even do that before the korean wave?
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You're a bit misinformed imo, I was always under the impression Korea had a much larger influence on the music industry in Asia.

I may be wrong though.

of course Korea has a huge influence on Asia and not only in the music industry (dramas, movies, and obviously beyond that) and I don't have the information to say that Japan has a bigger influence or whatever (thats not what I've said in my earlier post)

but Japan, population wise, is nearly 3 time bigger than Korea. It's the biggest music market in the world after the United States.

Also, if you take SNSD as an example, they had very good result in other asian countries (they were number 1 in Thailand, good results in the Philipines, Taiwan, Singapour etc) without even promoting or debuting there. But they are fairly unknown in Japan because you need to adapt your music there. Just like in the United States where you have to speak english to make it big.

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GDAMN Yoona is bangin' and Yuri lookin good as usual with her luscious legs

YAY! new album to buy! SNSD<3

my taengoo and yuri!!!!! awwww... all others look great as well

there's about a 1% chance those aren't shopped

yes! sad to say, but in other words, 99% they are shopped! seen their live performance on tv and this is so unreal lol! they definitely don't have this kind of thigh-calf ratio, BUT still killer legzzzz ^^

oh ya, and happy birthday g-dragon(late)! one of my favourite male musician!

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damn 2 pages formed like crazy. newayz....i still dont see why they need to make songs in japanese. naturally it changes the way the song originally sounds and more times than not, in a bad way. and when i visited japan i heard and saw kpop being played on more than one occasion so it seems the japanese dont care they cant understand....i mean look at us, the people i know in this thread that i know of dont know korean.

anywayz i feel left out of the j-pop mv sharing

my current obsession. her legs and ass are nicer than ne of snsd.


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damn 2 pages formed like crazy. newayz....i still dont see why they need to make songs in japanese. naturally it changes the way the song originally sounds and more times than not, in a bad way. and when i visited japan i heard and saw kpop being played on more than one occasion so it seems the japanese dont care they cant understand....i mean look at us, the people i know in this thread that i know of dont know korean.

anywayz i feel left out of the j-pop mv sharing

my current obsession. her legs and ass are nicer than ne of snsd.


You don't see why because you don't want to hear an explanation. Every single kpop artists that have been sucessful in Japan had japanese lyrics (DBSK, Boa, Big Bang, etc.). Obviously some people are listening to their Korean songs, but by doing a full japanese promotion you want to get mainstream. I would like to have an example of a sucessful korean pop singer in Japan with korean songs.

Same thing with USA. Do you think the Wonder Girls could have been in the billboard top 100 with a korean song? Obviously no. But they would still have been able to do concerts in USA and draw a fair share of people singing in korean. But that's not your goal when you want to expend to a new market.

You don't care if you don't understand because you like Kpop. But that's not everyone. Your regular Japanese listen to Japanese music, that's it.

There is a difference between having some fans in a country, and being able to reach the top of the charts.

Japan is the hardest market to reach in Asia because they are self-sufficient.

Japan is the 2nd biggest market music in the world. South Korea isn't even in the top 20. (album sales and market value)

That's why South Korea groups when they get famous REALLY want to go to Japan. If they get big there, it's like 10 times the money. But if they want to reach a big part of the japanese market, they HAVE to speak Japanese (or English).

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anywayz i feel left out of the j-pop mv sharing

my current obsession. her legs and ass are nicer than ne of snsd.


saw her concert at anime expo

got autograph

did not stalk

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wall of text

alrite i understand what ur trying to say. i guess im just sad/disappointed/bitter. like u said, japan is self-sufficient when it comes to pop music. selfish thought but i feel like these korean groups are wasting their time. tho i will admit that almost all the songs that big bang did in japanese are quite good. k-groups need to be making good music in korean or else this thread will die!

saw her concert at anime expo

got autograph

did not stalk

lol i went to her concert too, i didnt know who the hell she was tho cuz i never watched macross....so i slept thru most of the concert.

HEY HEY HEY...Calm you the fuck down.
izzy, the queen of the kpop thread
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heres a nice BZ, tomtom:



Me: tumblr_l7j74m7d9h1qahidbo1_500.jpg

yoallanface: i am an idiot

yoallanface: or something

yoallanface: but who is 32

yoallanface: B )

Me: hyo

Me: f m l

yoallanface: OH FUUUU

yoallanface: L O L

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